378 research outputs found

    Ionic Liquids from (Meth) Acrylic Compounds

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    Position paper - progress towards standards in integrated (aerobic) MBR modelling

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    Membrane bioreactor (MBR) models are useful tools for both design and management. The system complexity is high due to the involved number of processes which can be clustered in biological and physical ones. Literature studies are present and need to be harmonized in order to gain insights from the different studies and allow system optimization by applying a control. This position paper aims at defining the current state of the art of the main integrated MBR models reported in the literature. On the basis of a modelling review, a standardized terminology is proposed to facilitate the further development and comparison of integrated membrane fouling models for aerobic MBRs

    Biological processes modelling for MBR systems: A review of the state-of-the-art focusing on SMP and EPS

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    A mathematical correlation between biomass kinetic and membrane fouling can improve the understanding and spread of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology, especially in solving the membrane fouling issues. On this behalf, this paper, produced by the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane modelling and control, reviews the current state-of-the-art regarding the modelling of kinetic processes of biomass, focusing on modelling production and utilization of soluble microbial products (SMP) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The key findings of this work show that the new conceptual approaches focus on the role of different bacterial groups in the formation and degradation of SMP/EPS. Even though several studies have been published regarding SMP modelling, there still needs to be more information due to the highly complicated SMP nature to facilitate the accurate modelling of membrane fouling. The EPS group has seldom been addressed in the literature, probably due to the knowledge deficiency concerning the triggers for production and degradation pathways in MBR systems, which require further efforts. Finally, the successful model applications showed that proper estimation of SMP and EPS by modelling approaches could optimise membrane fouling, which can influence the MBR energy consumption, operating costs, and greenhouse gas emissions

    Microbial food web dynamics in response to a Saharan dust event: results from a mesocosm study in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea

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    BiogeosciencesInternational audienceThe significant impact of dust deposition on het-erotrophic bacterial dynamics in the surface oligotrophic ocean has recently been evidenced. Considering the central role of bacteria in the microbial loop, it is likely that dust deposition also affects the structure and the functioning of the whole microbial food web. In the frame of the DUNE project, aiming to estimate the impact of dust deposition on the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea through mesocosm ex-periments, the main goal of the present paper was to as-sess how two successive dust deposition events affect the dynamics of the microbial food web. The first dust seeding delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms and re-sulted in a pronounced stimulation of bacterial respiration. It also induced pronounced, but transient, changes in the bac-terial community composition. No significant effects were observed on the abundances of viruses and heterotrophic nanoflagellates. The second dust seeding also delivered new P and N to the amended mesocosms, but the effect on the microbial food web was very different. Bacterial respira-tion remained constant and bacterial abundance decreased. Compositional changes following the second seeding were minor compared to the first one. The decrease in bacterial abundance coincided with an increase in virus abundance, resulting in higher virus : bacteria ratios throughout the sec-ond seeding period. Our study shows that dust deposition to the surface oligotrophic ocean may involve important mod-ifications of the trophic links among the components of the microbial food web with presumed consequences on C and nutrient cycling

    The nuclear receptor transcriptional coregulator RIP140

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    The nuclear receptor superfamily comprises ligand-regulated transcription factors that control various developmental and physiological pathways. These receptors share a common modular structure and regulate gene expression through the recruitment of a large set of coregulatory proteins. These transcription cofactors regulate, either positively or negatively, chromatin structure and transcription initiation. One of the first proteins to be identified as a hormone-recruited cofactor was RIP140. Despite its recruitment by agonist-liganded receptors, RIP140 exhibits a strong transcriptional repressive activity which involves several inhibitory domains and different effectors. Interestingly, the RIP140 gene, located on chromosome 21 in humans, is finely regulated at the transcriptional level by various nuclear receptors. In addition, the protein undergoes several post-translational modifications which control its repressive activity. Finally, experiments performed in mice devoid of the RIP140 gene indicate that this transcriptional cofactor is essential for female fertility and energy homeostasis. RIP140 therefore appears to be an important modulator of nuclear receptor activity which could play major roles in physiological processes and hormone-dependent diseases

    Lichenological exploration of Algeria: historical overview and annotated bibliography, 1799-2013

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    yesDespite more than two centuries of almost uninterrupted surveys and studies of Algerian lichenology, the history and lichen diversity of Algeria are still poorly understood. During the preparation of a forthcoming checklist of Algerian lichens it was considered necessary to provide the present historical overview of lichenological exploration of the country from 1799 to 2013, supported by a reasonably comprehensive annotated bibliography of 171 titles

    Growth of Inclined GaAs Nanowires by Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Theory and Experiment

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    The growth of inclined GaAs nanowires (NWs) during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on the rotating substrates is studied. The growth model provides explicitly the NW length as a function of radius, supersaturations, diffusion lengths and the tilt angle. Growth experiments are carried out on the GaAs(211)A and GaAs(111)B substrates. It is found that 20° inclined NWs are two times longer in average, which is explained by a larger impingement rate on their sidewalls. We find that the effective diffusion length at 550°C amounts to 12 nm for the surface adatoms and is more than 5,000 nm for the sidewall adatoms. Supersaturations of surface and sidewall adatoms are also estimated. The obtained results show the importance of sidewall adatoms in the MBE growth of NWs, neglected in a number of earlier studies

    Prediction-Based Control of Linear Systems by Compensating Input-Dependent Input Delay of Integral-Type

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    International audienceThis study addresses the problem of delay compensation via a predictor-based output feedback for a class of linear systems subject to input delay which itself depends on the input. The equation defining the delay is implicit and involves past values of the input through an integral relation, the kernel of which is a polynomial function of the input. This modeling represents systems where transport phenomena take place at the inlet of a system involving a nonlinearity, which frequently occurs in the processing industry. The conditions of asymptotic stabilization require the magnitude of the feedback gain to comply with the initial conditions. Arguments for the proof of this novel result include general Halanay inequalities for delay differential equations and take advantage of recent advances in backstepping techniques for uncertain or varying delay systems

    Evidence for surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the surrounding peripheral plateaux: Combining apatite fission-track results and geomorphic indicators in the Western Moroccan Meseta (coastal Variscan Paleozoic basement)

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    This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifra area give ages around 200 Ma with track length distributions which are compatible with the thermal models already established for the area. An inverse correlation between AFT ages and elevation is observed which is compatible with previous models indicating northward tilting of the whole Western Moroccan Meseta which is younger than 20–25 Ma. In order to test this possibility a detailed analysis of the topography at different scales in the Western Moroccan Meseta has been performed. Results indicate that two open folds with different amplitudes are recognized and that the one with wider wavelength could correspond to a lithospheric fold as previously stated by other authors on the basis of independent geological arguments. The northward tilting proposed based on the AFT data agrees with the results obtained in the analysis of the topography which reinforces the presence of a very open fold with a wavelength of 200–300 km in the north-western limb of the Western Moroccan Meseta