23 research outputs found

    Global Spatial Risk Assessment of Sharks Under the Footprint of Fisheries

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    Effective ocean management and conservation of highly migratory species depends on resolving overlap between animal movements and distributions and fishing effort. Yet, this information is lacking at a global scale. Here we show, using a big-data approach combining satellite-tracked movements of pelagic sharks and global fishing fleets, that 24% of the mean monthly space used by sharks falls under the footprint of pelagic longline fisheries. Space use hotspots of commercially valuable sharks and of internationally protected species had the highest overlap with longlines (up to 76% and 64%, respectively) and were also associated with significant increases in fishing effort. We conclude that pelagic sharks have limited spatial refuge from current levels of high-seas fishing effort. Results demonstrate an urgent need for conservation and management measures at high-seas shark hotspots and highlight the potential of simultaneous satellite surveillance of megafauna and fishers as a tool for near-real time, dynamic management

    HARMONI at ELT: project status and instrument overview

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    Zonificación de amanezas por remoción en masa, sector la Nohora-Montecarlo, recomendaciones al plan de ordenamiento territorial (POT)

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    Teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento urbano acelerado en los procesos de expansión territorial aumenta la ocupación de zonas de alto riesgo con mayor probabilidad a un deslizamiento como es el caso del sector de la Nohora Montecarlo, este trabajo de investigación configuro un modelo de amenaza por remoción en masa uqe delimito las zonas de mayor inestabilidad, haciendo las recomendaciones pertinentes al plan de ordenamiento territorial (POT) para evitar posibles catástrofes por corrimiento de masa, evitando desde una gestión de riesgo adecuada cualquier tipo de perdida social y económica ante este tipo de amaneza natural.Trabajo de Grado (Ingeniero Civil)Corporación Universitaria del Meta.Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura.Programa de Ingeniería Civil.2013PregradoIngeniero(a) Civi

    Zonificación de amenazas por remoción en masa, sector La Nohora - Montecarlo: recomendaciones al plan de ordenamiento territorial POT

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    The increase of urban growth and the occupation of areas that presents landslides how La Nohora - Montecarlo toward southwestern of Villavicencio city in Colombia, produces an unnecessary increase of economics and lives losses. This research show a landslide hazard model which limit areas where the slides are increase for this area. With this research we are proposes some recommendations to the Villavicencio´s Land Use Planning (POT) in this topic for reduces the economic and lives losses.Teniendo en cuenta que el crecimiento urbano acelerado en los procesos de expansión territorial aumenta la ocupación de zonas de alto riesgo con mayor probabilidad a un deslizamiento como es el caso del sector de La Nohora - Montecarlo al sur de la ciudad de Villavicencio, este trabajo de investigación configuro un modelo de amenaza por remoción en masa que delimitó las zonas de mayor inestabilidad para dicho sector, haciendo las recomendaciones pertinentes al Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) de la ciudad de Villavicencio con el fin de evitar pérdidas económicas y de vidas

    Debate on the state of the nation What is coming for Colombia in 2021?

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    Los colombianos hemos vivido en 2020 una de las experiencias más difíciles de nuestras vidas por cuenta de la pandemia del Covid19. Este año terminará con una contracción de la economía aproximada al 8%, más de 5 millones de empleos perdidos, la pobreza ampliando sus linderos en los hogares y una conflictividad social de alta tensión. Pero los colombianos queremos tener una mejor aproximación sobre lo que vendrá en 2021. Tenemos la esperanza de un 2021 con más oportunidades y corresponde al gobierno, a las autoridades, a los líderes, a los empresarios, generar confianza sobre lo que viene. Con este propósito la Universidad del Rosario, EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial y la Fundación Konrad Adenauer, realizaron e pasado jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020 una jornada de reflexión sobre el Estado de la Nación y lo que vendrá para los colombianos en 2021. A continuación, puede ver el evento completo, que se divide en: - Ponencia: Jóvenes y academia en 2021 (Minuto 0:27:40) / Cheyne-García, Alejandro (Rector de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: Una mirada de la sociedad (Minuto 0:45:55) / Tania Rosas (Emprendedora Social), Ana Karina García (Presidenta Fundación Juntos se Puede), Laura Serna (Estudiante Jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario); Calos Andrés Charry (Director de la Maestría en estudios sociales de la universidad del Rosario). - Entrevista: Gobierno (Minuto 1:31:40) / Ivan Duque Márquez (Presidente de la Republica de Colombia), Roberto Pombo (Director de la casa editorial el Tiempo) - Cifras Colombia 2020-2021 (Minuto 2:22:40) / Cesar caballero (gerente general de cifras y conceptos). - Conversatorio: La responsabilidad del sector privado (2:44:28) / Adriana Guillen (Presidenta ASOCAJAS), Nayib Neme (Presidente Grupo a), Mario Hernández (Empresario), Ignacio Gaitán (Presidente INNpulsa), Alejando Cheyne Garcia (rector de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: Desarrollo regional (Minuto 3:35:42) / Elsa Noguera (Gobernadora del Atlántico), Aníbal Gaviria (gobernador de Antioquia), Felipe Harman (Alcalde de Villavicencio), Jairo Yañez (Alcalde de Cucuta), Edulfo peña (Director del centro nacional de dialogo de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: El gobierno - Ministro (4:29:47): Alicia Arango Olmos (Ministra del interior), María Victoria Angulo (Ministra de educación); Angela María Orozco (Ministra de transporte); Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Ministro de Justicia); Saul Pineda (Viceministro de desarrollo empresarial); Andres Mompotes (Subdirector El Tiempo)Colombians have lived in 2020 one of the most difficult experiences of our lives due to the Covid19 pandemic. This year will end with a contraction of the economy of approximately 8%, more than 5 million jobs lost, poverty widening its boundaries in homes and a high tension social conflict. But Colombians want to have a better approximation of what will come in 2021. We hope for a 2021 with more opportunities and it is up to the government, the authorities, the leaders, the businessmen, to generate confidence about what is coming. For this purpose, the Universidad del Rosario, EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held on Thursday, December 3, 2020, a day of reflection on the State of the Nation and what will come for Colombians in 2021. Next, You can see the complete event, which is divided into: - Lecture: Youth and academy in 2021 (Minute 0:27:40) / Cheyne-García, Alejandro (Rector of the Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: A view of society (Minute 0:45:55) / Tania Rosas (Social Entrepreneur), Ana Karina García (President of the Together We Can Foundation), Laura Serna (Law Student of the Universidad del Rosario); Calos Andrés Charry (Director of the Master in Social Studies at the Universidad del Rosario). - Interview: Government (Minute 1:31:40) / Ivan Duque Márquez (President of the Republic of Colombia), Roberto Pombo (Director of the publishing house El Tiempo) - Figures Colombia 2020-2021 (Minute 2:22:40) / Cesar caballero (general manager of figures and concepts). - Discussion: The responsibility of the private sector (2:44:28) / Adriana Guillen (President ASOCAJAS), Nayib Neme (President Group a), Mario Hernández (Businessman), Ignacio Gaitán (President INNpulsa), Alejando Cheyne Garcia (rector of the University of Rosario). - Panel: Regional Development (Minute 3:35:42) / Elsa Noguera (Governor of the Atlantic), Aníbal Gaviria (Governor of Antioquia), Felipe Harman (Mayor of Villavicencio), Jairo Yañez (Mayor of Cucuta), Edulfo Peña (Director from the National Dialogue Center of the Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: The government - Minister (4:29:47): Alicia Arango Olmos (Minister of the Interior), María Victoria Angulo (Minister of Education); Angela María Orozco (Minister of Transport); Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Minister of Justice); Saul Pineda (Vice Minister of Business Development); Andres Mompotes (Deputy Director El Tiempo

    A novel sequencing-based vaginal health assay combining self-sampling, HPV detection and genotyping, STI detection, and vaginal microbiome analysis.

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    The composition of the vaginal microbiome, including both the presence of pathogens involved in sexually transmitted infections (STI) as well as commensal microbiota, has been shown to have important associations for a woman's reproductive and general health. Currently, healthcare providers cannot offer comprehensive vaginal microbiome screening, but are limited to the detection of individual pathogens, such as high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV), the predominant cause of cervical cancer. There is no single test on the market that combines HPV, STI, and microbiome screening. Here, we describe a novel inclusive vaginal health assay that combines self-sampling with sequencing-based HPV detection and genotyping, vaginal microbiome analysis, and STI-associated pathogen detection. The assay includes genotyping and detection of 14 hrHPV types, 5 low-risk HPV types (lrHPV), as well as the relative abundance of 31 bacterial taxa of clinical importance, including Lactobacillus, Sneathia, Gardnerella, and 3 pathogens involved in STI, with high sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility. For each of these taxa, reference ranges were determined in a group of 50 self-reported healthy women. The HPV sequencing portion of the test was evaluated against the digene High-Risk HPV HC2 DNA test. For hrHPV genotyping, agreement was 95.3% with a kappa of 0.804 (601 samples); after removal of samples in which the digene hrHPV probe showed cross-reactivity with lrHPV types, the sensitivity and specificity of the hrHPV genotyping assay were 94.5% and 96.6%, respectively, with a kappa of 0.841. For lrHPV genotyping, agreement was 93.9% with a kappa of 0.788 (148 samples), while sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 92.9%, respectively. This novel assay could be used to complement conventional cervical cancer screening, because its self-sampling format can expand access among women who would otherwise not participate, and because of its additional information about the composition of the vaginal microbiome and the presence of pathogens