132 research outputs found

    Geometry of the Butterknowle Fault at Bishop Auckland (County Durham, UK), from gravity survey and structural inversion

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    The Butterknowle Fault is a major normal fault of Dinantian age in northern England, bounding the Stainmore Basin and the Alston Block. This fault zone has been proposed as a source of deep geothermal energy; to facilitate the design of a geothermal project in the town of Bishop Auckland further investigation of its geometry was necessary and led to the present study. We show using three-dimensional modelling of a dense local gravity survey, combined with structural inversion, that this fault has a ramp-flat-ramp geometry, ~250 m of latest Carboniferous / Early Permian downthrow having occurred on a fault surface that is not a planar updip continuation of that which had accommodated the many kilometres of Dinantian extension. The gravity survey also reveals relatively low-density sediments in the hanging-wall of the Dinantian fault, interpreted as porous alluvial fan deposits, indicating that a favourable geothermal target indeed exists in the area. This study demonstrates the value of gravity data for elucidating geological structure, even in a well-studied region such as Britain, and highlights the need to verify published structural interpretations as future deep geothermal projects are designed. Future work of this type might be undertaken more expeditiously using microelectromechanical gravimeters

    NASA Capability Roadmaps Executive Summary

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    This document is the result of eight months of hard work and dedication from NASA, industry, other government agencies, and academic experts from across the nation. It provides a summary of the capabilities necessary to execute the Vision for Space Exploration and the key architecture decisions that drive the direction for those capabilities. This report is being provided to the Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS) team for consideration in development of an architecture approach and investment strategy to support NASA future mission, programs and budget requests. In addition, it will be an excellent reference for NASA's strategic planning. A more detailed set of roadmaps at the technology and sub-capability levels are available on CD. These detailed products include key driving assumptions, capability maturation assessments, and technology and capability development roadmaps

    The Grizzly, February 23, 1993

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    Helen Thomas, White House Correspondent Speaks • Pledging: Girls\u27 Results From Fall 1992 Versus Outward Bound, 1993 • Clinton\u27s Plans for Peace • Airband, MTV Here • Evaluating the Curriculum of Ursinus • Ursinus Welcomes Ishmael Reed • Movie Review: Sommersby • South Street: An Informative Perspective • Senior Profile: Casey Price • Who\u27s in Charge at 1600? • Letter to the Editor • Gymnasts Achieve Season-High • Two Ursinus Legends Step Down • Thomas adds Sports Manager Duties • Swimmers Done • Bears Finish 7-17; Look to Bright Futurehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1310/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, April 20, 1993

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    Two Officers Guilty in King Trial • U.C. Tutoring Program Benefits Local Students • Open Your Minds Ursinus: Give Art a Chance • Men\u27s Tennis Ups Record to 5-3 • Better Days on the Diamond • Men\u27s LaX Facing Tough Competitionhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1315/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, March 23, 1993

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    Ursinus Mourns The Loss of One of Our Own • Worst Storm of the Century • Danceteller Performs at Ursinus • Ursinus\u27s Own Ticketron • Consider Women\u27s Studies • Wismer Rolls Out the Red Carpet • College Needs Policy on Closing • No Class • The Right to Life • U.C. Baseball Heading in Right Direction • Softball Breaks Even in the Carolinas • Three Outstanding Jens • Gymnasts at Nationalshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1312/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, September 28, 1993

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    The Quilt\u27s Arrival: To Remember • Dawleys Appointed Biology Co-Chairs • Russian President Yeltsin Dissolves Parliament • Model UN Seeks New Delegation • Billy Joel Rocks Philly • Javapalooza • Big Al Day Exposed • Fitness Forum • Freshman Primer • Letter: Faculty Members Point Out Error • Tutorial Program Strengthens Ursinus • Ursinus Perceived as Anti-Gay • UC Training Staff Saves the Day • Bear Pack Way Ahead Again • Football Holds Off Western Maryland • Scooter\u27s Dayhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1319/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, March 2, 1993

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    Airband Raises Over $1300 for Charity • The United States of Europe with Modern Languages • Explosion at World Trade Center • Meistersingers to Tour New England • Flowers of Hope • Senior Profile: Maria Rojas • The Problem With Centrists • Men\u27s Track and Field at MACs • Gymnasts Finish With High Scorehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1311/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, February 9, 1993

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    Novelist Reed to Satire P.C. • New Twists on Pledging • Quilt Weaves Its Way to Ursinus • Doctor Fletcher, UC Professor Emeritus, Hospitalized • Airband is Coming • Coffee House Counts on a Big Semester • Senior Profile: Lynn Cunnane • Fox\u27s Latest Teensomething • A Degree is not Enough Today • The Absurdity of the Circular Argument • U.C. Gets Bad P.R.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1309/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, October 5, 1993

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    Girls\u27 Pledging Returns Full-Force! • India Shattered by Earthquakes • Acting PA Governor Will Hold TV Town Meeting at Ursinus • Freshman to Compete in Karate\u27s World Cup • Henry Moore Exhibit Opens Today • Charles Fambrough Quintet to Play Ursinus • Editorial: Pledging; Wellness Center • Intramurals Begin: Sign Up! • Bears Crush Garnet Into Pebbleshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1320/thumbnail.jp