565 research outputs found

    N,N'-(p-Phenylene)dibenzamide (PPDB)

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    C20N202H16, monoclinic, P2~/c, a = 18.065(1), b = 5.247(1), c = 8.027(1) A, fl = 93.99 (1) °, Z = 2. The crystal structure has been refined by least-squares techniques. R w = 7.3%. The structure contains planar phenyl rings which are\ud rotated with respect to the plane of the amide group owing to steric hindrance. The molecules are connected in one dimension by means of hydrogen bonds

    The crystal structure of urea nitrate

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    The structure of urea nitrate has been solved, by the use of three-dimensional X-ray data. Data were collected using Cu Ke and Mo K0~ radiations. The structure consists of layers with urea and nitrate groups held together by hydrogen bonds. The positions of all hydrogen atoms were found. The final R values for Cu and Mo measurements are 4.8% and 6.2% respectively. The agreement between the two sets of data is good

    Crystal structure and charge distribution of pyrazine: effects of extinction, thermal diffuse scattering and series termination

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    The crystal structure and electronic charge distribution of pyrazine (1,4-diazabenzene) has been determined at 184 K by X-ray methods. The structural results of Wheatley [Acta Cryst. (1957), 10, 182-187] have been confirmed. A clear indication of bonding effects is obtained. Neither positional and thermal parameters nor difference-Fourier maps are affected by extinction. The effect of thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) on positional parameters is also negligible. However, after correction for TDS, thermal parameters increase significantly. The difference-Fourier map is influenced by TDS as well as the inclusion of high-order Fourier terms

    Project on comparison of structural parameters and electron density maps of oxalic acid dihydrate

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    Results obtained from four X-ray and five neutron data sets collected under a project sponsored by the Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities are analyzed by comparison of thermal parameters, positional parameters and X - N electron density maps. Three sets of theoretical calculations are also included in the comparison. Though several chemically significant features are reproduced in all the experimental density maps, differences in detail occur which caution against overinterpretation of the maps. Large differences between vibrational tensor elements Uij are observed which can often not be corrected by the scaling of all temperature parameters in a set. Positional parameters are reproducible to precisions of 0.001 Ã… or better. The biggest discrepancies between theoretical and experimental deformation density maps occurs in the lone-pair regions where peaks are higher in the theoretical maps. However, this comparison may be affected by inadequacies in the thermal-motion formalism which must be invoked before experimental and theoretical maps can be compared in a quantitative way

    The crystal structure of urea oxalic acid (2:1)

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    The crystal structure of urea oxalic acid, 2[CO(NH2)2].(COOH)2 has been determined using three-dimensional X-ray data, collected on an automatic diffractometer. The space group is P21/c. The lattice constants are: a = 5.058 (3), b = 12.400 (3), c = 6.964 (2) A, fl= 98"13 (7) °. The number of molecules in the unit cell is two. The structure consists of layers of urea and oxalic acid molecules held together by hydrogen bonds. The positions of all hydrogen atoms have been found. The compound is not a uronium salt

    The crystal and molecular structure of ammonium titanyl oxalate

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    Ammonium titanyl oxalate monohydrate, (NH4)2 TiO(C2O4)2·H2O, is monoclinic with cell parameters A = 13.473(2), B = 11.329(1), C = 17.646(2) Å, β = 126.66(1)°. The space group is P21/c with Z = 8, dc = 1.808 g cm−3 and dm = 1.80 g cm−3. The crystal structure was determined from single-crystal diffractometer data and refined by least-squares methods using isotropic thermal parameters. The conventional R factor was 7.0% for 2466 used reflections.\ud The anions consist of cyclic tetranuclear complexes [TiO O (C2O4)2]48− with symmetry. The titanium atoms are six-coordinated with two bridging oxygen atoms cis to one another and four oxygen atoms of bidentate oxalate groups, together forming a distorted octahedron. The titanium atoms of the tetramer are linked through oxygen atoms at two neighbouring apices of each octahedron. The actual name of the compound should therefore be: ammonium cyclotetra-di-μ-oxo-cis-dioxalatotitanate(IV)tetrahydrate.\ud The di-μ-oxo-tetratitanium unit is an eight-membered ---O---Ti---O--- ring with Ti-O distances of successively 1.840(7), 1.785(7) and 1.855(6), 1.788(8) Å, repeated by the centre of symmetry, and the orientation of the atoms suggests the presence of dπ---pπ 3-center 2-electron bonds in each Ti---O---Ti set.\ud The Ti---O distances trans to the bridging oxygen atoms are much longer: 2.060(7), 2.101(7), 2.081(7) and 2.116(7) Å respectively, as is to be expected from the charge displacement due to the dπ---pπ bonding. Most O---Ti---O angles in the distorted octahedra differ considerably from 90°.\ud As was found by difference Fourier synthesis and thermal analysis, half of the crystal water is held very loosely compared to the other half

    Elastic modulus in the crystalline region of poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide)

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    Fibres from aromatic polyamides have a much higher Young's modulus than fibres from aliphatic polyamides. In order to contribute to the explanation of this observed difference we looked at one of the ultimate properties, the elastic modulus in the crystalline region in the chain direction (Ecr). We carried out measurements on a bundle of filaments of PRD 49 fibre, which we identified by i.r. and X-ray analyses as poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide). With the X-ray technique we determined the lattice extensions under loading and from these data the Ecr was calculated. The Ecr was found to be 20 × 1011 dyne/cm2 which is in good agreement with the calculated Ecr, but not very different from that of nylon-6,6. The Young's modulus was found to be 11 × 1011 dyne/cm2

    Molecular dynamics of 18-crown-6 complexes with alkali-metal cations and urea: Prediction of their conformations and comparison with data from the cambridge structural database

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    Complexes of 18-crown-6 with alkali-metal cations (Na+, K+, and Rb+), urea, and the uncomplexed crown ether were studied in vacuo with the molecular dynamics method. Conformational data from these calculations (simulation times in the range from 6-15 ns) was compared with information from the Cambridge Structural Database. Despite the differences in condition between the simulations and the solid state, a number of interesting similarities are observed
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