11 research outputs found

    Submission System Designing Financing / Credit in Al-jibaal Bmt

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    Use of computer equipment in the field of administration in finance / credit helpssmooth running of the system that existed at the AL-JIBAAL BMT and can supportefficiency and productivity. In the old system in data processing still using manualsystems, which can lead to much accumulation of documents and files can be a timeof data loss or destruction of data. Circumstances of such data will impede thepresentation of data and require a long time in search of information.Use of Microsoft Access applications for finance administration / credit is helping toovercome the obstacles that occur in the preparation of reports, expedite informationfor AL-JIBAAL BMT or the parties who need and can avoid kerangkapan data

    Rental Program Application Screen Motor Ship in PT. Citra Putra Mandiri Jaya Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    The use of computers in our lives have been popular in the community, not onlylimited in scope, but also in everyday life. In corporate environments, computers aretools that are absolutely necessary to achieve better results. At the company\u27s motorsailing boat rental services required in the form of computer applications programsthat can assist in storage and transactions. All programs using Visual Basic 6.0programming language such as customer input program, edit programs customers, theprogram deletes pelangganm transaction program, the program reports, and programreceipt. By using a computer application program, the company will gain the ease infiling, preparing reports, making the supporting documents and other facilities toconduct their operations

    Bus Tickets Booking Visualization With Visual Basic 5.0

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    Scientific writing is contained on the application used for booking bus tickets atDeddy JAYA, was used to facilitate the conduct of activities that can raise ticketreservation customer service quality, because it had been computerized, so moreeffectively and efficiently.This application is the visualization of a bus ticket reservation for which the programdesign using the controls on Visual Basic and other facilities to supportmanufacturing applications

    Find Prices and Minimum Distance in Nearest Delivery of Goods by Using Dynamic Programming

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    Writing consists of four chapters, where the first chapter explains the problem insending the goods back with the nearest distance routes and costs little.In the second chapter, the authors make the basic theories used to solve the problemsin the first chapter. In addition there are also explanations regarding the type ofprogram used by writers to assist in solving these problems with computer.Analysis of problems and their solutions are explained in the third chapter, where anexplanation of the method and manner completion problems with calculationsperformed using the method described in previous chapters.Here were also administered the program flow and design inputs and outputs aregiven an overview of program structure and the results ouputnya.The conclusion of this chapter is contained in chapter four is that saving time and costare important, even more so in the case of delivery of goods, so people always wantmore speed and efficiency. But for that should need to be taken into account also thevariables involved that can affect the desired final solution

    Pascal On Applications Using Fixed Assets Depreciation Total Number Of Year

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    The business world today has undergone changes that have resulted in an achieved profits or losses suffered by the company, here the required financial management decisions for the progress of the company in the future. Companies which have assets or property in this case is called fixed assets is essential to undergo the business. From the author\u27s desire to give information in accounting related to the values of depreciation per year. Due to the assets, that will definitely be experiencing depreciation in value will gradually decrease regularly. From here the residual value depreciation value of existing enterprise should perform the next steps for the progress of the company in the future

    Make a Blocktris Game Using Turbo Pascal

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    In making this BlockTris, the author tries to explain how made it to explain in outlineonly. And the procedures set forth only the procedures are called directly from themain program. Because the procedures are the most important parts of this BlockTrisGame.BlockTris game is made by using the Turbo Pascal programming language BorlandInc output


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    The use of computers in our lives have been popular in the community, not onlylimited in scope, but also in everyday life. In corporate environments, computers aretools that are absolutely necessary to achieve better results. At the company's motorsailing boat rental services required in the form of computer applications programsthat can assist in storage and transactions. All programs using Visual Basic 6.0programming language such as customer input program, edit programs customers, theprogram deletes pelangganm transaction program, the program reports, and programreceipt. By using a computer application program, the company will gain the ease infiling, preparing reports, making the supporting documents and other facilities toconduct their operations


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    Use of computer equipment in the field of administration in finance / credit helpssmooth running of the system that existed at the AL-JIBAAL BMT and can supportefficiency and productivity. In the old system in data processing still using manualsystems, which can lead to much accumulation of documents and files can be a timeof data loss or destruction of data. Circumstances of such data will impede thepresentation of data and require a long time in search of information.Use of Microsoft Access applications for finance administration / credit is helping toovercome the obstacles that occur in the preparation of reports, expedite informationfor AL-JIBAAL BMT or the parties who need and can avoid kerangkapan data


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    The business world today has undergone changes that have resulted in an achieved profits or losses suffered by the company, here the required financial management decisions for the progress of the company in the future. Companies which have assets or property in this case is called fixed assets is essential to undergo the business. From the author's desire to give information in accounting related to the values of depreciation per year. Due to the assets, that will definitely be experiencing depreciation in value will gradually decrease regularly. From here the residual value depreciation value of existing enterprise should perform the next steps for the progress of the company in the future