14 research outputs found

    Interdependence of SAARC-7 countries: an empirical study of business cycles

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    This research intends to study on the interdependence of South Asia Association of Regional Co-operation (SAARC-7) relationship. It consists of seven countries which include Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. This study utilizes yearly real GDP data that spans from 1970 to 2007 from the SAARC-7 countries. Three methods are used to determine the interdependence of SAARC-7 countries namely the correlation coefficient estimation method, the standard Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the Granger non-causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). Empirical results show that there are mutual relationship and correlation among the real GDP growth between SAARC-7 countries in the long run. Results obtained from the Toda and Yamamoto Granger non-causality test indicate that there is a sturdy interdependence among the economies of SAARC-7 countries.Economy Integration, Business Cycles, SAARC-7

    A comparative study of construction waste generation rate based on different construction methods used in construction projects in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, the huge generation of construction waste (CW) has led to negative impact on the environment. Limited data is available on quantification methods of CW in the country. The lack of quantification methods has resulted to the improper management of CW. The consequence of the improper CW management has shortened the lifespan of landfills. The aim of this study is to compare the construction waste generation rate between different construction methods. In order to obtain CW data in terms of volume and weight, the site visit (SV) method was carried out for a 3-month period. There are two types of SV methods applied in this study, namely direct measurement and indirect measurement. The data were collected from 12 social amenities projects at the construction stage which can be divided into the Conventional Construction Method (CCM), the Mixed Construction Method (MCM) and the Industrialised Building System (IBS). The waste (tonnes) obtained from each construction method is divided by gross floor area (m2) to attain the Waste Generation Rate (WGR). Finally, the result of the study revealed that the WGRs for IBS, MCM and CCM are 0.018 tonne/m2, 0.030 tonne/m2 and 0.046 tonne/m2 respectively. It can be concluded that the IBS method is the most effective method to reduce CW generation on site. This finding will be a contribution for construction players, policy makers and authorities in the country to promote IBS methods more rigorously

    Interdependence of SAARC-7 countries: an empirical study of business cycles

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    This research intends to study on the interdependence of South Asia Association of Regional Co-operation (SAARC-7) relationship. It consists of seven countries which include Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. This study utilizes yearly real GDP data that spans from 1970 to 2007 from the SAARC-7 countries. Three methods are used to determine the interdependence of SAARC-7 countries namely the correlation coefficient estimation method, the standard Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the Granger non-causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). Empirical results show that there are mutual relationship and correlation among the real GDP growth between SAARC-7 countries in the long run. Results obtained from the Toda and Yamamoto Granger non-causality test indicate that there is a sturdy interdependence among the economies of SAARC-7 countries

    Investigate how construction waste generation rate is, different for every types of project in peninsular Malaysia, using site visit method

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    Malaysia is a rapid development of its urban centre, and where construction and demolition (C&D) waste generation is increasing proportionally with the new construction industry development. In Malaysia, the most crucial issue highlighted by local researchers is excessive of C&D waste generation. The transfer of construction and demolition waste at landfills has brought about major ecological concerns and government sources demonstrate that there is an intense lack of landfill space in Malaysia. The aim of this study is to investigate the construction waste generation rate in Malaysia due to different project types. To obtain the waste generation rate, construction sites visit is required. In construction site, direct and indirect approaches were utilized to collect C&D waste generation data based on data available. For the construction waste generation rate, nonresidential projects obtained smallest value such as 0.008 t/m2 while residential projects obtained highest value such as 0.016 t/m2. Social amenities obtained 0.010 t/m2 of waste generation rate. Waste generation rate is different compare to waste generation due to projects sizes. Waste generation rate shows the actual waste generation for every projects type based on gross floor area. The gross floor area is important parts need to be considered during waste generation which provide actual waste generation data. Waste generation rate plays an important role to measure waste generation for every type of projects. This study, will be very much beneficial for contractors and clients to control the construction waste in construction site and to identify efficiencies of projects using waste generation rate. Besides that, provide a generation rate on construction waste to the Government for control the waste and reduce illegal dumping in future

    Studies of the wall jet cell as a detector for high pressure liquid chromatography

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    Imperial Users onl

    Capture of colorectal circulating tumour cells for mutational analysis.

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    Colorectal cancer accounts for 13% of all cancers in the UK. Surgical resection offers the best prospects of a cure but 45% of these patients will still develop metastases with haematogenous spread suspected to be the main method of dissemination to distant sites. Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are intermediaries in this process and whilst their exact role remains unclear, their presence has proven to be an independent prognostic factor in breast, prostate and colorectal cancer. The capture and isolation of intact CTCs for mutational analysis could not only shed light on the process of metastases but could guide therapy. However, CTCs are extremely rare events in the blood stream and their detection and capture have been elusive, particularly the capture of sufficient numbers to allow mutational analysis. Capture of CTCs based on their larger size in comparison to most other cells in the blood, combined with immunohistochemical characterization to identify them as tumour cells has shown promise in the past. This method of capture also causes minimal disruption to the cell structure and therefore enables accurate mutational analysis. In this study a novel filtration based technology was used to capture and isolate CTCs from the peripheral blood of colorectal patients to allow assessment of their KRAS mutational status. An immunohistochemical staining protocol to identify colorectal CTCs captured from whole blood was developed and incorporated into the functioning of the filtration device. Two patient populations were examined to identify and enumerate colorectal CTCs: those undergoing liver surgery for colorectal liver metastases and those undergoing palliative therapy for inoperable disease. Significant numbers of CTCs were only identified in those with inoperable disease. Mutational analysis was performed using a commercially available cast-PCR kit designed to detect KRAS mutations. Preliminary experiments found that DNA extracted directly from captured CTCs was insufficient in quantity and quality for successful analysis. Whole genome amplification of DNA from intact cells was therefore performed prior to mutational analysis. A multi-step protocol of cell capture, whole genome amplification and cast PCR was developed and tested on patient samples to show that KRAS mutational analysis could be performed on CTCs using this filtration based technology. In conclusion, the study shows that capture and isolation of intact CTCs is possible using filtration based technology. However, even in patients with relatively high numbers of CTCs, whole genome amplification needs to be performed prior to performing mutational analysis

    Economic integration between Asean-5 and India

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    The mortgage crisis occurred a year ago, however, the current economies now face new wave of crisis. The present situation of the world economy faces huge debt imbalances might lead to a hard boom for countries that appear to be in debt. The purpose of this study is to examine the interdependent relationship between the economic growth of the ASEAN-5 and India. The annual data from the year 1970 to 2008 on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of ASEAN-5 and India are employed in this study. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test results showed that GDP of ASEAN-5 and India were stationary at their first differences form and significant at least 5% level. Besides that, the empirical findings from Toda and Yamamoto (1995) Granger non-causality tests further revealed that there is a bi-directional causality relationship between GDP of India and GDP of, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. While, there is an indirect bi-directional causal relationship from GDP of Malaysia to the India. Finally, it is important for policy makers to take into account the developments of each country as the policies enforced may have effect on the countries involved in the integration in order to counter new wave of economy crisis.Economic Integration; Business Cycles; ASEAN-5

    Maraviroc (état des lieux de la prescription en France en 2011 et prospectives)

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    Depuis la mise sur le marché du maraviroc en France en 2008 sous le nom de celsentri®, ce dernier peine à convaincre les prescripteurs et par conséquent sa performance sur le marché est nettement inférieure aux autres spécialités. Ce travail a pour objectif de présenter et comprendre la situation actuelle concernant la prescription de ce produit à travers une analyse de la prescription du maraviroc sur l'année 2011 et proposer quelques recommandations stratégiques et opérationnelles en vue d'augmenter la prescription du produit.CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Solitary vascular malformation of the clitoris

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    Isolated involvement of the clitoris by vascular malformation (VM) is very rare. Clinically, the lesion simulates female pseudohermaphroditism. A five-year old girl presented with clitoromegaly and a clinical diagnosis of solitary VM of the clitoris was made. Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed characteristic features and confirmed the diagnosis and the extent of the VM. This is the first reported case of isolated involvement of the clitoris by VM to be diagnosed preoperatively

    Construction waste estimation analysis in residential projects of Malaysia

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    Construction and demolition (C&D) waste account for an oversized share of all solid waste generated worldwide. Statistical data confirm that, globally, 10-30% of waste originates from construction and demolition works. The types of waste from construction activities are wood, metals, concrete waste and mixed wastes. Waste generation continues to increase with the economy and population growth. A great challenge is providing more waste disposal facilities such as landfills to treat the waste. Rapid urbanization and insufficient attention to C&D waste generation, particularly in developing countries like Malaysia, have contributed to an urgent need for additional research on waste generation as there is a lack of information. The aim of this study is to predict the construction waste generation for the peninsular of Malaysia by quantifying construction waste generation data for Kuala Lumpur and to estimate the construction waste generation in 2016 for the peninsular of Malaysia. The estimation approach used was the proportion method with 20% of total sites in each state. Indirect waste measurement method was used to estimate waste generation. Total waste generation for Kuala Lumpur was around 6,101.46 metric tons. The predicted total amount of C&D waste generated for residential projects throughout Malaysia Peninsular is 63,101.93 metric tons. The initial prediction of construction waste generation for Malaysia Peninsular can be used as a baseline for future study