94 research outputs found

    Konsep Model SIKESMAS (Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Masyarat)

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    Sistem Informasi Kesehatan atau SIKESMAS merupakan aplikasi yang menggabungkan atau integrasi dari pencatatan dan pelaporan berbasis masyarakat tentang data status kesehatan individu sejak lahir hingga meninggal. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data terkait kesehatan yang dapat dipantau dan dikumpulkan oleh masyarakat. Data yang dikumpulkan tersebut merupakan data kesehatan individu sejak lahir hingga meninggal. Sistem ini meliputi tahapan manajemen data kesehatan yang meliputi pencatatan untuk pengumpulan data, analisis data serta pelaporan untuk diseminasi informasi

    The Establishment of Child Health Cadre as Prevention for Foodborne Disease at Primary Schools

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    Personal health, including health on school-age children comes from food intake. But often, these foods can cause health problems, such as foodborne diseases. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to monitor the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (CHL) of children at school through the establishment and evaluation of child health cadres. Phases of activities are the selection of child health cadres (10 children), training and determination of the child that will be monitored (40 children), preliminary assessment on the monitored CHL, two-month monitoring and final assessment. Monitored CHL are the CHL associated with foodborne diseases such as clean nails, snacks habit, habit of bringing lunch, and hand-washing habit in schools. Descriptive analysis showed that there were differences between the CHL school children before and after the monitoring conducted by child health cadres, however the results of the Chi-Square Test indicated that only the habit of bringing lunch that yield a significant change (p=0.01). Evaluation of the routine activity showed that the average cadre activity on monitoring is 75.7% and the average of completeness monitoring books is 91.9%. The activities of child health cadres can be applied on an ongoing basis with the school health program activities that have been established in schools

    The Difference Practice of Condom Usage to Direct and Indirect Woman Sex Worker in Preventing HIV at Sidoarjo

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    Direct Woman Sex Worker (Direct-WSW) is a woman who openly offers sex at street legal or illegal prostitution complex or ex legal or illegal prostitution complex, while Indirect Woman Sex Worker (Indirect-WSW) is a woman who operate in concealed as prostitute who works at certain job or has other main job and indirrectly offers sex at places of entertainment as massager or public relation in bar or karaoke. The objective of this study is to know the difference practice using condom to direct-WSW and indirect-WSW in prevention against HIV in Sidoarjo. This study is an analytic observational study using survey method and case control approach. The population such as ndirect-WSW population is 20 people and direct-WSW population is 233 people. Determining the size for sample in hypothesis test using Lameshow formula by ratio 1:2 is gotten indirect-WSW sample for 20 people by total sampling technique and direct-WSW sample for 42 people by simple random sampling technique. The variables are characteristic and practice of both sample group. The result of the study shows that both respondent group are having high the practice of condom USAge in preventing HIV in direct-WSW 73% and indirect-WSW 30%. The conclusion from this study is there is different practice in condom USAge to direct-WSW and indirect-WSW in preventing HIV in Sidoarjo. The suggestion for further researchers to be able to expand the research sample, add other variable, and expand different research methodology like quantitative and experiment


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    Angka penemuan kasus Tuberkulosis baru di Kabupaten Tulungagung selama tiga tahun terakhir belum memenuhi target yang telah ditetapkan dan cenderung menurun, hal ini didukung dengan rendahnya cakupan kegiatan Investigasi kontak kasus Tuberkulosis yang merupakan salah satu cara penemuan kasus Tuberkulosis secara aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan investigasi kontak kasus tuberkulosis yang diimplementasikan di Kabupaten Tulungagung pada tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan evaluasi yang dilakukan pada Bulan Juli Tahun 2022. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari laporan SITB. Evaluasi dilakukan pada capaian indikator utama, proses dan output dalam implementasi pelaksanaan investigasi kontak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada indikator utama, capaian kasus indeks yang diinvestigasi kontak, temuan kasus TB baru dari hasil investigasi kontak, dan pemberian pengobatan pencegahan TB bagi kontak anak <5 masih belum maksimal. Pada indikator proses, kontak yang diskrining TBC dan terduga TBC yang dirujuk dan dilakukan pemeriksaan sudah baik. Pada indikator output, kasus TBC yang terkonfirmasi dan memulai pengobatan sudah memenuhi target sedangkan kasus TBC yang menyelesaikan pengobatan belum memenuhi target program. Pelaksanaan investigasi kontak kasus tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Tulungagung belum maksimal, perlu adanya monitoring dan evaluasi yang rutin secara berjenjang

    The Establishment of Child Health Cadre as Prevention for Foodborne Disease at Primary Schools

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    Personal health, including health on school-age children comes from food intake. But often, these foods can cause health problems, such as foodborne diseases. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to monitor the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (CHL) of children at school through the establishment and evaluation of child health cadres. Phases of activities are the selection of child health cadres (10 children), training and determination of the child that will be monitored (40 children), preliminary assessment on the monitored CHL, two-month monitoring and final assessment. Monitored CHL are the CHL associated with foodborne diseases such as clean nails, snacks habit, habit of bringing lunch, and hand-washing habit in schools. Descriptive analysis showed that there were differences between the CHL school children before and after the monitoring conducted by child health cadres, however the results of the Chi-Square Test indicated that only the habit of bringing lunch that yield a significant change  (p=0.01). Evaluation of the routine activity showed that the average cadre activity on monitoring is 75.7% and the average of completeness monitoring books is 91.9%. The activities of child health cadres can be applied on an ongoing basis with the school health program activities that have been established in schools

    Description the Activities of Recording and Reporting Maternal Health Monitoring in PWS-KIA Based on Surveillance Attributes

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in East Java Province tends to increase every year. In fact, Jember has the highest number of maternal deaths during the period 2009-2011, and placed in 2nd position during 2012. Puskesmas Kaliwates for 3 consecutive years has the highest number of maternal deaths in the Jember. This research aimed to to describe the activities of recording and reporting the maternal health monitoring in PWS KIA system at Puskesmas Kaliwates, Jember regency, in 2012 by using attributes surveillance.The Research design is descriptive. Assessment in attributes of maternal health monitoring on PWS KIA system at Puskesmas Kaliwates in 2012 showed that the system is quite complicated, lack of flexibility, low quality of data, high acceptability, low sensitivity, low NPP, low representativeness, uncertain timelines, and low stability of data.The alternative solutions given are familiarizing midwife to analyze and compose a follow-up planning, improving the quality of the completeness and data\u27s accuracy, standardizing the entire form on KIA PWS systems to avoid duplication and increase forms simplicity,completing PWS KIA guidelines in Puskesmas, making guidelines on how to fill the form, taking records on register cohort of mother by dividing the sheet into 12 sections by month for pregnant women by gestational age group to facilitate the monitoring of pregnant women and childbirth, developing other surveillance system, forming KIA surveillance team, improving attendance format, and using a computerized system

    Perkembangan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Digital Surveilans Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon (SKDR)/EWARS Di Indonesia

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    Ancaman triple-burden baik endemik, emerging, dan re-emerging, masih menjadi tantangan bagi dunia kesehatan. Indonesia menghadapinya dengan mengembangkan Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) atau Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon (SKDR). Sistem ini mendeteksi kesiagaan terhadap perkembangan 24 jenis penyakit yang berdampak pada kesehatan masyarakat. Sistem ini bekerja dengan cara memantau perkembangan tren suatu penyakit menular potensial wabah/KLB dari waktu ke waktu dalam periode mingguan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah melakukan analisis sistem untuk mendapatkan deskripsi dan permasalahan sistem. Analisis dilakukan pada data sekunder yang diperoleh dari dashboard web pelaporan teknologi digital SKDR. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis studi deskriptif dengan prosedur analisis data sekunder. Data menunjukkan SKDR generasi V1 pada dashboard belum memuat pelaporan berbasis indicator (IBS) dan berbasis kejadian (EBS), sedangkan pada generasi V2 sudah memuat pelaporan berbasis IBS dan EBS. Pada tahun 2016 jumlah alert  yang direspon kurang lebih 55% dan meningkat menjadi sekitar 70% di tahun 2019. Ketepatan laporan unit pelapor menurut Provinsi tahun 2021 mencapai 5,25% dan tahun 2022 mencapai 28,95%. Kelengkapan laporan tahun 2021 mencapai (10,52%) dan tahun 2022 (81,58%). Peningkatan capaian target indikator menunjukkan ada perkembangan pemanfaatan teknologi digital dari Sistem Surveilans kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon di semua unit pelapor. Hal ini sejalan dengan pemenuhan komitmen global IHR 2005 Pemerintah Indonesia. Pemerataan jaringan internet yang stabil diperlukan di seluruh wilayah unit pelapor

    The Relationship Analysis Between Husband\u27s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice for Maternal Health

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    The total mortality of mother in East Java was still catagorized so high. Pasuruan regency was one of many areas which capable to decrease maternal mortality rate(MMR) up to the targeted level number by MDGs 2015. The maternal health was also one of husband\u27s duty as a decision maker in the family. The purpose of this research was to analyze a relationship among knowledge, attitude and the husband\u27s practice for maternal health. This research was done in May until June 2013 at Puspo sub-district of Pasuruan Regency. A research design was a cross sectional of the population from of all of couple who had a child from second month to 2 years old, lived in a roof. The amont of respondent was 115 couple. The sample selection was systematically done by random sampling. The variable of this research was characteristic, knowledge, attitude and the husband\u27s action. The result showed that mostrespondens had lower knowledge about maternal health (72,2%), a positive attitude (73,9) and the unsupported action in maternal health (68,7). A chi-square test showed that there was no relationship between knowledge antion, neither between attitude nor action on maternal health.The conclusion that can be drawn on research about relationship of knowledge, attitudes and actionsin support of maternal health husband wife in Pasuruan district Puspo isno correlation between knowledge and attitude of the husband with the husband in the act of giving support to maternal health became pregnant wife until the election of contraception


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    HIV is a disease attacking immune system with sexual behaviors as one of its transmission media, especially for those categorized as high-risk groups. The result of Integrated Survey on Biological Behaviors (STBP) defines the TKBM (informal dockworkers) as one of these high-risk groups. The aim of this study is to identify the correlations between characteristics, knowledge, and behaviors of the dockworker on the transmission of HIV through risky sexual behaviors at Kalimas Dock, Surabaya. This study was conducted based on Cross sectional design and quantitative approach. Interview on the 52 respondents of this study was carried out by using questionnaire. This research used Simple random sampling method to chose responden on dockworkers at PT “X”, located at Kalimas Dock, Surabaya. The analysis of the research used Chi Square analysis on the collected data with signifi cance value α < 0.05. The findings of this study show dockworkers coming home frequency (p-value = 0.026; PR= 2.13), knowledge (p-value = 0.013; PR = 3.04), and attitude (p-value = 0.05, PR =2.05) correlate with transmission of HIV at Kalimas Dock. Meanwhile, other factors, such as educational background (p-value = 0.162), marital status (p-value = 0.705), and access towards HIV transmission related counseling (p-value = 1) do not correlates. These findings imply several recommended that public health officers conduct counseling on preventing HIV transmission for dockworkers in order to improve their knowledge and attitude on HIV. PT “X” should implement weekly working shift for the dockworkers so that the dockworkers could spend more time with their family. Keywords: HIV, Sexual Behavior, Dockworker
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