71 research outputs found

    Mars Image Collection Mosaic Builder

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    A computer program assembles images from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Observer Camera Narrow Angle (MOCNA) collection to generate a uniform-high-resolution, georeferenced, uncontrolled mosaic image of the Martian surface. At the time of reporting the information for this article, the mosaic covered 7 percent of the Martian surface and contained data from more than 50,000 source images acquired under various light conditions at various resolutions

    Nebulae: A Proposed Concept of Operation for Deep Space Computing Clouds

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    In this paper, we describe an ongoing multi-institution study in using emplaced computational resources such as high-volume storage and fast processing to enable instruments to gather and store much more data than would normally be possible, even if it cannot be downlinked to Earth in any reasonable time. The primary focus of the study is designing science pipelines for on-site summarization, archival for future downlink, and multisensor fusion. A secondary focus is on providing support for increasingly autonomous systems, including mapping, planning, and multi-platform collaboration. Key to both of these concepts is treating the spacecraft not as an autonomous agent but as an interactive batch processor, which allows us to avoid “quantum leaps” in machine intelligence required to realize the concepts. Our goal is to discuss preliminary results and technical directions for the community, and identify promising new opportunities for multi-sensor fusion with the help of planetary researchers

    Strategic analysis for the MER Cape Verde approach

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    The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has recently completed a two year campaign studying Victoria Crater. The campaign culminated in a close approach of Cape Verde in order to acquire high resolution imagery of the exposed stratigraphy in the cliff face. The close approach to Cape Verde provided significant challenges for every subsystem of the rover as the rover needed to traverse difficult, un-characterised terrain and approach a cliff face with the potential of blocking out solar energy and communications with Earth. In this paper we describe the strategic analyses performed by the science and engineering teams so that we could successfully achieve the science objectives while keeping the rover safe

    Life cycle of a planetary body definition for scientific analysis

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    Something as seemingly simple as defining the size of a planetary body is a critical first step required to support the creation of all mapping products and resulting scientific analysis. The life cycle in defining the body size is evolved from the initial Earth-based observations, then refined using acquired data from planetary missions, published in the peer-reviewed literature and adopted by standards- setting working groups, integrated into various libraries and applications, and finally made available for the creation of derived cartographic data products. Here we expose these steps to help users understand the benefits for using standardized definitions to enable data usability and interoperability by looking at the definition for the moon Enceladus

    Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance Missions For The Autonomous Exploration Of Planetary Bodies

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    A fundamentally new (scientific) reconnaissance mission concept, termed tier-scalable reconnaissance, for remote planetary (including Earth) atmospheric, surface and subsurface exploration recently has been devised that soon will replace the engineering and safety constrained mission designs of the past, allowing for optimal acquisition of geologic, paleohydrologic, paleoclimatic, and possible astrobiologic information of Venus, Mars, Europa, Ganymede, Titan, Enceladus, Triton, and other extraterrestrial targets. This paradigm is equally applicable to potentially hazardous or inaccessible operational areas on Earth such as those related to military or terrorist activities, or areas that have been exposed to biochemical agents, radiation, or natural disasters. Traditional missions have performed local, ground-level reconnaissance through rovers and immobile landers, or global mapping performed by an orbiter. The former is safety and engineering constrained, affording limited detailed reconnaissance of a single site at the expense of a regional understanding, while the latter returns immense datasets, often overlooking detailed information of local and regional significance

    Maximizing the value of Solar System data through Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructures

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    Planetary spatial data returned by spacecraft, including images and higher-order products such as mosaics, controlled basemaps, and digital elevation models (DEMs), are of critical importance to NASA, its commercial partners and other space agencies. Planetary spatial data are an essential component of basic scientific research and sustained planetary exploration and operations. The Planetary Data System (PDS) is performing the essential job of archiving and serving these data, mostly in raw or calibrated form, with less support for higher-order, more ready-to-use products. However, many planetary spatial data remain not readily accessible to and/or usable by the general science user because particular skills and tools are necessary to process and interpret them from the raw initial state. There is a critical need for planetary spatial data to be more accessible and usable to researchers and stakeholders. A Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure (PSDI) is a collection of data, tools, standards, policies, and the people that use and engage with them. A PSDI comprises an overarching support system for planetary spatial data. PSDIs (1) establish effective plans for data acquisition; (2) create and make available higher-order products; and (3) consider long-term planning for correct data acquisition, processing and serving (including funding). We recommend that Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructures be created for all bodies and key regions in the Solar System. NASA, with guidance from the planetary science community, should follow established data format standards to build foundational and framework products and use those to build and apply PDSIs to all bodies. Establishment of PSDIs is critical in the coming decade for several locations under active or imminent exploration, and for all others for future planning and current scientific analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figures. White paper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-203

    Facilitating Reuse of Planetary Spatial Research Data - Conceptualizing an Open Map Repository as Part of a Planetary Research Data Infrastructure

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    In recent decades, the research community has been dealing with a growing amount and variety of new research data and derived research information. While primary research data, as derived from instruments, are commonly well maintained, derived research data might not always share the same fate. Scientific studies, resulting in further derived data, what we will call here as research data, does not often share the same attention. Fortunately, in the planetary sciences, most primary research data are commonly freely accessible for researchers to use, while research results have commonly not been re-inserted into the research cycle and a discussion about the process has only recently been initiated but there are not concrete methods or efforts to maintain this derived research data. We here discuss the requirements and needs in the planetary sciences to develop and coordinate a platform for research data and develop this idea using planetary cartographic products as an example of a higher-level research product that undergoes various development stages across different organizational levels. We here will visit the current practice and provide a number of scenarios showing how such a research-data life-cycle could look like in the field of planetary research. In order to develop a conceptual framework, experience from established terrestrial research-data frameworks and spatial data infrastructures are integrated into the discussion

    OpenPlanetary, an "umbrella" non-profit organisation for open planetary science communities

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    OpenPlanetary, or simply "OP", is an international non-profit organisation that promotes open research in the planetary science and exploration communities: sharing ideas and collaborating on planetary research and data analysis problems, new challenges, and opportunities. OpenPlanetary started in 2015 as a way for participants of the ESA’s Planetary GIS Workshop to stay connected and exchange information related to and beyond this workshop. It expanded further by playing a similar role for the second USGS-hosted Planetary Data Workshop (PDW) in 2017. OpenPlanetary has continued to support the biannual PDW and provides a more persistent forum for participants to highlight presented topics and discussions from the workshops. In 2018, we established OpenPlanetary as a non-profit organisation (Association under 1901 French Law,) in order to provide us with a legal framework to sustainably fund our community framework, projects and activities, and to better serve the planetary science community as a whole. OpenPlanetary is governed by a Board of Directors, elected for two years, which (1) define the policy and general orientation, (2) initiate, endorse, lead, or contribute to the projects and activities, and (3) can make use of the funds of the Association for any endorsed project or activity; the Bureau contains a 3-person subset of the Board members (a president, treasurer, and secretary) and serves as the executive body of the Association