622 research outputs found

    Draco -- A Failure of the Tidal Model

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    We test whether the structural properties of the nearby dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Draco, a well-studied Milky Way companion, can be reconciled with the suggestion that dSphs are unbound tidal remnants with a large depth extent along the line of sight. In order to apply the observational test of this hypothesis suggested by Klessen & Zhao, we use public photometric data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to explore the width of Draco's blue horizontal branch over a range of areas covering 0.06 square degrees to 6.25 square degrees centered on Draco. The SDSS database is the only currently existing database with sufficient depth and area coverage to permit a stringent test of the tidal models. We show that blue horizontal branch stars extend beyond the previously inferred limiting radii of Draco, consistent with the observed absence of a truncated stellar surface density profile of this dSph. We calculate new models for a galaxy without dark matter, using Draco's morphological properties as constraints. The resulting models are unable to reproduce the narrow observed horizontal branch width of Draco, which stays roughly constant regardless of the field of view. We conclude that Draco cannot be the remnant of a tidally disrupted satellite, but is probably strongly dark-matter dominated. (ABSTRACT ABBREVIATED)Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures included, accepted for publication in ApJ, high-resolution version available at http://www.aip.de./~ralf/Publications/p22.abstract.htm

    Chemical Evolution in the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present metallicities for 487 red giants in the Carina dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy that were obtained from FLAMES low-resolution Ca triplet (CaT) spectroscopy. We find a mean [Fe/H] of -1.91 dex with an intrinsic dispersion of 0.25 dex, whereas the full spread in metallicities is at least one dex. The analysis of the radial distribution of metallicities reveals that an excess of metal poor stars resides in a region of larger axis distances. These results can constrain evolutionary models and are discussed in the context of chemical evolution in the Carina dSph.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the ESO/Arcetri-workshop on "Chemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars", 13.-17. Sep. 2004, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, L. Pasquini, S. Randich (eds.

    Population Gradients in Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals

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    We present a systematic and homogeneous analysis of population gradients for the Local Group dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) Carina, Sculptor, Sextans, Tucana, Andromeda I-III, V, and VI. For all of the Milky Way companions studied here we find significant population gradients. The same is true for the remote dSph Tucana located at the outskirts of the LG. Among the M 31 dSph companions only Andromeda I and VI show obvious gradients. In all cases where a HB morphology gradient is visible, the red HB stars are more centrally concentrated. The occurence of a HB morphological gradient shows a correlation with a morphology gradient in the red giant branch. It seems likely that metallicity is the driver of the gradients in Sextans, Sculptor, Tucana, and Andromeda VI, while age is an important factor in Carina. We find no evidence that the vicinity of a nearby massive spiral galaxy influences the formation of the population gradients.Comment: accepted for publication in AJ; 25 pages; 11 images in jpeg and png forma

    Purification and identification of bovine liver gamma-carboxylase.

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    Dark Matter and Stellar Mass in the Luminous Regions of Disk Galaxies

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    We investigate the correlations among stellar mass (M_*), disk scale length (R_d), and rotation velocity at 2.2 disk scale lengths (V_2.2) for a sample of 81 disk-dominated galaxies (disk/total >= 0.9) selected from the SDSS. We measure V_2.2 from long-slit H-alpha rotation curves and infer M_* from galaxy i-band luminosities (L_i) and g-r colors. We find logarithmic slopes of 2.60+/-0.13 and 3.05+/-0.12 for the L_i-V_2.2 and M_*-V_2.2 relations, somewhat shallower than most previous studies, with intrinsic scatter of 0.13 dex and 0.16 dex. Our direct estimates of the total-to-stellar mass ratio within 2.2R_d, assuming a Kroupa IMF, yield a median ratio of 2.4 for M_*>10^10 Msun and 4.4 for M_*=10^9-10^10 Msun, with large scatter at a given M_* and R_d. The typical ratio of the rotation speed predicted for the stellar disk alone to the observed rotation speed at 2.2R_d is ~0.65. The distribution of R_d at fixed M_* is broad, but we find no correlation between disk size and the residual from the M_*-V_2.2 relation, implying that this relation is an approximately edge-on view of the disk galaxy fundamental plane. Independent of the assumed IMF, this result implies that stellar disks do not, on average, dominate the mass within 2.2R_d. We discuss our results in the context of infall models of disk formation in cold dark matter halos. A model with a disk-to-halo mass ratio m_d=0.05 provides a reasonable match to the R_d-M_* distribution for spin parameters \lambda ranging from ~0.04-0.08, and it yields a reasonable match to the mean M_*-V_2.2 relation. A model with m_d=0.1 predicts overly strong correlations between disk size and M_*-V_2.2 residual. Explaining the wide range of halo-to-disk mass ratios within 2.2R_d requires significant scatter in m_d values, with systematically lower m_d for galaxies with lower M∗M_*.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, Accepted to ApJ, Table 1 updated, otherwise minor change

    The Progenitors of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    Dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies present an evolutionary puzzle that we explore in 40 early- and late-type dwarfs in the Local Group and nearby field. Although dSphs formed stars over extended periods, today all but one are free of detectable interstellar matter (ISM), even in the Fornax dSph, where stars still formed 100 Myr ago. Combining metallicities for red giants with HI data from the literature, we show that the well-known offset in luminosity-metallicity (L-Z) relations for dSphs and dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies exists also when comparing only their old stellar populations: dSphs have higher mean stellar metallicities for a fixed luminosity. Evidently younger dSphs experienced more efficient enrichment than young dIrrs. Dwarf galaxies, whose locus in the L-Z diagram is consistent with that of dSphs even for baryonic luminosities, are the ``transition-type dwarfs'' Phoenix, DDO210, LGS3, Antlia, and KKR25. They have mixed dIrr/dSph morphologies, low stellar masses, low angular momentum, and HI contents of less than a few 10^6 solar masses. Unlike dIrrs, many transition-type dwarfs would closely resemble dSphs if their gas were removed; they are likely dSph progenitors. As gas removal is key, we consider the empirical evidence for various gas removal processes. We suggest that internal gas removal mechanisms are inadequate and favor ram pressure stripping to make dSphs. A combination of initial conditions and environment seems to support the formation of dSphs, which appear to form from small galaxies with active early star formation, whose evolution halts due to externally induced gas loss. Transition-type dwarfs then are dSphs that kept their ISM, and therefore should replace dSphs in isolated locations where stripping is ineffective. (Abridged)Comment: 25 pages in AASTeX two-column preprint style, 1 table, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (April 2003 issue
