23 research outputs found
Alfalfa pellets as an alternative to maize
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit sich mit der alternativen Produktion von Luzernepellets im Austausch zu Körnermais. Durch die Überproduktion von Körnermais auf der ganzen Welt ist das Erzeugerpreisgefüge bereits sehr gering. Für die Landwirte ist dieser Zustand auf Dauer wirtschaftlich nicht tragbar. Es wird hier durch die Pelletserzeugung eine andere Form der Futtermittelproduktion in der Landwirtschaft aufgezeigt. In verschiedene Simulationen wird veranschaulicht, dass Luzernepellets eine optimale wirtschaftliche Alternative zu Körnermais ist. Zudem bringt Luzerneanbau noch wesentliche Vorteile für den Boden welcher die Grundlage für eine langfristig erfolgreiche Landwirtschaft ist
This paper focuses on the possible role of abductive reasoning in the context of learning process. This, however, if we all understand ourselves as learners, is not something directed at students in colleges and universities. It is about learning, especially learning within a group or class.Ovaj rad se bavi mogućom ulogom abdukcijskom promišljanja u procesu učenja. Ako sebe doživljavamo učenicima, to onda nije nešto prikladno samo za studente. Radi se o učenju, posebice o učenju unutar grupe ili razreda.Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der möglichen Rolle der Abduktion im Lernprozess. Wenn wir uns selbst als Schüler sehen, dann ist es etwas, das nicht nur für Studenten geeignet ist. Es geht um das Lernen, vor allem um das Lernen in einer Gruppe oder in der Klasse
Functional microRNA generated from a cytoplasmic RNA virus
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small, non-coding RNAs that play a pivotal role in the regulation of posttranscriptional gene expression in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms. Although DNA viruses have been shown to encode miRNAs and exploit the cellular RNA silencing machinery as a convenient way to regulate viral and host gene expression, it is generally believed that this pathway is not available to RNA viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of the cell because miRNA biogenesis is initiated in the nucleus. In fact, among the >200 viral miRNAs that have been experimentally verified so far, none is derived from an RNA virus. Here, we show that a cytoplasmic RNA virus can indeed encode and produce a functional miRNA. We introduced a heterologous miRNA-precursor stem-loop sequence element into the RNA genome of the flavivirus tick-borne encephalitis virus, and this led to the production of a functional miRNA during viral infection without impairing viral RNA replication. These findings demonstrate that miRNA biogenesis can be used by cytoplasmic RNA viruses to produce regulatory molecules for the modulation of the transcriptome
A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean
Humans settled the Caribbean about 6,000 years ago, and ceramic use and intensified agriculture mark a shift from the Archaic to the Ceramic Age at around 2,500 years ago1,2,3. Here we report genome-wide data from 174 ancient individuals from The Bahamas, Haiti and the Dominican Republic (collectively, Hispaniola), Puerto Rico, Curaçao and Venezuela, which we co-analysed with 89 previously published ancient individuals. Stone-tool-using Caribbean people, who first entered the Caribbean during the Archaic Age, derive from a deeply divergent population that is closest to Central and northern South American individuals; contrary to previous work4, we find no support for ancestry contributed by a population related to North American individuals. Archaic-related lineages were >98% replaced by a genetically homogeneous ceramic-using population related to speakers of languages in the Arawak family from northeast South America; these people moved through the Lesser Antilles and into the Greater Antilles at least 1,700 years ago, introducing ancestry that is still present. Ancient Caribbean people avoided close kin unions despite limited mate pools that reflect small effective population sizes, which we estimate to be a minimum of 500–1,500 and a maximum of 1,530–8,150 individuals on the combined islands of Puerto Rico and Hispaniola in the dozens of generations before the individuals who we analysed lived. Census sizes are unlikely to be more than tenfold larger than effective population sizes, so previous pan-Caribbean estimates of hundreds of thousands of people are too large5,6. Confirming a small and interconnected Ceramic Age population7, we detect 19 pairs of cross-island cousins, close relatives buried around 75 km apart in Hispaniola and low genetic differentiation across islands. Genetic continuity across transitions in pottery styles reveals that cultural changes during the Ceramic Age were not driven by migration of genetically differentiated groups from the mainland, but instead reflected interactions within an interconnected Caribbean world1,8.This work was supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society to M. Pateman to facilitate analysis of skeletal material from The Bahamas and by a grant from the Italian ‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’ (Italian archaeological, anthropological and ethnological missions abroad, DGPSP Ufficio VI). D.R. was funded by NSF HOMINID grant BCS-1032255, NIH (NIGMS) grant GM100233, the Paul Allen Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation grant 61220 and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.Peer reviewe
Didaktinės religinio švietimo nuostatos, realizuotinos šių dienų visuomenėje
Straipsnyje aptariami būdai, padedantys priartinti Dievo klausimą ir tikėjimo žinią prie šių dienų jaunimo bei vaikų, kad juos galėtume visu tuo praturtinti bei apginkluoti. Mokinių nesidomėjimas dėstomuoju dalyku visada yra esminė kliūtis ko nors mokantis ar ką nors priimant, nors mokytojai ir linkę galvoti, kad mokiniai nesupranta arba negirdi. Išmokimą lemia ne supratimas, o domėjimasis, aktualumas. Viena priežastis, kodėl mokiniai nesudominami, yra mokinių nepažinimas, nežinojimas, kuo jie gyvena, dėl ko jaudinasi, ko nori, siekia. Tai neretai jaučiama ir bažnyčiose, ir mokyklose, nes ugdytiniai neišklausomi. Beje, juos reikia ne tik išklausyti, bet ir skatinti, kviesti, drąsinti, suprasti, priimti, kaip raginama Vatikano II Susirinkimo dokumentuose, ypač konstitucijoje Gaudium et Spes. Taigi pagrindinis dalykas ugdant yra klausimas: „Kaip gyveni, kaip laikaisi?“ Religiniam ugdymui reikia elementarizacijos. Tai būdas pateikti biblinį turinį problemiškai, kai pirminiu temų dėstymo pagrindu tampa mokinių gyvenimo klausimai, o religinės temos ir tekstai priderinami prie jų. Ši ugdymo koncepcija Austrijoje plėtojama remiantis edukologų darbais ir tyrimais: Klafi teorija, kurią H. G. Blo-chas pritaikė religiniam ugdymui, taip pat H. Stock vadovaujamos darbo grupės darbais, kur teologinė tematika buvo pritaikyta prie moksleivių patirties. Vėliau biblinį turinį ir kasdienio gyvenimo temas sėkmingai derino K. E. Nipkowas ir I. Balderman. Šie mokslininkai siekia perteikti esminį tikėjimo turinį per keturių matmenų elementarizacijos modelį: išskiriamos elementariosios struktūros, elementariosios tiesos, elementariosios patirtys ir elementarieji pradmenys. Tokiu būdu tikėjimo turinys yra sukonkretinamas ir susiejamas su realiu šiandienos gyvenimu, surandant šiandienį jų perteikimo būdą mokiniams įprasta kalba, sutelkiant dėmesį į esmines krikščionybės tiesas. Mokiniai kviečiami remtis kasdiene individualiąja patirtimi, savo gyvenimo istorijomis. Religinio ugdymo tikslu tampa ne žinių perdavimas, bet susitelkimas ties mokinių gyvenimo klausimais ir jų aiškinimusi remiantis tikėjimu. Nipkowo elementarizaciją toliau plėtojo Schweitzeris, akcentavęs planavimą ir rengimąsi pamokoms, pirmiausia atsižvelgiant į mokinių lygį, interesus bei požiūrį į numatomas dėstyti temas. Schweitzeris taip pat įvedė penktąjį elementarizacijos modelio matmenį – mokymo būdų elementarizaciją. Jos tikslas – skatinti kūrybišką, žaismingą, veiklų temos perteikimą, aktyviai dirbant patiems mokiniams. Svarbu, kad mokiniai ne tik aptartų biblinius tekstus, bet kad ir būtų skatinami oponuoti biblinei žiniai, nors tokiai pamokai yra sudėtingiau pasirengti. M. Schnitzler pabrėžia, kad svarbu iš anksto numatytą programą kūrybiškai pritaikyti, palikti mokiniams galimybę mokytis per atvirą, dialoginį ugdymo procesą. Esminis mokytojo uždavinys – supaprastinti sudėtingą turinį taip, kad jis tiktų konkretiems mokiniams ir atitiktų jų situaciją. Nors mokytojas dirba pagal programą ir iš anksto parengtą planą, jis turi būti pasirengęs atsižvelgti į mokinių klausimus bei poreikius bet kuriuo pamokos metu, ne pagal išankstinį planą. Tikėjimo negalima paprasčiausiai perteikti arba išmokyti, tačiau jis neįmanomas be mokymosi. Elementarizacija ir siekiama, viena vertus, sumažinti įtampą tarp tikėjimo ir mokymo(si), kita vertus, panaudoti tą įtampą taip, kad ji taptų ugdymo proceso stimulu ir jam padėtų. Straipsnyje nuodugniai aptarta elementarizacija reikalauja iš mokytojo išsamaus pasirengimo, tačiau taikant šį ugdymo metodą galima išugdyti pozityvų mokinių santykį su krikščioniškuoju tikėjimu, kurio taip reikia bendrojo lavinimo valstybinėse mokyklose.The article is based on the author’s presentation at an international conference on the problems of Religious education at school. The article discusses the difficulties of Religious education which is institutional and is therefore concerned with a number of practical and conceptual questions. Te essential question nevertheless is how we can reach the young people and children today, how we can empower them with our Christian faith. In Austria, as well as elsewhere in the world, the children and young people are not interested in what is being taught if their educators present things traditionally, without a deeper knowledge of his students’ personalities, their life and interests. Tus, we usually appear to be presenting answers, although the students do not have any questions to ask us. Tis article, therefore, is trying to suggest a way of bringing the biblical message and the faith closer to the actual experience of our students
Realisable didactic concepts of religious education within today's society
The article is based on the author’s presentation at an international conference on the problems of Religious education at school. The article discusses the difficulties of Religious education, which is institutional and is therefore concerned with a number of practical and conceptual issues. The essential question, nevertheless, is how we can reach the young people and children today, how we can empower them with our Christian faith. In Austria, as well as elsewhere in the world, children and young people are not interested in what is being taught if their educators present things traditionally and without deeper knowledge of students’ personalities, their life and interests. Thus, we usually appear to be presenting answers, although the students do not have any questions to ask us. This article, therefore, is trying to suggest a way of bringing the biblical message and the faith closer to the actual experience of our students
Protein orientation in time-dependent electric fields : orientation before destruction
Proteins often have nonzero electric dipole moments, making them interact with external electric fields and offering a means for controlling their orientation. One application that is known to benefit from orientation control is single-particle imaging with x-ray free-electron lasers, in which diffraction is recorded from proteins in the gas phase to determine their structures. To this point, theoretical investigations into this phenomenon have assumed that the field experienced by the proteins is constant or a perfect step function, whereas any real-world pulse will be smooth. Here, we explore the possibility of orienting gas-phase proteins using time-dependent electric fields. We performed ab initio simulations to estimate the field strength required to break protein bonds, with 45 V/nm as a breaking point value. We then simulated ubiquitin in time-dependent electric fields using classical molecular dynamics. The minimal field strength required for orientation within 10 ns was on the order of 0.5 V/nm. Although high fields can be destructive for the structure, the structures in our simulations were preserved until orientation was achieved regardless of field strength, a principle we denote "orientation before destruction.