159 research outputs found
Structural Dynamic Analysis of Freight Railway Wagon Using Finite Element Method
AbstractThis paper describes the development of a virtual freight wagon vehicle using virtual prototyping computer tools. The freight wagon considered as open type wagon “BOXN25” of the Indian Railways. The freight wagon vehicle comprises of car body structure and two bogies. Solidworks is used for modeling the freight wagon and the geometry is exported to finite element tool, ANSYS. A multi degree of freedom system has been reviewed and compared with system having infinite degree of freedom (continuous structure). The current problem falls in the category of large models (Block Lanczos Algorithm is used) and has high degrees of freedom (PCG Solver is used). The structural dynamic response for the virtual freight wagon is determined. It is seen that the car body deformation is influenced by its elastic underframe and sidewalls. The influence of vibration modes, which describe local deflection, on the comfort level and stability of laden goods is discussed. Mode shapes up to a frequency of 30Hz are considered
Kaldus diski sündroom bitemporaalse hemianopsia põhjusena
Neurooftalmoloogi vastuvõtule suunati osalise bitemporaalse hemianopsiaga 32aastane naispatsient ajutuumori välistamiseks. Raske diagnoosi kahtlus oli patsiendile tekitanud märkimisväärset ärevust. Patsiendi oftalmoskoopilisel uurimisel leiti kaldus asetsusega nägemisnärvide diskid, silmapõhjade alumiste nasaalsete osade korioretinaalne atroofia ning silmapõhja veresoonte situs inversus – tunnused, mis on omased kaldus diski (ingl tilted disc) sündroomile. Kuigi selle arengulise eripära korral võib esineda bitemporaalset hemianopsiat, oli näidustatud patsiendi uurimine koljusiseste tumoroossete muutuste välistamiseks. Patsiendile tehtud magnetresonantstomograafilisel uuringul oli peaaju haigusliku leiuta, kuid ilmestusid asfäärilise kujuga silmamunad väljaulatuvate nasaalsete tagumiste osadega. Kaldus diski sündroom on silmapõhjade arenguline eripära, millega võib kaasneda bitemporaalne hemianopsia
Long lasting tinnitus and vertigo as a result of a facial nerve anomaly – A CASE REPORT
INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: A 34-year-old patient was admitted to a general practice due to tinnitus and vertigo. After no pathological features were found during the examination in primary practice, he was referred to an otorhinolaryngologist
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Jõhvi magnetiitkvartsiitide füüsikalised omadused
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on kirjeldada Jõhvi magnetiitkvartsiitide füüsikalisi ja magnetilisi omadusi ning hinnata anomaaliat põhjustavate ferromagnetiliste mineraalide iseloomu.
Selgus, et tugeva magnetiseerituse tekitab magnetiit, millel on suur jääkmagnetiseerituse väärtus ning tera suurus 80-1000 nm (pseudo-ühedomeenne). Pürrotiini sisaldus ei avalda magnetiidi taustal märkimisväärset mõju
Võla sissenõudmist ja tõendamist lihtsustavad instrumendid
Senile purpura, disseminated intravascular coagulation or a crime scene?
In the background of seemingly harmless bacterial pneumonia, unresolved family problems are potentially the cause of a fatal outcome
First-year Self-Report Outcomes of a Character Education Experiment with Elementary Students
Instruction in social competence in elementary grades may provide a means of preventing later problem behaviors. Previous studies indicate that school-based social competency curricula sometimes lead to decreases in problem behaviors. This randomized, controlled trial measures the efficacy of the Second Step program in twelve schools. The assessment of efficacy is based on 11 scales in a pre- and post- test, student self-report survey. These scales measure: (a) outcomes directly targeted by the curriculum, (b) school climate, and (c) other related outcomes. Results for students in six intervention schools are compared to students in six randomly equivalent control schools. After the first of three years of intervention, there is a statistically significant main effect for treatment on Engagement in Learning, an interaction of treatment with individual characteristics on Sense of School as a Community and Self-Restraint, and positive but not significant effect sizes on Self-Restraint and Hostile Attribution Bias
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