198 research outputs found

    Shunto, Rational Expectations, and Output Growth in Japan

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    This paper describes a theoretical and empirical study of the Japanese macroeconomy that focuses on the role of predetermined nominal wages in the relation between monetary policy and aggregate output. The main features of the model are that nominal wage rates set at Shunto are equal to rational expectations of the nominal wage rates that would be consistent with target levels of real output and that firms determine employment and output by equating marginal productivities to real wage rates. The essential implication of the model is that the current deviation of aggregate output from its target level depends only on innovations in inflation and productivity since the last Shunto. The equation derived to implement the model empirically relates current aggregate output growth in a precise way to past values of output growth and inflation since the last Shunto and includes an explicit specification of a white noise error term. The results of econometric analysis of this restricted model equation are consistent with the hypothesis that nominal wages predetermined according to Shunto with rational expectations are important tor the determination of real aggregates. The empirical analysis, however, also suggests that the assumptions about monetary policy used to close the model are not adequate, a result that leads to directions for further research.

    Radiation-Induced Leiomyosarcoma: Does Antimetabolite Chemotherapy Contribute? A Report of Three Cases

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    Purpose: Radiation therapy in low and high doses is known to be associated with the occurrence of late secondary sarcomas. The addition of chemotherapy has not been clearly demonstrated as a contributing factor. We describe three patients with radiation-associated leiomyosarcoma who had also received antimetabolite chemotherapy

    Postawy jawne i ukryte studentów Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach wobec Unii Europejskiej

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    Abstract: Based on the research, the aim was to determine the attitude of students of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce towards the European Union. The Implicit Association Test method was used to conduct the study. This tool is used to verify conscious and unconscious declarations. Based on the verification of open and hidden attitudes of UPH students towards the European Union, the article presents the results of the study, including the attitude of students to the European Union. The result of the research revealed significant discrepancies between declared and hidden attitudes.Streszczenie: W oparciu o przeprowadzone badania celem było określenie postawy studentów Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo- Humanistycznego w Siedlcach wobec Unii Europejskiej. Przeprowadzając badania, posłużono się metodą Testu Utajonych Skojarzeń (Implicit Association Test). Narzędzie to służy do weryfikacji deklaracji świadomych i nieświadomych. W oparciu o weryfikację postaw jawnych i ukrytych studentów UPH wobec Unii Europejskiej w artykule przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań. Wynik badań ujawnił istotne rozbieżności pomiędzy postawami deklarowanymi a ukrytymi

    State-of-the-art management of locally advanced head and neck cancer

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    During the past 20 years, treatments for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have changed dramatically owing largely to the advent of novel approaches such as combined modality therapy as well as improvements in surgical and radiotherapeutic techniques. Locally advanced disease in particular, which engendered very high recurrence and mortality rates, is now associated with long-term disease-free survival in the majority of cases. This article will focus on locally advanced HNSCC, which frequently remains a clinical challenge, review state-of-the-art therapy, and introduce promising novel therapies. The field continues to evolve rapidly with new evidence during the past year clearly establishing the benefit of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT), as well as early evidence showing improved survival with the use of an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor in combination with radiotherapy. There are varied regimens in use for patients with locally advanced disease, but at the same time the multitude of options can plague the clinician when trying to select the most appropriate one. This article will attempt to put the various approaches into perspective and propose an evidence-based treatment algorithm

    The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network

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    COVID-19 is one of the biggest health crises that the world has seen. Whilst measures to abate transmission and infection are ongoing, there continues to be growing numbers of patients requiring chronic support, which is already putting a strain on health care systems around the world and which may do so for years to come. A legacy of COVID-19 will be a long-term requirement to support patients with dedicated rehabilitation and support services. With many clinical settings characterized by a lack of funding and resources, the need to provide these additional services could overwhelm clinical capacity. This position statement from the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection (HL-PIVOT) Network provides a collaborative blueprint focused on leading research and developing clinical guidelines, bringing together professionals with expertise in clinical services and the exercise sciences to develop the evidence base needed to improve outcomes for patients infected by COVID-19

    Influence of feeding and geese genotype on carcass dissection and meat quality – the review of research

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    Dostępne w literaturze wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na gęsiach wskazują, że genotyp ma znaczny wpływ na skład dysekcyjny tuszki, skład chemiczny istrukturę mięśni, a mniejszy na ich właściwości fizykochemiczne. Wpływ genotypu na podstawowy skład chemiczny mięśni gęsich uwidocznił się przede wszystkim w różnej zawartości lipidów. Badania nad żywieniem gęsi wykazały, że ptaki karmione restrykcyjnie odznaczały się zbliżoną masą ciała i wydajnością rzeźną przy mniejszym otłuszczeniu tuszki, mniejszym zużyciu paszy i dobrej jakości mięsa w porównaniu z ptakami karmionymi do woli. Włączenie zielonek do żywienia gęsi wpływało przede wszystkim na zmniejszenie masy i otłuszczenia tuszki. Żywienie gęsi paszą z dodatkiem ziół nie spowodowało istotnych zmian w składzie chemicznym i właściwościach fizykochemicznych mięśni oraz tłuszczu sadełkowego. System odchowu (intensywny i półinte nsywny) różnicował skład kwasów tłuszczowych skóry z tłuszczem podskórnym i tłuszczu sadełkowego. Modyfikując skład paszy, można wpływać na skład kwasów tłuszczowych lipidów mięsa.The results of research available in the literature indicate that goose genotype has a considerable influence on carcass dissection, chemical composition and structure of muscles and of minor importance on physicochemical characteristics. The impact of goose origin on basic chemical composition of muscles has been shown most of all in different lipids contents. In comparison with geese fed ad libitum, birds given restricted rations were characterized by comparable body weight and slaughter yield as well as lower proportion of fat in carcass, lower fed mixture intake and good quality of meat. The inclusion of grass meal to geese feeding resulted mainly in the reduction of body weight and carcass fatness. The dietary formulation supplemented with herbs had no effect on chemical composition and physicochemical properties of muscles as well as abdominal fat. The rearing system (intensive and semi-intensive) significantly differentiates fatty acids composition of abdominal fat and skin with subcutaneous fat. Modifying the feed composition one can influence the fatty acids profile of muscles lipids

    Enacting an Equity Framework with a Teacher and Students in an Urban Elementary Classroom: A Qualitative Study

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    This purpose of this study was to engage a fifth grade teacher and students in the exploration and application of the EFE (Education for Equity) conceptual framework, and to develop understandings of how EFE functioned in this context. This framework, developed around a decade of equity-focused research in elementary contexts, outlines research-based categories of practices for equity work in elementary schools, and it draws attention to areas lacking attention in the literature. Using and extending from case study methods and participatory methods, I worked with a teacher and her students in this urban classroom for approximately six months in both eLearning and face-to-face classroom settings to engage in collaborative, equity-focused work. We produced data through pedagogical documentation, observations and field notes, teacher-researcher conversations, student conversations, a researcher journal, artifacts, and documents. Our layered, nonlinear analysis process included framework-based, polyvocal, and material analyses. Findings are organized around the components of the EFE framework and include various representations aimed at portraying practices, challenges, themes, critical incidents, meaning-making processes, polyvocal influences, material influences, and more in relation to our equity advancement work in this elementary context. I conclude by discussing considerations and implications in relation these findings and our ongoing pursuit of equity and justice in education and beyond

    Enacting an Equity Framework with a Teacher and Students in an Urban Elementary Classroom: A Qualitative Study

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    This purpose of this study was to engage a fifth grade teacher and students in the exploration and application of the EFE (Education for Equity) conceptual framework, and to develop understandings of how EFE functioned in this context. This framework, developed around a decade of equity-focused research in elementary contexts, outlines research-based categories of practices for equity work in elementary schools, and it draws attention to areas lacking attention in the literature. Using and extending from case study methods and participatory methods, I worked with a teacher and her students in this urban classroom for approximately six months in both eLearning and face-to-face classroom settings to engage in collaborative, equity-focused work. We produced data through pedagogical documentation, observations and field notes, teacher-researcher conversations, student conversations, a researcher journal, artifacts, and documents. Our layered, nonlinear analysis process included framework-based, polyvocal, and material analyses. Findings are organized around the components of the EFE framework and include various representations aimed at portraying practices, challenges, themes, critical incidents, meaning-making processes, polyvocal influences, material influences, and more in relation to our equity advancement work in this elementary context. I conclude by discussing considerations and implications in relation these findings and our ongoing pursuit of equity and justice in education and beyond

    Cherry (fiction)

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    The Golden Ratio in Architecture and Art

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    Praca podejmuje temat złotej proporcji, określanej również mianem złotego stosunku, złotej liczby, czy złotego cięcia. Szczególny nacisk został położony na jej liczne występowanie w architekturze i sztuce. Pierwsze rozdziały zawierają matematyczną definicję, właściwości, konstrukcje i związki złotej liczby z ciągiem Fibonacciego. Kolejne rozdziały przedstawiają historię występowania złotej liczby w poszczególnych epokach począwszy od starożytności, poprzez średniowiecze, renesans aż po czasy najnowsze. Ostatni rozdział poświęcony został zabytkom architektury Krakowa.This work is about the golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden mean or golden section. Particular emphasis has been placed on the numerous occurrence in architecture and art. The first chapter provides a mathematical definition, properties, constructions and relationship between golden number and Fibonacci sequence. The following chapters present the history of the occurrence of the golden number in subsequent epochs, from antiquity through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance to the present day. The last chapter was devoted to the architectural monuments of Krakow