271 research outputs found

    Deploying Mission Critical Learning Management System Using Open Source Software

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    As more institutions of higher education confront budget cuts and financial crisis, open source Learning Management Systems become increasingly attractive, providing cost effective and efficient alternatives to commercial Learning Management Systems. This interpretive case study investigates the implementation and adoption of an Open Source based LMS at an university located in California. The research not only examines technical aspects associated with the adoption decision, including motivation, performance, and total cost of ownership, but also explores how IT staff and administrators react to the implemented LMS

    Functional pathway mapping analysis for hypoxia-inducible factors

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    Background: Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are transcription factors that play a crucial role in response to hypoxic stress in living organisms. The HIF pathway is activated by changes in cellular oxygen levels and has significant impacts on the regulation of gene expression patterns in cancer cells. Identifying functional conservation across species and discovering conserved regulatory motifs can facilitate the selection of reference species for empirical tests. This paper describes a cross-species functional pathway mapping strategy based on evidence of homologous relationships that employs matrix-based searching techniques for identifying transcription factorbinding sites on all retrieved HIF target genes. Results: HIF-related orthologous and paralogous genes were mapped onto the conserved pathways to indicate functional conservation across species. Quantitatively measured HIF pathways are depicted in order to illustrate the extent of functional conservation. The results show that in spite of the evolutionary process of speciation, distantly related species may exhibit functional conservation owing to conservative pathways. The novel terms OrthRate and ParaRate are proposed to quantitatively indicate the flexibility of a homologous pathway and reveal the alternative regulation of functional genes. Conclusion: The developed functional pathway mapping strategy provides a bioinformatics approach for constructing biological pathways by highlighting the homologous relationships between various model species. The mapped HIF pathways were quantitatively illustrated and evaluated by statistically analyzing their conserved transcription factor-binding elements

    Observation of Majorana fermions with spin selective Andreev reflection in the vortex of topological superconductor

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    Majorana fermion (MF) whose antiparticle is itself has been predicted in condensed matter systems. Signatures of the MFs have been reported as zero energy modes in various systems. More definitive evidences are highly desired to verify the existence of the MF. Very recently, theory has predicted MFs to induce spin selective Andreev reflection (SSAR), a novel magnetic property which can be used to detect the MFs. Here we report the first observation of the SSAR from MFs inside vortices in Bi2Te3/NbSe2 hetero-structure, in which topological superconductivity was previously established. By using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), we show that the zero-bias peak of the tunneling differential conductance at the vortex center is substantially higher when the tip polarization and the external magnetic field are parallel than anti-parallel to each other. Such strong spin dependence of the tunneling is absent away from the vortex center, or in a conventional superconductor. The observed spin dependent tunneling effect is a direct evidence for the SSAR from MFs, fully consistent with theoretical analyses. Our work provides definitive evidences of MFs and will stimulate the MFs research on their novel physical properties, hence a step towards their statistics and application in quantum computing.Comment: 4 figures 15 page

    Assessing the Decision-Making Process in Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Lego-like EEG Headset

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    Human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become an emerging field, where the use of a robotic agent has been shifted from a supportive machine to a decision-making collaborator. A variety of factors can influence the effectiveness of decision-making processes during HRC, including the system-related (e.g., robot capability) and human-related (e.g., individual knowledgeability) factors. As a variety of contextual factors can significantly impact the human-robot decision-making process in collaborative contexts, the present study adopts a Lego-like EEG headset to collect and examine human brain activities and utilizes multiple questionnaires to evaluate participants’ cognitive perceptions toward the robot. A user study was conducted where two levels of robot capabilities (high vs. low) were manipulated to provide system recommendations. The participants were also identified into two groups based on their computational thinking (CT) ability. The EEG results revealed that different levels of CT abilities trigger different brainwaves, and the participants’ trust calibration of the robot also varies the resultant brain activities

    Association of clinical symptomatic hypoglycemia with cardiovascular events and total mortality in type 2 diabetes a nationwide population-based study

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    OBJECTIVE Hypoglycemia is associated with serious health outcomes for patients treated for diabetes. However, the outcome of outpatients with type 2 diabetes who have experienced hypoglycemia episodes is largely unknown. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The study population, derived from the National Health Insurance Research Database released by the Taiwan National Health Research Institutes during 1998–2009, comprised 77,611 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. We designed a prospective study consisting of randomly selected hypoglycemic type 2 diabetic patients and matched type 2 diabetic patients without hypoglycemia. We investigated the relationships of hypoglycemia with total mortality and cardiovascular events, including stroke, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, and all-cause hospitalization. RESULTS There were 1,844 hypoglycemic events (500 inpatients and 1,344 outpatients) among the 77,611 patients. Both mild (outpatient) and severe (inpatient) hypoglycemia cases had a higher percentage of comorbidities, including hypertension, renal diseases, cancer, stroke, and heart disease. In multivariate Cox regression models, including diabetes treatment adjustment, diabetic patients with hypoglycemia had a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular events during clinical treatment periods. After constructing a model adjusted with propensity scores, mild and severe hypoglycemia still demonstrated higher hazard ratios (HRs) for cardiovascular diseases (HR 2.09 [95% CI 1.63–2.67]), all-cause hospitalization (2.51 [2.00–3.16]), and total mortality (2.48 [1.41–4.38]). CONCLUSIONS Symptomatic hypoglycemia, whether clinically mild or severe, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, all-cause hospitalization, and all-cause mortality. More attention may be needed for diabetic patients with hypoglycemic episodes.Pai-Feng Hsu, Shih-Hsien Sung, Hao-Min Cheng, Jong-Shiuan Yeh, Wen-Ling Liu, Wan-Leong Chan, Chen-Huan Chen, Pesus Chou, Shao-Yuan Chuan

    Inhibition of FAK Signaling Elicits Lamin A/C-Associated Nuclear Deformity and Cellular Senescence

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    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor kinase that facilitates tumor aggressiveness. The effects of FAK inhibition include arresting proliferation, limiting metastasis, and inhibiting angiogenesis. PF-573228 is an ATP-competitive inhibitor of FAK. Treating lung cancer cells with PF-573228 resulted in FAK inactivation and changes in the expressions of lamin A/C and nuclear deformity. Since lamin A/C downregulation or deficiency was associated with cellular senescence, the senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) assay was used to investigate whether PF-573228 treatment drove cellular senescence, which showed more SA-β-gal-positive cells in culture. p53 is known to play a pivotal role in mediating the progression of cellular senescence, and the PF-573228-treated lung cancer cells resulted in a higher p53 expression level. Subsequently, the FAK depletion in lung cancer cells was employed to confirm the role of FAK inhibition on cellular senescence. FAK depletion and pharmacological inhibition of lung cancer cells elicited similar patterns of cellular senescence, lamin A/C downregulation, and p53 upregulation, implying that FAK signaling is associated with the expression of p53 and the maintenance of lamin A/C levels to shape regular nuclear morphology and manage anti-senescence. Conversely, FAK inactivation led to p53 upregulation, disorganization of the nuclear matrix, and consequently cellular senescence. Our data suggest a new FAK signaling pathway, in that abolishing FAK signaling can activate the senescence program in cells. Triggering cellular senescence could be a new therapeutic approach to limit tumor growth

    Hubba: hub objects analyzer—a framework of interactome hubs identification for network biology

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    One major task in the post-genome era is to reconstruct proteomic and genomic interacting networks using high-throughput experiment data. To identify essential nodes/hubs in these interactomes is a way to decipher the critical keys inside biochemical pathways or complex networks. These essential nodes/hubs may serve as potential drug-targets for developing novel therapy of human diseases, such as cancer or infectious disease caused by emerging pathogens. Hub Objects Analyzer (Hubba) is a web-based service for exploring important nodes in an interactome network generated from specific small- or large-scale experimental methods based on graph theory. Two characteristic analysis algorithms, Maximum Neighborhood Component (MNC) and Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component (DMNC) are developed for exploring and identifying hubs/essential nodes from interactome networks. Users can submit their own interaction data in PSI format (Proteomics Standards Initiative, version 2.5 and 1.0), tab format and tab with weight values. User will get an email notification of the calculation complete in minutes or hours, depending on the size of submitted dataset. Hubba result includes a rank given by a composite index, a manifest graph of network to show the relationship amid these hubs, and links for retrieving output files. This proposed method (DMNC || MNC) can be applied to discover some unrecognized hubs from previous dataset. For example, most of the Hubba high-ranked hubs (80% in top 10 hub list, and >70% in top 40 hub list) from the yeast protein interactome data (Y2H experiment) are reported as essential proteins. Since the analysis methods of Hubba are based on topology, it can also be used on other kinds of networks to explore the essential nodes, like networks in yeast, rat, mouse and human. The website of Hubba is freely available at http://hub.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Hubba