180 research outputs found

    Anisometric Charge Dependent Swelling of Porous Carbon in an Ionic Liquid

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    In situ electrochemical dilatometry was used to study, for the first time, the expansion behavior of a porous carbon electrode in a pure ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium-tetrafluoroborate. For a single electrode, an applied potential of -2 V and +2 V against the potential of zero charge resulted in maximum strain of 1.8 % and 0.5 %, respectively. During cyclic voltammetry, the characteristic expansion behavior strongly depends on the scan rate, with increased scan rates leading to a decrease of the expansion. Chronoamperometry was used to determine the equilibrium specific capacitance and expansion. The obtained strain versus accumulated charge relationship can be fitted with a simple quadratic function. Cathodic and anodic expansion data collapses on one parabola when normalizing the surface charge by the ratio of ion volume and average pore size. There is also a transient spike in the height change when polarity is switched from positive to negative that is not observed when changing the potential from negative to positive indicating the size and the shape of the ion is influencing the expansion behavior.Comment: 10 pages double spaced, 3 figs, Electrochemistry Communications, accepte

    Empagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Kidney Outcomes across KDIGO Risk Categories: Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multinational Trial

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the Empagliflozin Cardiovascular Outcome Event Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients (EMPA-REG Outcome), empagliflozin, in addition to standard of care, significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular death by 38%, hospitalization for heart failure by 35%, and incident or worsening nephropathy by 39% compared with placebo in patients with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular disease. Using EMPA-REG Outcome data, we assessed whether the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD classification had an influence on the treatment effect of empagliflozin. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Patients with type 2 diabetes, established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and eGFR≥30 ml/min per 1.73 m2 at screening were randomized to receive empagliflozin 10 mg, empagliflozin 25 mg, or placebo once daily in addition to standard of care. Post hoc, we analyzed cardiovascular and kidney outcomes, and safety, using the two-dimensional KDIGO classification framework. RESULTS: Of 6952 patients with baseline eGFR and urinary albumin-creatinine ratio values, 47%, 29%, 15%, and 8% were classified into low, moderately increased, high, and very high KDIGO risk categories, respectively. Empagliflozin showed consistent risk reductions across KDIGO categories for cardiovascular outcomes (P values for treatment by subgroup interactions ranged from 0.26 to 0.85) and kidney outcomes (P values for treatment by subgroup interactions ranged from 0.16 to 0.60). In all KDIGO risk categories, placebo and empagliflozin had similar adverse event rates, the notable exception being genital infection events, which were more common with empagliflozin for each category. CONCLUSIONS: The observed effects of empagliflozin versus placebo on cardiovascular and kidney outcomes were consistent across the KDIGO risk categories, indicating that the effect of treatment benefit of empagliflozin was unaffected by baseline CKD status. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRY NAME AND REGISTRATION NUMBER: EMPA-REG OUTCOME, NCT01131676

    Lack of ZnT8 protects pancreatic islets from hypoxia- and cytokine induced cell death

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    Pancreatic β-cells depend on the well-balanced regulation of cytosolic zinc concentrations, providing sufficient zinc ions for the processing and storage of insulin, but avoiding toxic effects. The zinc transporter ZnT8, encoded by SLC30A8, is a key player regarding islet cell zinc homeostasis, and polymorphisms in this gene are associated with altered type 2 diabetes susceptibility in man. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of ZnT8 and zinc in situations of cellular stress as hypoxia or inflammation. Isolated islets of wild-type and global ZnT8-/- mice were exposed to hypoxia or cytokines and cell death was measured. To explore the role of changing intracellular Zn2+ concentrations, wild-type islets were exposed to different zinc concentrations using zinc chloride or the zinc chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (TPEN). Hypoxia or cytokine (TNFα, IFNγ, IL1β) treatment induced islet cell death, but to a lesser extent in islets from ZnT8-/- mice, which were shown to have a reduced zinc content. Similarly, chelation of zinc with TPEN reduced cell death in wild-type islets treated with hypoxia or cytokines, whereas increased zinc concentrations aggravated the effects of these stressors. This study demonstrates a reduced rate of cell death in islets from ZnT8-/- mice as compared to wild-type islets when exposed to two distinct cellular stressors, hypoxia or cytotoxic cytokines. This protection from cell death is, in part, mediated by a reduced zinc content in islet cells of ZnT8-/- mice. These findings may be relevant for altered diabetes burden in carriers of risk SLC30A8 alleles in man

    Combined transcriptome studies identify AFF3 as a mediator of the oncogenic effects of beta-catenin in adrenocortical carcinoma

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    Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is a very aggressive tumor, and genomics studies demonstrate that the most frequent alterations of driver genes in these cancers activate the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. However, the adrenal-specific targets of oncogenic beta-catenin-mediating tumorigenesis have not being established. A combined transcriptomic analysis from two series of human tumors and the human ACC cell line H295R harboring a spontaneous beta-catenin activating mutation was done to identify the Wnt/beta-catenin targets. Seven genes were consistently identified in the three studies. Among these genes, we found that AFF3 mediates the oncogenic effects of beta-catenin in ACC. The Wnt response element site located at nucleotide position - 1408 of the AFF3 transcriptional start sites (TSS) mediates the regulation by the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. AFF3 silencing decreases cell proliferation and increases apoptosis in the ACC cell line H295R. AFF3 is located in nuclear speckles, which play an important role in RNA splicing. AFF3 overexpression in adrenocortical cells interferes with the organization and/or biogenesis of these nuclear speckles and alters the distribution of CDK9 and cyclin T1 such that they accumulate at the sites of AFF3/speckles. We demonstrate that AFF3 is a new target of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway involved in ACC, acting on transcription and RNA splicing

    Combined transcriptome studies identify AFF3 as a mediator of the oncogenic effects of beta-catenin in adrenocortical carcinoma

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    Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is a very aggressive tumor, and genomics studies demonstrate that the most frequent alterations of driver genes in these cancers activate the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. However, the adrenal-specific targets of oncogenic beta-catenin-mediating tumorigenesis have not being established. A combined transcriptomic analysis from two series of human tumors and the human ACC cell line H295R harboring a spontaneous beta-catenin activating mutation was done to identify the Wnt/beta-catenin targets. Seven genes were consistently identified in the three studies. Among these genes, we found that AFF3 mediates the oncogenic effects of beta-catenin in ACC. The Wnt response element site located at nucleotide position - 1408 of the AFF3 transcriptional start sites (TSS) mediates the regulation by the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. AFF3 silencing decreases cell proliferation and increases apoptosis in the ACC cell line H295R. AFF3 is located in nuclear speckles, which play an important role in RNA splicing. AFF3 overexpression in adrenocortical cells interferes with the organization and/or biogenesis of these nuclear speckles and alters the distribution of CDK9 and cyclin T1 such that they accumulate at the sites of AFF3/speckles. We demonstrate that AFF3 is a new target of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway involved in ACC, acting on transcription and RNA splicing

    PLK1 inhibitors as a new targeted treatment for adrenocortical carcinoma

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    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is an aggressive malignancy with limited treatment options. Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) is a promising drug target; PLK1 inhibitors (PLK1i) have been investigated in solid cancers and are more effective in TP53-mutated cases. We evaluated PLK1 expression in ACC samples and the efficacy of two PLK1i in ACC cell lines with different genetic backgrounds. PLK1 protein expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry in tissue samples and correlated with clinical data. The efficacy of rigosertib (RGS), targeting RAS/PI3K, CDKs and PLKs, and poloxin (Pol), specifically targeting the PLK1 polo-box domain, was tested in TP53-mutated NCI-H295R, MUC-1, and CU-ACC2 cells and in TP53 wild-type CU-ACC1. Effects on proliferation, apoptosis, and viability were determined. PLK1 immunostaining was stronger in TP53-mutated ACC samples vs wild-type (P = 0.0017). High PLK1 expression together with TP53 mutations correlated with shorter progression-free survival (P= 0.041). NCI-H295R showed a time- and dose-dependent reduction in proliferation with both PLK1i (P< 0.05at 100 nM RGS and 30 µM Pol). In MUC-1, a less pronounced decrease was observed (P< 0.05at 1000 nM RGS and 100 µM Pol). 100 nM RGS increased apoptosis in NCI-H295R (P< 0.001), with no effect on MUC-1. CU-ACC2 apoptosis was induced only at high concentrations (P < 0.05 at 3000 nM RGS and 100 µM Pol), while proliferation decreased at 1000 nM RGS and 30 µM Pol. CU-ACC1 proliferation reduced, and apoptosis increased, only at 100 µM Pol. TP53-mutated ACC cell lines demonstrated better response to PLK1i than wild-type CU-ACC1. These data suggest PLK1i may be a promising targeted treatment of a subset of ACC patients, pre-selected according to tumour genetic signature

    Cytotoxic Effect of Progesterone, Tamoxifen and Their Combination in Experimental Cell Models of Human Adrenocortical Cancer

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    Progesterone (Pg) and estrogen (E) receptors (PgRs and ERs) are expressed in normal and neoplastic adrenal cortex, but their role is not fully understood. In literature, Pg demonstrated cytotoxic activity on AdrenoCortical Carcinoma (ACC) cells, while tamoxifen is cytotoxic in NCI-H295R cells. Here, we demonstrated that in ACC cell models, ERs were expressed in NCI-H295R cells with a prevalence of ER-β over the ER-α.Metastasis-derived MUC-1 and ACC115m cells displayed a very weak ER-α/β signal, while PgR cells were expressed, although at low level. Accordingly, these latter were resistant to the SERM tamoxifen and scarcely sensitive to Pg, as we observed a lower potency compared to NCI-H295R cells in cytotoxicity (IC50: MUC-1 cells: 67.58 µM (95%CI: 63.22-73.04), ACC115m cells: 51.76 µM (95%CI: 46.45-57.67) and cell proliferation rate. Exposure of NCI-H295R cells to tamoxifen induced cytotoxicity (IC50: 5.43 µM (95%CI: 5.18-5.69 µM) mainly involving ER-β, as their nuclear localization increased after tamoxifen: Δ A.U. treated vs untreated: 12 h: +27.04% (p < 0.01); 24 h: +36.46% (p < 0.0001). This effect involved the SF-1 protein reduction: Pg: -36.34 ± 9.26%; tamoxifen: -46.25 ± 15.68% (p < 0.01). Finally, in a cohort of 36 ACC samples, immunohistochemistry showed undetectable/low level of ERs, while PgR demonstrated a higher expression. In conclusion, ACC experimental cell models expressed PgR and low levels of ER in line with data obtained in patient tissues, thus limiting the possibility of a clinical approach targeting ER. Interestingly, Pg exerted cytotoxicity also in metastatic ACC cells, although with low potency. Keywords: ACC cell lines; ACC primary cells; adrenocortical carcinoma; estrogen receptors; progesterone receptors; tamoxifen