10 research outputs found

    Gestion dynamique de la nature temporaire en RĂ©gion bruxelloise

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    La recherche Biodiv.Temp est menĂ©e conjointement par le Centre de recherches et d’études pour l’action territoriale (CREAT) et le SĂ©minaire de recherche en droit de l’environnement et de l’urbanisme (SERES) dans le cadre d’un financement Innoviris Anticipate. Cette recherche a pour objectif de fournir les outils juridiques et d’urbanisme nĂ©cessaires Ă  l’établissement d’un maillage vert et bleu dynamique et cohĂ©rent tout en densifiant l’habitat en tenant compte des dynamiques temporelles et spatiales propres Ă  la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale

    Conflits et mutabilité des délaissés urbains en région de Bruxelles-Capitale

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    International audienceWith the emergence of temporary occupations, the temporary use of a place by human being or nature leads to potentially restrictive conflicts for urban development projects. To ensure the sustainable densification of Brussels, biodiv.temp research has identified different types of potential conflicts in the urban wastelands and the factors that influence them. These results have fed the construction of a “mutability index” considered as a means of helping to resolve conflicts. This mutability index will be applied to case studies and implemented to the rules in force in the Brussels-Capital Region will be proposed to achieve the objectives of sustainable densification taking into account the temporality of urban mutations and biodiversity.Avec l’émergence des occupations temporaires, l’usage temporaire d’un lieu par l’ĂȘtre humain ou la nature amĂšne des conflits potentiellement contraignants aux projets de dĂ©veloppement urbain. Pour assurer une densification durable de Bruxelles, la recherche biodiv.temp a identifiĂ© diffĂ©rents types de conflits dans les dĂ©laissĂ©s urbains et les facteurs susceptibles de les influencer. Ces rĂ©sultats ont permis d’alimenter la construction d’un « indice de mutabilitĂ© » envisagĂ© comme moyen d’aide Ă  la rĂ©solution des conflits. Nous l’appliquerons Ă  des Ă©tudes de cas ; des recommandations concernant les rĂšgles en vigueur dans la rĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale seront notamment proposĂ©es pour atteindre les objectifs de densification durable tout en prenant en compte la temporalitĂ© des mutations urbaines et de la biodiversitĂ©

    Conflits et mutabilité des délaissés urbains en région de Bruxelles-Capitale

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    International audienceWith the emergence of temporary occupations, the temporary use of a place by human being or nature leads to potentially restrictive conflicts for urban development projects. To ensure the sustainable densification of Brussels, biodiv.temp research has identified different types of potential conflicts in the urban wastelands and the factors that influence them. These results have fed the construction of a “mutability index” considered as a means of helping to resolve conflicts. This mutability index will be applied to case studies and implemented to the rules in force in the Brussels-Capital Region will be proposed to achieve the objectives of sustainable densification taking into account the temporality of urban mutations and biodiversity.Avec l’émergence des occupations temporaires, l’usage temporaire d’un lieu par l’ĂȘtre humain ou la nature amĂšne des conflits potentiellement contraignants aux projets de dĂ©veloppement urbain. Pour assurer une densification durable de Bruxelles, la recherche biodiv.temp a identifiĂ© diffĂ©rents types de conflits dans les dĂ©laissĂ©s urbains et les facteurs susceptibles de les influencer. Ces rĂ©sultats ont permis d’alimenter la construction d’un « indice de mutabilitĂ© » envisagĂ© comme moyen d’aide Ă  la rĂ©solution des conflits. Nous l’appliquerons Ă  des Ă©tudes de cas ; des recommandations concernant les rĂšgles en vigueur dans la rĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale seront notamment proposĂ©es pour atteindre les objectifs de densification durable tout en prenant en compte la temporalitĂ© des mutations urbaines et de la biodiversitĂ©

    Aménager les espaces publics wallons

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    Le vade-mecum des espaces publics wallons vise Ă  contribuer Ă  une culture commune de l’espace public. Il ambitionne de fournir un outil ancrĂ© dans la rĂ©alitĂ© wallonne et encourageant la transversalitĂ© des savoirs et des compĂ©tences. Il se veut un outil guidant la conception, aidant Ă  arbitrer les intĂ©rĂȘts et Ă©quilibrer les besoins. Il n’offre pas de solutions ‘prĂȘt Ă  l’emploi’, Le vade-mecum expose des ambitions de qualitĂ© et ne prĂ©tend pas dĂ©finir de rĂšgle de bon amĂ©nagement. Il faut le lire/comprendre comme un idĂ©al commun vers lequel se tourner. Les ambitions concernent tant l’amĂ©nagement en tant que tel que la maniĂšre de conduire le projet

    New regional geographies of the world as practised by leading advanced producer service firms in 2010

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    This paper reports a new type of world regionalisation based upon the location strategies of leading advanced producer service firms. To generate these ‘global practice’ regions, a principal components analysis of the office networks of 175 service firms across 138 cities is used to identify 10 common location strategies. These are interpreted as fuzzy (overlapping) and porous regional formations each consisting of two parts: a home-region and a global-outreach. The results indicate five overlapping pairs of regions: (i) intensive and extensive globalisations based upon the USA plus London (USAL); (ii) Americas and Latin America regions; (iii) Pacific Asia and China regions; (iv) Europe and Scandinavia regions; and (v) Australasian and Canadian ‘Commonwealth’ regions. All regions have worldwide global-outreaches but they differ significantly in their respective sizes and importance. Discussion of these findings elaborates upon two key points: first, globalisation is not a ‘blanket’ process creating a homogeneous world, and second, the resulting fuzzy and porous regionalisation counters the traditional ‘territorialist’ regional geographies that can provide a framework for global conflict with a more complex geography of multiple global integrations

    Genomic Designing for Climate-Smart Tomato

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    Tomato is the first vegetable consumed in the world. It is grown in very different conditions and areas, mainly in field for processing tomatoes while fresh-market tomatoes are often produced in greenhouses. Tomato faces many environmental stresses, both biotic and abiotic. Today many new genomic resources are available allowing an acceleration of the genetic progress. In this chapter, we will first present the main challenges to breed climate-smart tomatoes. The breeding objectives relative to productivity, fruit quality, and adaptation to environmental stresses will be presented with a special focus on how climate change is impacting these objectives. In the second part, the genetic and genomic resources available will be presented. Then, traditional and molecular breeding techniques will be discussed. A special focus will then be presented on ecophysiological modeling, which could constitute an important strategy to define new ideotypes adapted to breeding objectives. Finally, we will illustrate how new biotechnological tools are implemented and could be used to breed climate-smart tomatoes