21,157 research outputs found

    Non-intrusive parameter identification procedure user's guide

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    Written in standard FORTRAN, NAS is capable of identifying linear as well as nonlinear relations between input and output parameters; the only restriction is that the input/output relation be linear with respect to the unknown coefficients of the estimation equations. The output of the identification algorithm can be specified to be in either the time domain (i.e., the estimation equation coefficients) or in the frequency domain (i.e., a frequency response of the estimation equation). The frame length ("window") over which the identification procedure is to take place can be specified to be any portion of the input time history, thereby allowing the freedom to start and stop the identification procedure within a time history. There also is an option which allows a sliding window, which gives a moving average over the time history. The NAS software also includes the ability to identify several assumed solutions simultaneously for the same or different input data

    Single-spin magnetometry with multi-pulse sensing sequences

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    We experimentally demonstrate single-spin magnetometry with multi-pulse sensing sequences. The use of multi-pulse sequences can greatly increase the sensing time per measurement shot, resulting in enhanced ac magnetic field sensitivity. We theoretically derive and experimentally verify the optimal number of sensing cycles, for which the effects of decoherence and increased sensing time are balanced. We perform these experiments for oscillating magnetic fields with fixed phase as well as for fields with random phase. Finally, by varying the phase and frequency of the ac magnetic field, we measure the full frequency-filtering characteristics of different multi-pulse schemes and discuss their use in magnetometry applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Final versio


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    Despite the contention that risk and uncertainty play an important role in agriculture in North Florida and South Alabama, very little is known about producers' perceptions of risk. This paper describes the procedures used and the results obtained from a statistically random survey of farmers' perceptions of the importance of various sources of risk and alternative risk management practices. Initially, farmers were asked to define risk and then to rank various sources of risk and management responses to risk based on the relative importance of each to their operation. Summary statistics, Chi-squares analyses, and logistic regression techniques were used to analyze the data.Farm Management, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Transonic and Supersonic Divergence Characteristics of a Delta-Plan-Form All- Movable Control

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    The static aeroelastic divergence characteristics of a delta-planform model of the canard control surface of a proposed air-to-ground missile have been studied both analytically and experimentally in the Mach number range from 0.6 to 3.0. The experiments indicated that divergence occurred at a nearly constant value of dynamic pressure at Mach numbers up to 1.2. At higher Mach numbers somewhat higher values of dynamic pressure were required to produce divergence. The analysis and the experiment indicate that the camber stiffness of the control surface and the stiffness of the control actuator are both important in divergence of surfaces of this type

    Universal dynamical decoupling of a single solid-state spin from a spin bath

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    Controlling the interaction of a single quantum system with its environment is a fundamental challenge in quantum science and technology. We dramatically suppress the coupling of a single spin in diamond with the surrounding spin bath by using double-axis dynamical decoupling. The coherence is preserved for arbitrary quantum states, as verified by quantum process tomography. The resulting coherence time enhancement is found to follow a general scaling with the number of decoupling pulses. No limit is observed for the decoupling action up to 136 pulses, for which the coherence time is enhanced more than 25 times compared to spin echo. These results uncover a new regime for experimental quantum science and allow to overcome a major hurdle for implementing quantum information protocols.Comment: submitted 24 May 2010; published online 9 September 201

    Polarization and readout of coupled single spins in diamond

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    We study the coupling of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to a nearby single nitrogen defect at room temperature. The magnetic dipolar coupling leads to a splitting in the electron spin resonance frequency of the nitrogen-vacancy center, allowing readout of the state of a single nitrogen electron spin. At magnetic fields where the spin splitting of the two centers is the same we observe a strong polarization of the nitrogen electron spin. The amount of polarization can be controlled by the optical excitation power. We combine the polarization and the readout in time-resolved pump-probe measurements to determine the spin relaxation time of a single nitrogen electron spin. Finally, we discuss indications for hyperfine-induced polarization of the nitrogen nuclear spin

    Analysis of pilot control strategy

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    Methods for nonintrusive identification of pilot control strategy and task execution dynamics are presented along with examples based on flight data. The specific analysis technique is Nonintrusive Parameter Identification Procedure (NIPIP), which is described in a companion user's guide (NASA CR-170398). Quantification of pilot control strategy and task execution dynamics is discussed in general terms followed by a more detailed description of how NIPIP can be applied. The examples are based on flight data obtained from the NASA F-8 digital fly by wire airplane. These examples involve various piloting tasks and control axes as well as a demonstration of how the dynamics of the aircraft itself are identified using NIPIP. Application of NIPIP to the AFTI/F-16 flight test program is discussed. Recommendations are made for flight test applications in general and refinement of NIPIP to include interactive computer graphics

    The hydrology of prehistoric farming systems in a central Arizona ecotone

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    The prehistoric land use and water management in the semi-arid Southwest was examined. Remote sensing data, geology, hydrology and biology are discussed along with an evaluation of remote sensing contributions, recommendations for applications, and proposed future remote sensing studies

    Bootstrap tomography of high-precision pulses for quantum control

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    Long-time dynamical decoupling and quantum control of qubits require high-precision control pulses. Full characterization (quantum tomography) of imperfect pulses presents a bootstrap problem: tomography requires initial states of a qubit which can not be prepared without imperfect pulses. We present a protocol for pulse error analysis, specifically tailored for a wide range of the single solid-state electron spins. Using a single electron spin of a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond, we experimentally verify the correctness of the protocol, and demonstrate its usefulness for quantum control tasks

    Latched Detection of Excited States in an Isolated Double Quantum Dot

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    Pulsed electrostatic gating combined with capacitive charge sensing is used to perform excited state spectroscopy of an electrically isolated double-quantum-dot system. The tunneling rate of a single charge moving between the two dots is affected by the alignment of quantized energy levels; measured tunneling probabilities thereby reveal spectral features. Two pulse sequences are investigated, one of which, termed latched detection, allows measurement of a single tunneling event without repetition. Both provide excited-state spectroscopy without electrical contact to the double-dot system.Comment: related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed
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