686 research outputs found

    Extended Gari-Krumpelmann model fits to nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    Nucleon electromagnetic form factor data (including recent data) is fitted with models that respect the confinement and asymptotic freedom properties of QCD. Gari-Krumpelmann (GK) type models, which include the major vector meson pole contributions and at high momentum transfer conform to the predictions of perturbative QCD, are combined with Hohler-Pietarinen (HP) models, which also include the width of the rho meson and the addition of higher mass vector meson exchanges, but do not evolve into the explicit form of PQCD at high momentum transfer. Different parameterizations of the GK model's hadronic form factors, the effect of including the width of the rho meson and the addition of the next (in mass) isospin 1 vector meson are considered. The quality of fit and the consistency of the parameters select three of the combined HP/GK type models. Projections are made to the higher momentum transfers which are relevant to electron-deuteron experiments. The projections vary little for the preferred models, removing much of the ambiguity in electron-nucleus scattering predictions.Comment: 18pp, 7 figures, using RevTeX with BoxedEPS macros; 1 new figure, minor textual changes; email correspondence to [email protected]

    Effect of recent R_p and R_n measurements on extended Gari-Krumpelmann model fits to nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    The Gari-Krumpelmann (GK) models of nucleon electromagnetic form factors, in which the rho, omega, and phi vector meson pole contributions evolve at high momentum transfer to conform to the predictions of perturbative QCD (pQCD), was recently extended to include the width of the rho meson by substituting the result of dispersion relations for the pole and the addition of rho' (1450) isovector vector meson pole. This extended model was shown to produce a good overall fit to all the available nucleon electromagnetic form factor (emff) data. Since then new polarization data shows that the electric to magnetic ratios R_p and R_n obtained are not consistent with the older G_{Ep} and G_{En} data in their range of momentum transfer. The model is further extended to include the omega' (1419) isoscalar vector meson pole. It is found that while this GKex cannot simultaneously fit the new R_p and the old G_{En} data, it can fit the new R_p and R_n well simultaneously. An excellent fit to all the remaining data is obtained when the inconsistent G_{Ep} and G_{En} is omitted. The model predictions are shown up to momentum transfer squared, Q^2, of 8 GeV^2/c^2.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, using RevTeX4; email correspondence to [email protected] ; minor typos corrected, figures added, conclusions extende

    Double quantum dot turnstile as an electron spin entangler

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    We study the conditions for a double quantum dot system to work as a reliable electron spin entangler, and the efficiency of a beam splitter as a detector for the resulting entangled electron pairs. In particular, we focus on the relative strengths of the tunneling matrix elements, the applied bias and gate voltage, the necessity of time-dependent input/output barriers, and the consequence of considering wavepacket states for the electrons as they leave the double dot to enter the beam splitter. We show that a double quantum dot turnstile is, in principle, an efficient electron spin entangler or entanglement filter because of the exchange coupling between the dots and the tunable input/output potential barriers, provided certain conditions are satisfied in the experimental set-up.Comment: published version; minor error correcte

    Reconciling Neutralino Relic Density with Yukawa Unified Supersymmetric Models

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    Supersymmetric grand unified models based on the gauge group SO(10) are especially attractive in light of recent data on neutrino masses. The simplest SO(10) SUSY GUT models predict unification of third generation Yukawa couplings in addition to the usual gauge coupling unification. Recent surveys of Yukawa unified SUSY GUT models predict an inverted scalar mass hierarchy in the spectrum of sparticle masses if the superpotential mu term is positive. In general, such models tend to predict an overabundance of dark matter in the universe. We survey several solutions to the dark matter problem in Yukawa unified supersymmetric models. One solution-- lowering the GUT scale mass value of first and second generation scalars-- leads to u_R and c_R squark masses in the 90-120 GeV regime, which should be accessible to Fermilab Tevatron experiments. We also examine relaxing gaugino mass universality which may solve the relic density problem by having neutralino annihilations via the Z or h resonances, or by having a wino-like LSP.Comment: 21 page file plus 9 figures; updated version to coincide with published versio

    Large-amplitude driving of a superconducting artificial atom: Interferometry, cooling, and amplitude spectroscopy

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    Superconducting persistent-current qubits are quantum-coherent artificial atoms with multiple, tunable energy levels. In the presence of large-amplitude harmonic excitation, the qubit state can be driven through one or more of the constituent energy-level avoided crossings. The resulting Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) transitions mediate a rich array of quantum-coherent phenomena. We review here three experimental works based on LZS transitions: Mach-Zehnder-type interferometry between repeated LZS transitions, microwave-induced cooling, and amplitude spectroscopy. These experiments exhibit a remarkable agreement with theory, and are extensible to other solid-state and atomic qubit modalities. We anticipate they will find application to qubit state-preparation and control methods for quantum information science and technology.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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