14 research outputs found

    Open Access Monitor - DK (OAM-DK): Indsamling, dokumentation og administration af publiceringsudgifter til Open Access i Danmark

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    In a changing landscape of new Open Access modes, Denmark has adopted a so-called green Open Access strategy, according to which publications must be kept largely free of charge and publications must be archived in institutional repositories.Even so, Danish universities spend significant financial resources on Open Access publishing. Substantial fees are being paid to publish via the golden route in Open Access journals, but also in subscription-based journals via the hybrid model. The latter is especially interesting considering the practice of double-dipping, where universities not only pay for the right-to-read (via the national e-license portfolios) but also for the right-to-publish (via publication fees).This raises the question of the scale of resources being spent on Open Access publishing by Danish universities. This DEFF project follows similar efforts in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands, monitoring how much is being spent on gold and hybrid publishing by Danish universities. The approach has been to identify the publishing ecology of Open Access and derived financial costs. Since it is difficult to gather invoice data, an economic model has been developed to estimate the total cost of publication at Danish universities.Results show that both gold and hybrid publishing practices and expenses related to Open Access publishing in the Danish universities are increasing substantially and that monitoring efforts are required.An executive summary with ten results and recommendations has been produced and is available here: https://zenodo.org/record/1544953.Read more about the project: https://bit.ly/oam-d

    Biblioteksindspark til publiceringsstrategier

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    Hvilket tidsskrift skal jeg vælge? Skal min artikel publiceres som Open Access? Forskningspublicering er kommet i fokus, og for den enkelte forsker er det blevet endnu vigtigere at have en slagplan for, hvor og hvordan forskningsresultaterne publiceres. Men hjælpen er nær, for forskningsbibliotekerne ligger inde med central viden, der kan hjælpe forskerne til at publicere til gavn for både karriere og samfund

    Another brick in the (pay)wall? - monitorering af publiceringsudgifter i Danmark

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    Det skulle være så grønt, men stik imod den danske Open Access-strategi vælger langt størstedelen af forskere fra danske universiteter at publicere den gyldne og hybride vej til Open Access. Det viser resultater fra det netop afsluttede DEFF-projekt Open Access Monitor - DK. Hele 75 procent af Open Access-publikationerne fra 2016 er gyldne eller hybride

    Danske OA-tidsskrifter og Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

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    The report describes a project to get more Danish journals included in DOAJ. The project was initiated in autumn 2020 and started in January 2021. The background has been to strengthen communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing across university libraries within the Royal Danish Library, but also to collaborate nationally with other university libraries that work with OJS servers (Aalborg University Library and Copenhagen Business School). The initiative has been initiated to increase the quality and visibility of the Royal Danish Library Open Science services as well as strengthening the OA journals in terms of visibility and traffic.Rapporten beskriver et projekt, der skulle få flere danske tidsskrifter optaget i DOAJ. Projektet blev initieret i efteråret 2020 og påbegyndt januar 2021. Baggrunden har været at styrke kommunikation, samarbejde og videndeling på tværs af universitetsbiblioteker inden for Det Kgl. Bibliotek, men også at samarbejde nationalt med andre universitetsbiblioteker, der arbejder med OJS servere (Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek og Copenhagen Business School). Initiativet er igangsat for at øge kvalitet og synlighed af Det Kgl. Biblioteks Open Science services samt styrke OA-tidsskrifterne i forhold til synlighed og trafik. 

    Knowledge Exchange - Data from the survey on Alternative Publishing Platforms

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    The survey data are available in two formats (.csv and .xlsx). They each contain the answers of 45 respondents to the survey conducted at the start of 2023. The survey form is still open