108 research outputs found

    Formalized reduction sequences from the site of Kerkhove, Belgium : new perspectives on early Mesolithic flint knapping

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    The refitting of eight Early Mesolithic artefact clusters yielded a detailed image of the flint knappingmethods applied at the site of Kerkhove (BE). Apart from apparent intra-site variability, the analysisrevealed a greater investment in core-shaping than is traditionally present in Early Mesolithicassemblages, combined with a clear preference for bladelet production organized fromalternatingly used, opposed striking platforms. Both elements, unprecedented to some extent inNorthwestern Europe, indicate continuity between Early Mesolithic technological traditions andthose of the preceding, Final-Palaeolithic period

    Inferring site function and technological organization from combined spatial, technological and microwear-analyses at the Mesolithic wetland site of Kerkhove-Stuw, northwestern Belgium (preliminary results)

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    The extensive Mesolithic site of Kerkhove-Stuw was located on the top of a natural levee,adjacent to a palaeochannel of the river Scheldt. Subsequently (from the boreal onwards),the landscape was covered by approximately 4,5m to 9m of peat and alluvial clay. The infillof the palaeochannel deposits were studied by means of a high-resolution multi-proxy analysis(i.e. pollen, microcharcoal, loss on ignition, magnetic susceptibility, granulometry, molluscfauna ...etc.) to reconstruct the varying ecological settings of the prehistoric occupation.The excavations yielded thirteen spatially distinct concentrations of lithic artefacts thatcould be dated to the Early, the Middle and the Late Mesolithic, based on typology. Thiswas partly confirmed by 14C-dates on single entity charred hazelnut shells. Additionally,the site had great potential for a comprehensive technological analysis thanks to the overalllow-density of the lithic concentrations and the diversity of macroscopically discernable rawmaterial categories.Besides lithics, a considerable amount of unburnt and burnt bone fragments, and palaeob-otanical remains were documented. The preservation of a faunal assemblage (dominated byroe deer and wild boar, but also comprised of fur animals and fish remains) is exceptionalfor the Early and Middle Mesolithic in the region and will allow us, for the first time, to gaina better understanding of Mesolithic subsistence practices.Finally, to determine the inter- and intrasite functional properties and aspects of the tech-nological organization of the thirteen lithic concentrations, the spatial distribution of thedifferent types of material remains are studied, combined with a technological and microwearanalysis of the lithic artefacts. For example, the location of ten possible surface hearths couldbe derived from heavily burnt lithic artefacts and burnt organic remains. So far, preliminary results from the technological analysis indicate the presence of several expedient technolo-gies, more elaborate opposed striking platform knapping sequences and a possible diachronicevolution in preferential raw material use. Both spatial analyses and lithic technology arereinforced by an extensive microwear analysis that can specify the objectives of the knappingsequences and mostly the spatial organization of the different activities (butchery, hide andplant scraping, osseous tools manufacturing...) for each occupation phase.In the future, the results from Kerkhove will have to be compared with those previouslyobtained with the same protocol from other (dryland) sites in northwestern Belgium

    Aalst Siesegemkouter 1. Archeologisch vooronderzoek

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    Archeologisch vooronderzoek te Aalter - Woestijne (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen)

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    Dit rapport werd ingediend bij het agentschap samen met een aantal afzonderlijke digitale bijlagen. Een aantal van deze bijlagen zijn niet inbegrepen in dit pdf document en zijn niet online beschikbaar. Sommige bijlagen (grondplannen, fotos, spoorbeschrijvingen, enz.) kunnen van belang zijn voor een betere lezing en interpretatie van dit rapport. Indien u deze bijlagen wenst te raadplegen kan u daarvoor contact opnemen met: [email protected]

    Méthodologie d’une recherche paléoenvironnementale en archéologie préventive : l’exemple du site de Kerkhove stuw (Belgique)

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    En archéologie comme dans les études paléoenvironnementales, la phase de terrain est essentielle, car elle constitue la collecte des données et du matériel qui vont servir aux études en laboratoire. Cette étape est d’autant plus délicate en contexte préventif que le temps est un facteur clé. La méthodologie employée lors des fouilles préventives du site de Kerkhove Stuw a permis une étude paléoenvironnementale approfondie, apportant de nouvelles informations sur l’évolution du paysage de la vallée de l’Escaut depuis la fin du Weichsélien
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