118 research outputs found

    Miljöutredning och miljökommunikation pÄ fordons- och transportprogrammet pÄ Svalöfs gymnasium

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    The report contains an environmental investigation of the automotive and transportat-ion program on Svalöfs gymnasium and an analysis of the environmental communicat-ion between management, teachers and students. The environmental investigation has been based on the methodology of ISO 14001. The various environment aspects on the automotive and transport program has been identi-fied and then evaluated according to how important they are. Laws and requirements in the environmental field related to the program have also been identified. This is followed by suggestions for environmental goals and action plans that the program could work with to be certified according to ISO 14001. Since it is important for a school to communicate environment issues and environmental work to the students, an analysis of how environmental communication between mana-gement, teachers and students were made. The analysis is based on basic communicat-ion science and research in the field, interviews with management and teachers and a questionnaire that students in the automotive and transport program had to fill in. Some suggestions on how to develop the communication further are also given

    Plasmahistaminkoncentration hos hundar med mastocytom

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    Mastcellerna deltar i kroppens immunförsvar och utsöndrar flera signalsubstanser och hormoner ut i vĂ€vnaderna, dessa substanser har sedan olika effekter pĂ„ kroppens organ. Histamin Ă€r en av dessa substanser och utsöndras frĂ„n mastcellerna vid inflammation eller vid allergiska reaktioner. Kroppen har fyra histaminreceptorer som alla deltar i inflammationssvaret, de kontraherar glatt muskulatur i exempelvis lungor, livmoder och tunntarm, stimulerar bildningen av saltsyra i magsĂ€cken och gör sĂ„ att vi fĂ„r de karaktĂ€ristiska myggbetten med svullnad och rodnad. Mastocytom, mastcellstumör, Ă€r en vanlig form av hudtumör hos hundar, de drabbar framför allt vuxna hundar och vissa raser har en ökad risk att utveckla den hĂ€r typen av tumör. Riskfaktorer tros vara genetiskt pĂ„brĂ„, tidigare inflammation, kronisk inflammation eller eventuellt en viral infektion. Tumörerna uppstĂ„r oftast pĂ„ bĂ„len och i mellangĂ„rden samt pĂ„ extremiteterna. Mastocytom varierar ofta i utseende och kan vara svĂ„ra att diagnostisera kliniskt utan att först göra en histopatologisk undersökning. Genom Ă„ren har flera olika graderingssystem tagits fram för att underlĂ€tta diagnostiseringen, det som anvĂ€ndas mest i dag Ă€r den histologiska Patnaik-graderingen frĂ„n 1984. Men det anvĂ€nds Ă€ven andra system sĂ„ man bör vara noga med att hĂ„lla kolla pĂ„ vilket system olika veterinĂ€rer och patologer hĂ€nvisar till. Mastocytom har högre histaminvolym Ă€n normala mastceller och man har sett att hundar med mastocytom har högre plasmahistaminkoncentration Ă€n friska hundar. Man har dock inte kunnat koppla plasmakoncentrationen till vare sig storleken pĂ„ tumören eller dess celltĂ€thet. En effekt som denna högre koncentration har pĂ„ drabbade hundar Ă€r att de lĂ€ttare fĂ„r magsĂ„r eftersom histaminet ökar produktionen av saltsyra i magsĂ€cken. Detta behandlar man med sĂ„ kallade H2-antagonister som hĂ€mmar histaminets effekt pĂ„ magsĂ€ckens celler. En studie har Ă€ven visat att plasmahistaminkoncentrationen hos hundar med mastocytom efter operation av tumören sĂ€nktes.Mast cells participate in the body’s immune system and secrete multiple signal substances and hormones into the surrounding tissues, these substances have different effects on the body’s organs. Histamine is one of these substances and it is secreted from mast cells at inflammation or at allergic reactions. The body has four histamine receptors which all participate in the inflammation process, for example they contract smooth muscle cells in the lungs, uterus and small intestine, they stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and gives us the characteristic mosquito bites with the swelling and redness. Mastocytoma, mast cell tumor, is a common form of skin tumor in dogs, it mostly affects adult dogs and certain breeds have a higher risk of developing this type of tumor. Risk factors are thought to include hereditary, previous inflammation, chronic inflammation and possibly viral infections. The tumors usually appear on the trunk, the perineum and on the extremities. Mastocytoma often varies in appearance and can be difficult to diagnose without first making a histopathological examination. Over the years several different grading systems has been developed to ease the diagnosing, the one used mostly today is Patnaik’s system from 1984, but there are several other systems in use so you need to be cautious with what type of system different veterinarians and pathologists refer to. Mastocytoma has a higher histamine volume then normal mast cells and it has been shown that dogs with mastocytoma have a higher plasma histamine concentration than healthy dogs. It has not been possible to link the plasma concentration to either the size of the tumor or its cell density. One effect this high plasma concentration has on dogs is that they more easily develop gastric ulcer because of the increased production of hydrochloric acid caused by the histamine in the stomach. This is treated with H2 receptor antagonists, which inhibits the histamines effect on the stomach cells. One study has shown that plasma histamine concentration in dogs with mastocytoma drops after surgical removal of the tumor

    Temperature measurement on pigs – a comparison of infrared measurement of skin and rectal temperature

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    Under en tidsperiod pÄ tretton veckor mÀttes temperaturen pÄ tvÄhundratjugo suggor och etthundraÄttiotre smÄgrisar i grisningsboxar vid SLUs forskningsanlÀggning. Vid varje mÀtningstillfÀlle mÀttes rektaltemperatur samt hudtemperatur pÄ tryne, öra, bog, lÀnd och vulva. Varje mÀtomrÄde pÄ huden mÀttes tre gÄnger vid ett mÀttillfÀlle, tvÄ olika IR-termometrar anvÀndes. Detta innebar totalt ettusen etthundra enskilda mÀtningar pÄ suggor och niohundrafemton mÀtningar pÄ smÄgrisar. som samlades in och analyserades avseende korrelation mellan de olika mÀtomrÄdena pÄ huden och rektaltemperaturen. Det undersöktes Àven huruvida rektaltemperatur över trettionio grader pÄ suggor kunde upptÀckas med den infraröda mÀtningen, sensitivitet och specificitet undersöktes avseende detta. Försöket gjordes för att utvÀrdera huruvida IR-termometer Àr ett alternativ till rektaltermometer för personal inom grisproduktion. Studien utfördes pÄ sÄdant vis som en anstÀlld inom grisproduktionen antogs skulle utföra mÀtningen. Det antogs ocksÄ att personal i grisstallar enbart mÀter grisen en gÄng. För att belysa hur en isolerad mÀtning kan skilja frÄn en direkt följande mÀtning gjordes ingen sammanslagning av mÀtresultat till medelvÀrden. Viss korrelation med rektaltemperatur sÄgs vid IR-mÀtning pÄ tryne (r=0,13), bog (r=0,21) och lÀnd (r=0,16) pÄ suggor. För smÄgrisar sÄgs en viss korrelation med rektaltemperatur vid IR-mÀtning pÄ bog (r=0,16). Sensitiviteten för att upptÀcka rektaltemperatur över trettionio grader var lÄg (Se = 59). Specificiteten var högnÀr hudtemperaturen med IR termometer var över eller lika med trettiotre grader (Sp = 100). MÀtresultaten visar att IR-mÀtning av hudtemperatur inte Àr en tillförlitlig metod att identifiera suggor med förhöjd kroppstemperatur, mÀtningen pÄverkas för lÀtt av möjliga felkÀllor.Over a period of thirteen weeks the temperature of two hundred and twenty sows and one hundred and eighty three piglets in the farrowing crates at SLU's research facility were measured. In each measurement the rectal temperature and skin temperature on the snout, ear, shoulder, lumbar region and vulva was measured. Each area of the skin was measured three times during a measurement and two different infrared thermometers were used. A total of one thousand one hundred individual measurements were made on sows and nine hundred and fifteen measurements were made on piglets. The results were then analyzed to evaluate correlation between the different measured skin areas and rectal temperature. It was also investigated how well the rectal temperature above thirty nine degrees on sows could be detected with the infrared skin temperature, sensitivity and specificity was calculated. The research was conducted to evaluate whether the IR thermometer is an alternative to rectal thermometer for use by staff in pig production. The study was conducted in such a way that a employee in pig production was though to conduct the measuring. It was assumed that the employees only would measure the animal once. To illustrate how a single measurement could differ from a directly followed measuring there were no merger of the measurement results in to means. Some correlation with rectal temperature was observed at infrared measurement on the snout (r=0,13), shoulder (r=0,21) and lumbar region (r=0,16) of sows. There were some correlation with rectal temperature and infrared measurement on the shoulder (r=0,16) on the piglets. The sensitivity to detect a rectal temperature above thirty nine degrees was low (Se = 59). Specificity was high when the skin temperature with infrared thermometer was above och equal to thirty three degrees (Sp = 100). The measurement results show that the infrared measurement of skin temperature is not a reliable method to measure the body temperature of sows. The measuring is too sensitive to possible error sources

    A trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) perfusion model approach to elucidate the role of blood removal for lipid oxidation and colour changes in ice-stored fish muscle

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    Whole body saline-perfused rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was ice-stored for 4\ua0weeks and compared with unwashed/washed minces from unbled and bled trout in terms of rancid odour, peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and redness loss. Muscle from saline-perfused fish, which had 72% less total haem, was deficient in rancid odour during the whole storage, while bled (54% less haem) and unbled samples developed rancid odour already after ~4 and 2\ua0days; higher intensity without bleeding. PV/TBARS also developed in the order unbled\ua0>\ua0bled\ua0>\ua0perfused samples; however, PV/TBARS were not as completely prevented as rancid odour after perfusion. Saline washing (3\ua0 7\ua03 volumes) of unbled mince removed 84% haem and yielded the second most stable sample while saline washing (1\ua0 7\ua01 volumes) destabilised unbled mince, despite 64% haem removal. Concurrent antioxidant removal during washing of minces obviously counteracted the effect of blood removal and washing fish mince with small volumes of solution should be used with great care

    Public place, female space

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    The urban population is rapidly expanding and Africa has the fastest growing population in the world. Zanzibar Town is the urban, densely populated area in Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous island state in Tanzania. During the last fifty years, the population has increased by 630% in the city. Due to a combination of lack of planning and adequate infrastructure, extensive areas with informal settlements have developed. This has led to the development of ZanPlan, a comprehensive planning guide for Zanzibar Town. Kihinani is one area pointed out in ZanPlan for further development, due to informal settlements. In informal areas, it is important to provide public space, it creates a sense of community and improves the life quality for the people. In the Zanzibari culture, social life takes place on the streets, but there is a notable difference in how women and men use public space. It is a behaviour firmly rooted in cultural norms, resulting in women spending most of their time at home. The fifth Sustainable Development Goal from the United Nations states that women should have equal participation and involvement in politics, economy and public life. Successful urban planning needs involvement by the local people and women is one group in society which is often ignored in the planning process. The thesis aims to propose a structure plan, with housing, public space and service, for Kihinani and to include women in our planning process. For this, we used the following methods; analysis of ZanPlan, analysis of the site and several different types of interviews with local authorities and women. The information from these methods was analysed and summarised to five strategies, and in conjunction with sketching and discussions, the strategies were used to propose the structure plan for Kihinani. By including women in the planning process, we do not necessarily change the physical outcome of the structure plan. However, the inclusion might make women acknowledging that they can influence planning and this could create a social process where people get more engaged in planning and feel more responsible for their community and neighbourhood. The limited time spent in Zanzibar and our lack of cultural background could have caused gaps in the study. Nevertheless, there are advantages with new viewpoints and this project can work as an inspiration for further planning of Kihinani in the future.Den urbana befolkningen expanderar och Afrika har den snabbast vÀxande befolkningen i vÀrlden. Zanzibar Stad Àr den urbana regionen i Zanzibar, en semi-autonom region i Tanzania. Under de senaste femtio Ären har befolkning i Zanzibar Stad ökat med 630 % och i kombination med bristande planering och adekvat infrastruktur har omfattande omrÄden med informella bosÀttningar utvecklats. Detta har lett till utvecklingen av ZanPlan, ett översiktligt planeringsdokument för Zanzibar stad. Kihinani Àr ett av de omrÄden som pekas ut i ZanPlan för utveckling som följd av informell bosÀttning. I informella omrÄden Àr det viktigt med offentliga rum, de kan skapa samhörighet och förbÀttra livskvaliteten för invÄnarna. PÄ Zanzibar sker det sociala livet pÄ gatorna, men det finns en anmÀrkningsvÀrd skillnad i hur kvinnor och mÀn anvÀnder det offentliga rummet. Det Àr ett beteende som Àr grundat i kulturella och strukturella normer, vilket leder till att kvinnor spenderar större delen av sin tid hemma. Det femte globala hÄllbarhetsmÄlet frÄn FN fastslÄr att kvinnor ska ha samma möjligheter till deltagande i politik, ekonomi och offentligt liv. Kvinnor Àr en grupp i samhÀllet som ofta ignoreras i planeringsprocessen men för en framgÄngsrik stadsplanering behövs engagemang av lokalbefolkningen, dÀribland Àven kvinnor. Denna uppsats syftar till att föreslÄ en strukturplan innehÄllande boende, offentliga rum och service för Kihinani, dÀr vi inkluderar kvinnor i vÄr planeringsprocess. För detta anvÀnde vi följande metoder; analys av ZanPlan, analys av omrÄdet och flera olika typer av intervjuer med lokala myndigheter och kvinnor. Informationen frÄn dessa metoder, tillsammans med resultat frÄn skissarbete och diskussioner, analyserades och sammanfattades i fem strategier som anvÀnts för att föreslÄ gestaltning av en strukturplan för Kihinani. Att inkludera kvinnor i planeringsprocessen förÀndrade inte nödvÀndigtvis det fysiska resultatet av strukturplanen. Integreringen kan dock möjliggöra för kvinnor att kÀnna att de kan pÄverka planeringen och det kan skapa en social process dÀr mÀnniskor blir mer engagerade i planering och kÀnner sig mer delaktiga i sitt samhÀlle och grannskap. Med den begrÀnsade tid som spenderades pÄ Zanzibar i kombination med bristen pÄ kulturell förankring kan ha orsakat luckor i studien och det finns risk att vi har bristande förstÄelse för kulturen, normer och platsen. Det finns dock fördelar med nya infallsvinklar och detta projekt kan fungera som inspiration för framtida planering av Kihinani

    Differences in diagnostic patterns of obstructive airway disease between areas and sex in Sweden and Finland-the Nordic EpiLung study

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    Objective:To investigate the current prevalence of physician-diagnosed obstructive airway diseases by respiratory symptoms and by sex in Sweden and Finland. Method:In 2016, a postal questionnaire was answered by 34,072 randomly selected adults in four study areas: Vastra Gotaland and Norrbotten in Sweden, and Seinajoki-Vaasa and Helsinki in Finland. Results:The prevalence of asthma symptoms was higher in Norrbotten (13.2%), Seinajoki-Vaasa (14.8%) and Helsinki (14.4%) than in Vastra Gotaland (10.7%), and physician-diagnosed asthma was highest in Norrbotten (13.0%) and least in Vastra Gotaland (10.1%). Chronic productive cough was most common in the Finnish areas (7.7-8.2% versus 6.3-6.7%) while the prevalence of physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis (CB) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) varied between 1.7 and 2.7% in the four areas. Among individuals with respiratory symptoms, the prevalence of asthma was most common in Norrbotten, while a diagnosis of COPD or CB was most common in Vastra Gotaland and Seinajoki-Vaasa. More women than men with respiratory symptoms reported a diagnosis of asthma in Sweden and Seinajoki-Vaasa but there were no sex differences in Helsinki. In Sweden, more women than men with symptoms of cough or phlegm reported a diagnosis of CB or COPD, while in Finland the opposite was found. Conclusion:The prevalence of respiratory symptoms and corresponding diagnoses varied between and within the countries. The proportion reporting a diagnosis of obstructive airway disease among individuals with respiratory symptoms varied, indicating differences in diagnostic patterns both between areas and by sex.Peer reviewe

    A multimodal brain imaging dataset on sleep deprivation in young and old humans

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    The Stockholm Sleepy Brain Study I is a functional brain imaging study of 48 younger (20-30 years) and 36 older (65-75 years) healthy participants, with magnetic resonance imaging after normal sleep and partial sleep deprivation in a crossover design. We performed experiments investigating emotional mimicry, empathy for pain, and cognitive reappraisal, as well as resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We also acquired T1- and T2-weighted structural images and diffusion tensor images (DTI). On the night before imaging, participants were monitored with ambulatory polysomnography and were instructed to sleep either as usual or only three hours. Participants came to the scanner the following evening. Besides MRI scanning, participants underwent behavioral tests and contributed blood samples, which have been stored in a biobank and used for DNA analyses. Participants also completed a variety of self-report measures. The resulting multimodal dataset may be useful for hypothesis generation or independent validation of effects of sleep deprivation and aging, as well as investigation of cross-sectional associations between the different outcomesNoneManuscrip

    Fit to father? Online accounts of lifestyle changes and help-seeking on a male infertility board

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    The reproductive realm is routinely viewed as a feminised space requiring women’s commitment and labour. By contrast, men’s procreative contributions and ‘reproductive masculinity’ is represented as unproblematic, with men assumed to be fertile across the lifespan. Recent scientific research has, however, cast doubt over these longstanding assumptions, suggesting that a link does exist between ‘lifestyle’ factors and male fertility. The notion that fertility can be improved with effort (for both women and men) can be located within wider cultural and political shifts which construct individuals as increasingly responsible for acting on health messages and engaging in self-disciplining body projects. Through an exploration of ‘lifestyle changes’ within a men’s online infertility discussion forum board, this paper examines how discourses of individualisation healthism and masculinity are reproduced and interlinked. Our thematic analysis indicates that ‘lifestyle work’ is construed as crucial for achieving conception - and as a means to demonstrate men’s commitment to the dyadic goal of parenthood, which in turn may challenge and extend previous notions of ‘reproductive masculinity’
