1,953 research outputs found

    Teachers as Theorists

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    This paper addresses the tensions that exist between policy-makers and practitioners about what learning and teaching should really be about. It adds to the collective reflection on what learning is about and how we should never stop engaging in reflection about it in an active, revolving and changing manner. Similarities between second language learning and generic learning intersperse the reflective account as the author looks through the lenses of her own disciplines of Linguistics and English as a Second Language. The reflection digs deep into the emotions of a critical pedagogue and is finally channelled into a ‘pedagogy of hope’ for a better future

    Laboratory study on the effects of hydraulic and granulometric parameters on the response of granular soil to internal erosion

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    Erosion is a major environmental problem to agricultural land as well as to civil engineering infrastructures. Rainwater infiltration into granular soils can lead to the migration of fine particles by suffusion. This experimental study is conducted to evaluate the susceptibility to erosion of cohesionless soils. The soil under investigation was collected from the coastal region of Mostaganem (West of Algeria) where erosion has recently caused several damages. To assess soil instability to erosion, two approaches have been proposed in the literature: the geometric approach and the hydraulic approach. Few studies have examined the combination of the two methods. The objective of our study is the combination of the two approaches by determining the critical hydraulic load responsible for triggering erosion as a function of soil characteristics. An experimental parametric study was conducted to determine the influence of initial amount of fines, hydraulic gradient and axial stress on the initiation and evolution of suffusion. A combination of the interactions between these parameters allowed us to express the critical hydraulic gradient and to identify the hydraulic behavior of the soil according to the studied parameters. This approach can better estimate the erodibility of cohesionless soils. It can be used in future development studies at this site to reduce the risk of erosion

    Soil micromorphology for construction science: the mortar archaeometry

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    Micromorphology revealed in depth evaluation of materials particularly soil micromorphology yielded numerous data on processes such as formation, neoformation and transformation of minerals and microstructure in soils, pottery and construction materials. Mortars, one of the first human made materials for construction of Byzantine and the Ottoman worlds were compared in terms of micromorphology and mineralogy

    Democratic innovations in Mexico and Kurdistan : The revival of assemblies and councils as traditional democratic institutions

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    This paper is the outcome of a research project funded jointly by the Leverhulme Fund and the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Radical Democracy and Self-Governance in Kurdistan

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    Non peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Le port du tailleur comme moyen de forger une identité de la femme au travail

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    À New York, dans le contexte des politiques de Workfare, naît en 1996, une association caritative baptisée Dress for Success, qui propose gratuitement des tailleurs à des femmes défavorisées en recherche d’emploi afin qu’elles puissent se présenter à leurs entrevues d’embauche. Le tailleur, vêtement traditionnel et conservateur, incorpore un modèle corporel et une représentation de la féminité qui sert à promouvoir une représentation de l’employée modèle : agréable à regarder et docile. Basée sur la récupération de vêtements auprès du milieu des affaires, cette initiative se heurte à la matérialité du corps des femmes qu’elle vise à aider.Since the implementation of workfare in 1996, a group of volunteers in New York called Dress for Success offers free suits for job interviews to poor women looking for work. A traditional and conservative style of clothing, the feminine business suit projects the body image and representation of femininity of the ideal employee, pleasant to look at, and docile. With clothing collected from the mainly white business world, the initiative finds a resistance in the reality of the bodies of the women being helped

    İlkokul Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Otantik Öğrenme Yaklaşımı Kapsamında Kanıt Temelli Etkinliklerin Kullanımı

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    Within the scope of the authentic learning approach, the teaching process can be designed by using various methods and techniques. One of these methods is evidence-based learning. By using evidence in authentic learning, activities and tasks can be created according to the components of authentic learning and the teaching process can be designed. In this study, activities and authentic tasks were created and applications were made by using evidence in the authentic learning process in the primary school Social Studies course. In this context, it is aimed to reveal how authentic learning components are reflected in the teaching process carried out with the use of evidence-based activities within the scope of authentic learning approach in primary school Social Studies course. The working group of the study was designed according to the action research design, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was determined using the typical case sampling technique. Accordingly, the working group of the study consists of 35 primary school 4th grade students in a public school in Diyarbakir. Data in the study were collected from observations, worksheets, student, and researcher diaries. Descriptive analysis technique was used in the analysis of the obtained data. According to the results of the research, it was determined that students' high-level thinking and developing different perspectives skills developed in the learning process, they associate subjects with their own lives, they cooperate to solve life problems and benefit from expert opinions. In this respect, it has been observed that the use of evidence-based activities in the authentic learning process in Social Studies course can be quite functional.Otantik öğrenme yaklaşımı kapsamında pek çok yöntem ve teknik kullanılarak öğretim süreci tasarlanabilmektedir. Bu yöntemlerden biri kanıt temelli öğrenmedir. Otantik öğrenmede kanıtlar kullanılarak otantik öğrenmenin bileşenlerine göre etkinlikler ve görevler oluşturulup öğretim süreci tasarlanabilmektedir. Araştırmada ilkokul Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde otantik öğrenme sürecinde kanıtlar kullanılarak etkinlikler ve otantik görevler oluşturulmuş ve uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmada ilkokul Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde otantik öğrenme yaklaşımı kapsamında kanıt temelli etkinliklerin kullanımıyla gerçekleştirilen öğretim sürecine, otantik öğrenme bileşenlerinin nasıl yansıdığının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden eylem araştırması desenine göre tasarlanan araştırmanın çalışma grubu tipik durum örneklem tekniği ile belirlenmiştir. Buna göre araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Diyarbakır ilinde bir devlet okulundaki 35 ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler gözlemler, çalışma yaprakları, öğrenci ve araştırmacı günlüklerinden toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrenme sürecinde öğrencilerin üst düzey düşünme ve farklı bakış açıları geliştirme becerilerinin geliştiği, konuları kendi yaşantıları ile ilişkilendirdiği, yaşam problemlerinin çözümü için iş birliği içerisinde faaliyette bulundukları ve uzman görüşlerinden yararlandıkları saptanmıştır. Bu bakımdan Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde otantik öğrenme sürecinde kanıt temelli etkinliklerinin kullanımının oldukça işlevsel olabileceği gözlemlemiştir


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    Penulis menciptakan karakter visual Roftell dalam lukisan bergaya lowbrow, gaya lowbrow dalam lukisan penulis  terpengaruh oleh film animasi yang sering ditonton mulai dari kecil sampai saat ini. Dari kegemaran penulis terhadap karakter kartun akhirnya penulis mempunyai ide untuk menciptakan sebuah karakter visualbernama Roftell dengan ciri khas mata tertutup dan tertawa lebar menyeringai. Proses penciptaan dilakukan dengan cara mengamati karakter visual Totoro dalam film animasi My Neighbor Totoro dan karakter visual No Face dalam film animasi Spirited Away karya Hayao Miyazaki. Dilanjutkan dengan improvisasi membuat sketsa pada kertas untuk mengatur proporsi dan anatomi karakter visual Roftell kemudian dipindahkan pada media tekstil dengan teknik tracing. Selanjutnya adalah proses visualisasi, yaitu proses pewarnaan dan penyempurnaan bentuk lukisan dengan karakter visual Roftell sebagai objek utamanya. Dalam karya tugas akhir ini penulis mengambil tema dari pengalaman masa muda, masa dengan penuh cinta, cita-cita pencarian jati diri, dan sebuah masa dimana lahirnya kesenangan-kesenangan dalam pergaulan. karya yang dihasilkan sebanyak 5 buah yang dikerjakan dalam kurun waktu 2016-2017. Kata kunci: Karakter visual Roftell, Penciptaan, Lukisan Lowbro

    Competing Visions of Political Community in the Middle East:

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    Democratic Confederalism, the model of political community developed by the dominant Kurdish political movements in Northern and Western Kurdistan (Turkey and Syria), is not only a model for the recognition of Kurdish national rights, autonomy or self-government. It is but an ambitious and comprehensive model of political community that has become a competitor to the three dominant visions of political community in the Middle East, namely nationalism, Islamism and (neo)Ottomanism. The model is designed to primarily tackle political domination, although it also addresses social and gender inequality, economic exploitation, environmental degradation and climate change. It therefore gets into direct confrontation with the existing political establishments in Turkey and Syria in particular and in the Middle East in general. Additionally, since the Kurdish political movement tries to realise its program without authorization from nation-states, their agenda and praxis are not tolerated by established orders and confronted violently in the region. Their program is perceived as a threat to the national security of the states involved. Hence, I argue, it is ultimately up to a Kurdish act of foundation whether the model will survive the current hostility and emerge either victorious or as an alternative to the existing models