1,992 research outputs found
Scintillation Event Localization in Novel Hemi-Ellipsoid Detector for SPECT
A high sensitivity Cardiac SPECT system using hemi-ellipsoid crystals with pinhole collimation was previously proposed by Dey et al. To investigate detector resolution for this design, the scintillation light spread on a monolithic hemi-ellipsoidal CsI crystal was simulated using Geant4 Monte Carlo. The expected distribution of scintillation light on the outer surface of the crystal from photoelectric absorption events was obtained from the simulations for selected points inside the crystal. Two sets of simulations were performed. For the first set, a look-up table (LUT) of 12 points was created and each point mapped to its expected light distribution—four points at each of the apex, the central region, and the base along one plane of the crystal, with each set of points situated at the corners of a “square” of side length 2mm. Algorithms were developed to localize test events by comparing the light distributions of the LUT points to that of the 5 test points in each region. The test points were also simulated as photoelectric absorption events. The results showed a visual differentiation between the light distributions of points in the central region and base, with the algorithms able to localize the test points in these regions to within a maximum of 1mm of where the events actually occurred. The apex exhibited worse performance with a maximum localization error of 1.5mm. In the second set of simulations, 1000 gamma ray interactions (“events”) were simulated in different regions of the crystal (apex, central region, base); the light distribution from each event was compared to a new set of LUT points that were chosen to encompass the line of sight of the gamma rays. More than 99.5% of the gamma rays had localization errors of less than 3mm. In future, an LUT that covers the entire hemi-ellipsoid surface needs to be generated, which will allow a localization assessment over the entire detector system
Rancang Bangun Micro Turbin Angin Pembangkit Listrik Untuk Rumah Tinggal Di Daerah Kecepatan Angin Rendah
Energi angin merupakan salah satu potensi energi terbarukan yang dapat memberikan kontribusiterhadap kebutuhan energi listrik rumah tinggal. Pembangkit energi angin bebas polusi (CO2)maka pembangkit ini dapat menjawab masalah lingkungan hidup dan ketersediaan sumber energysifatnya dapat diperbaharui (renewable) serta penelitian ini mendukung program pemerintah kotaPadang untuk menjadi lumbung energy terbarukan. Tujuan yang ingin dihasilkan adalah dibuatnyasebuah turbin angin dalam kapasitas kecil (micro) yang dapat membantu menyuplai listrik sebuahrumah tinggal dan mampu beroperasi di daerah kecepatan angin rendah kemudian dapat di set uppada atap rumah. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk pencapaian tujuan adalah metodaeksperimental dengan tahap-tahapan sebagai berikut pengambilan data angin lapangan; disainturbin angin; pemilihan bahan; pembuatan turbin angin dan pengujian alat. Kota Padang Sumbartermasuk wilayah yang memiliki kecepatan angin rendah antara 2-6 m/s, maka jenis turbin anginyang cocok adalah turbin angin tipe savonius karena bisa berputar pada kecepatan angin rendah(low wind velocity) dengan putaran awal (starting) dapat terjadi pada kecepatan 2m/s sertakonstruksinya yang sangat sederhana. Disain turbin yang dibuat adalah berbentuk savonius 2 sududengan konstruksi overlap antara kedua sudu dengan tujuan untuk memanfaatkan tekanan anginbalikan dari sudu satu ke sudu kedua dan sebaliknya sehingga dapat meningkatkan putaran rotor.Rancangan turbin savonius di buat 4 tingkat. Bahan yang digunakan untuk sudu turbin adalahaluminium dan jenis poros hollow. Generator yang dipakai adalah generator magnet permanenPanasonic 400watt yang dapat menghasilkan daya pada putaran rendah (150 rpm) ; Untukmeningkatkan rpm yang sampai ke generator digunakan system transmisi sabuk dan pully denganperbandingan transmisi 5:1. Kemudian tipe bearing yang digunakan adalah ball bearingbearing.Dari hasil pengujian didapat daya maksimum yang dihasilkan adalah 7,7watt dengan putaran rotor340rpm dengan kecepatan angin 5,68m/s dan Cp 0.
Pengaruh Struktur Audit, Konflik Peran, dan Ketidakjelasan Peran terhadap Kinerja Auditor
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris mengenaipengaruh struktur audit, konflik peran, dan ketidakjelasan peran terhadap kinerjaauditor.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jawa Timur dengan responden auditor yang bekerjapada Kantor Akuntan Publik Jawa Timur sesuai dengan Directory KantorAkuntan Publik yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI. Pengambilan sample dilakukandengan tehnik proportionate stratified random sampling yang didasarkan padadua strata yaitu partner dan staf audit. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengankuesioner yang disampaikan secara langsung dan sebagian melalui surat (mailsurvey). Jumlah kuesioner yang disebarkan adalah 120 eksemplar namun hanya49 kusioner yang kembali. Analisis data untuk penguji hipotesis dilakukan denganregresi berganda.Hasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur audit dan konflik peranberpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja auditor, namun ketidakjelasanperan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja auditor.Kata Kunci : Struktur audit, konflik peran, ketidakjelasan peran, kinerjaauditor
Kesenian Gajah-gajahan di Kaponan Mlarak Ponorogo (Studi nilai budaya dan potensinya sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS SD)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam kesenian gajah-gajahan di Desa Kaponan Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo dan potensinya sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS SD. Kesenian gajah-gajahan merupakan kesenian tradisional yang lahir di Ponorogo yang memiliki tokoh utama yaitu tiruan binatang gajah yang dibuat menyerupai binatang aslinya, dipikul oleh dua orang untuk dapat menggerakkannya, dan diiringi oleh musik hadroh dengan tema islami. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data primer. Data primer diperoleh dari informan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penetapan informan atau sampel berdasarkan purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis penelitian kualitatif model Miles & Huberman. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada Bulan Desember 2018-Januari 2020 di Desa Kaponan Kecamatan Mlarak Ponorogo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesenian gajah-gajahan memiliki nilai religius, silaturohim, sosial ekonomi, gotong royong, kekeluargaan, kerja sama, persatuan dan kesatuan, cinta tanah air dan bangsa, dan estetika. Kesenian gajah-gajahan di Desa Kaponan berpotensi untuk dijadikan sumber pembalajaran IPS SD kelas V KD 3.2 menganalisis bentu-bentuk interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pembangunan sosial, budaya, ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia dan KD 4.2 menyajikan hasil analisis tentang interaski manusia dengan lingkungannya dan pengaruhnya terhadap pembangunan sosial, budaya, ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia
Along with the rapid development of technology, of course, making the security system more sophisticated, efficient and innovative. Internet of Things (IoT)-based security is one of the options for implementing technology in the security sector. With the existence of IoT, every community can keep their vehicle safely through a protection or monitoring system. In this study, the authors design and manufacture a Motorcycle Security System using Face recognition and Bluetooth-based Keyless as a motorcycle lock and a SW-420 vibration sensor as a theft detection. The theft detection system is also supported by a telegram notification service when there is an indication of theft on a motorcycle. The motorcycle protection control system with Keyless on this System can function only at a distance of 0 – 8.35 meters between the iTag BLE module and the ESP32 microcontroller. In other control systems, face recognition verification services can be carried out at a minimum user distance of 25cm and a maximum user distance of 50cm. While the protection system with a vibration sensor has a working logic truth of 100%. In the next development, a device with better hardware specifications is needed so that the performance of the control system has a wider range of detection value
Backpackers Expectation and Satisfaction towards Budget Hotel: a Case Study in Penang
Penang has been the popular cultural heritage tourism attractions in Malaysia. Penang has great potential to develop and offers its cultural and heritage products and experiences to local and foreign visitors. Georgetown is one of the most visited sites in Penang. Georgetown is awarded the UNESCO listing for its unique architecture and cultural townscape. The variety of cultures on display within the heritage area, such as Muslim, Chinese, Indian and European, is unique to Georgetown. The city is also known as Malaysia's food capital, home to multicultural distinct cuisines, cheap and delicious open-air hawker centers. Apart from that, Georgetown also offers unique and affordable budget hotels to enrich backpacker’s experiences. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the facilities and services provided by budget hotels in Georgetown. The evaluation was based on backpackers’ opinions on the importance and performance rating of the listed attributes. This study adopted the simple random sample method of data collection. About 30 questionnaires were distributed to the backpackers during weekdays and weekends. The socio-demographic data were evaluated using Frequency Analysis. The data showed the different socio-demographic, socio-economic, and trip characteristics of the backpackers. The demographic and trip characteristics data provided the information of visitor’s motivation and activity during their visit to Penang. The Importance-Performance Analysis (IP Analysis) was used to evaluate the overall budget hotels’ facility and service attributes, and the final result has been translated into Importance-Performance action grid. The action grid showed all the 23 attributes of general and specific facilities, and services provided were plotted on the High Importance and Performance quadrant. Attributes plotted on the action grid showed that all of the attributes were evaluated high on importance and performance suggested that the cultural village management should maintain the status of performance in all attributes area. The Ratio Analysis indicated the ranking of priority which needed special attention from the management of the budget hotels. From the analysis, availability of mini bar, hotel safe box availability, and hotel F&B are value for money were ranked at the highest priority and needed special intention from the management of the budget hotels. Overall, the result of the study was, all of the attributes were evaluated as High Importance and High Performance. The management of the budget hotels in Georgetown has to keep up the good work and maintain the attributes. Hopefully, the findings of this study will be useful for the management of budget hotels to manage and maintain the facilities and services provided to enhance the quality of backpackers’ experiences.
Pengaruh Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja, Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah, Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah, dan Penerapan Good Goverment terhadap Penilaian Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Studi Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu)
This study aimed to examine the effect of performance-based budgeting, the financial accounting system, financial management information systems and the application of good government on performance appraisal work unit area in Indragiri Hulu.The data in this study were collected by using a survey method with the help of a questionnaire research instruments totaling 72 pieces were distributed directly to 24 working units that exist in the upstream Indragiri Hulu addressed directly to the chief financial officer, treasurer, and staff compiler financial statements work on the local work force. The data in this study will be analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS software version 17.0. To test the validity and reliability of research instrument used Pearson correlation and Cronvach Alpha. Besides, it is also done testing data normalization using a normal probability plot.The results of this study indicate that the performance-based budgeting, the financial accounting system, financial management information systems and the application of good government and a significant positive effect on performance appraisal work unit area.Keywords: Performance-based budgeting, the financial accounting system, financial management information systems area, the application of good government, performance assessment work unit are
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