17 research outputs found

    A biophysical model of decision making in an antisaccade task through variable climbing activity

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    We present a biophysical model of saccade initiation based on competitive integration of planned and reactive cortical saccade decision signals in the intermediate layer of the superior colliculus. In the model, the variable slopes of the climbing activities of the input cortical decision signals are produced from variability in the conductances of Na+, K+, Ca2+ activated K+, NMDA and GABA currents. These cortical decision signals are integrated in the activities of buildup neurons in the intermediate layer of the superior colliculus, whose activities grow nonlinearly towards a preset criterion level. When the level is crossed, a movement is initiated. The resultant model reproduces the unimodal distributions of saccade reaction times (SRTs) for correct antisaccades and erroneous prosaccades as well as the variability of SRTs (ranging from 80ms to 600ms) and the overall 25% of erroneous prosaccade responses in a large sample of 2006 young men performing an antisaccade task

    Influence of history on countermanding performance in humans and macaque monkeys

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    The stop-signal or countermanding task probes the ability to control action by requiring subjects to withhold a planned movement in response to an infrequent stop signal which they do with variable success depending on the delay of the stop signal. We investigated whether performance of humans and macaque monkeys in a saccade countermanding task was influenced by stimulus and performance history. In spite of idiosyncrasies across subjects several trends were evident in both humans and monkeys. Response time decreased after successive trials with no stop signal. Response time increased after successive trials with a stop signal. However, post error slowing was not observed. Increased response time was observed mainly or only after cancelled (signal inhibit) trials and not after noncancelled (signal respond) trials. These global trends were based on rapid adjustments of response time in response to momentary fluctuations in the fraction of stop signal trials. The effects of trial sequence on the probability of responding were weaker and more idiosyncratic across subjects when stop signal fraction was fixed. However, both response time and probability of responding were influenced strongly by variations in the fraction of stop signal trials. These results indicate that the race model of countermanding performance requires extension to account for these sequential dependencies and provide a basis for physiological studies of executive control of countermanding saccade performance

    Ages and Metallicities of Globular Clusters in NGC 4472.

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    We have derived ages and metallicities from co-added spectra of 131 globular clusters (GCs) associated with the giant Virgo elliptical NGC 4472. From their metal-line indices, we find that our sample of GCs span a metallicity range of approximately -1.6 <= [Fe/H] <= 0 dex. The SSP models of Worthey (1994; W94) predict that the metal-poor population of GCs has an age of 14.5 ± 4 Gyr and that the metal-rich population is 13.8 ± 6 Gyr old, whilst the models of Kurth, Fritze-v. Alvensleben & Fricke (1999; KFF99) predict ages of 6.0 ± 2 and 8.0 ± 5 respectively. We conclude that, within the uncertainties, the GCs are old and coeval, and that the bimodality seen in the broadband colours primarily reflects metallicity and not age differences