188 research outputs found

    The Effect of Innovation on Employment in Türkiye

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    This study examines the impact of innovation on employment in the Turkish labor market between the years 1991-2021, using monthly patent grants and annual R&D expenditure statistics. As for empirical technique, ARDL (autoregressive distributed lag) approach is used. The reason for choosing this approach is that it separates the long-term and short-term results and gives better results in analysis with a lower number of observations than other methods. The difference between the results of this study from the literature is that the analysis was performed in two different time periods, with two different proxy variables, and they gave the same result as proof of the robustness of the results. When the long-run model and the short-run model are investigated separately, it is found that while the effect of innovation on employment is negative in the short-run, it turns out to be positive in the long-run. Thus, during the period 1991-2021 in the Turkish labor market, while innovation might negatively affect employment levels to some extent in the short run, innovation could exert a more structural and sustainable positive impact on employment levels in the long run. In the short-run, the negative effect of innovation on employment can be seen as a kind of creative destruction, but in the long-run, the positive effect of innovation supports the hypothesis that the increase in the education and training levels of workers along with the profit and productivity provided by innovation increases employment by adapting workers to innovation. The aim of this study is to make an inference with macro data sets but, using micro-level, firm data may provide significant results on the effect of innovation on employment

    The Diagnostic Efficacy of MRI in the Evaluation of the Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct in Children with Hearing Loss

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    Objective: The aim of our study is to evaluate the diagnostic effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compared to computed tomography (CT) in the detection of enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) in childhood.Methods: One hundred twenty-three children who underwent temporal bone CT and MRI examinations for hearing loss between 2013 and 2020 were evaluated retrospectively. All CT and MRI images were examined by two pediatric radiologists, according to the Valvassori and Cincinnati criteria for EVA. Imaging findings on CT and MRI of the vestibular aqueduct were recorded. Two pediatric radiologists performed the measurements for EVA on CT and MRI. In addition, an otolaryngologist performed the measurements independently. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of MRI compared to CT were calculated to detect EVA. The difference between the measurements on CT and MRI was investigated. The inter-observer agreement was evaluated for measurements.Results: The mean age of 123 children (65 boys and 58 girls) was 50.18±50.40 months. Two hundred forty-six ears were evaluated in 123 children. On CT images, EVA was present in 28 (11.3%) of 246 ears according to Cincinnati criteria and 27 (10.9%) of 246 ears according to Valvassori criteria, respectively. While sensitivity, specificity, PPD, and NPD rates of MRI were 100%, 99%, 92.8%, and 100%, respectively, for Cincinnati criteria, for Valvassori criteria, they were 100%, 97.3%, 77.7%, and 100%, respectively. According to the visual evaluation performed without using measurement, the enlarged appearance of the vestibular aqueduct was significant for the diagnosis of EVA (p<0.001), while the absence of this appearance was significant for the exclusion of EVA (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between the measurements on CT and MRI. There was a perfect correlation between the observers for measurements.Conclusion: MRI can be used as an initial imaging technique in children with suspicion of EVA to reduce radiation exposure

    Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika'da Kapsayıcı Büyüme: Küresel Finansal Krizden Öncesi ve Sonrası

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    anemonBu çalışmada, Küresel Finansal Kriz öncesi ve sonrasında 16 MENA ülkesinde kapsayıcı büyümeyi etkileyen makroekonomik temeller ve yapısal faktörler incelenmiştir. Panel veri sabit etkiler modeli iki zaman diliminde kullanılmaktadır: 1996-2007 ve 2008-2016. Kapsayıcı büyümenin bir ölçüsü, ekonomik büyüme ile gelir eşitsizliğini bütünleştirerek tanımlanmıştır. Bu şekilde, kişi başına düşen GSYH büyüme oranının ve Gini katsayısındaki değişimin göreli etkileri hesaba katılmıştır. MENA bölgesinde çevresel bozulma, makroekonomik istikrar, mali disiplin, küreselleşme, beşeri sermaye, ortalama yaşam süresi ve teknolojik gelişme gibi çok çeşitli faktörlerin kapsayıcı büyüme performansını önemli ölçüde etkilediği görülmektedir.In this study the macroeconomic fundamentals and structural factors which affect inclusive growth in 16 MENA countries before and after the Global Financial Crisis are investigated. A panel data fixed effects model is used in two time periods: 1996-2007 and 2008-2016. A measure of inclusive growth is defined by integrating economic growth and income inequality. In this way, the relative impacts of GDP per capita growth rate and change in Gini coefficient are accounted for. A wide range of factors such as environmental degradation, macroeconomic stability, fiscal discipline, globalization, human capital, life expectancy, and technological development appear to significantly affect inclusive growth performance in the MENA region.83215