68,741 research outputs found

    Pulsars identified from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey

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    We identified 97 strong pulsars from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) at 1.4 GHz north of Dec(J2000) >-40\degr. The total flux density, linear polarization intensity and polarization angle (PA) of all pulsars are extracted from the NVSS catalog. The well-calibrated PA measurement of 5 pulsars can be used for absolute PA calibrations in other observations. Comparing the source positions with those in the pulsar catalog, we got the first measurement of the proper motion upper limit of PSR B0031-07, which is μαcosδ=102±74mas/yr\mu_{\alpha}\cos\delta = -102 \pm 74 mas/yr and μδ=105±78mas/yr\mu_{\delta} = -105 \pm 78 mas/yr.Comment: 7 pages; 3 figures; one big table; To appear in A&A Supplement

    Unusual persistence of superconductivity against high magnetic fields in the strongly-correlated iron-chalcogenide film FeTe:Ox_{x}

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    We report an unusual persistence of superconductivity against high magnetic fields in the iron chalcogenide film FeTe:Ox_{x} below ~ 2.5 K. Instead of saturating like a mean-field behavior with a single order parameter, the measured low-temperature upper critical field increases progressively, suggesting a large supply of superconducting states accessible via magnetic field or low-energy thermal fluctuations. We demonstrate that superconducting states of finite momenta can be realized within the conventional theory, despite its questionable applicability. Our findings reveal a fundamental characteristic of superconductivity and electronic structure in the strongly-correlated iron-based superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Interplay between spin density wave and π\pi phase shifted superconductivity in the Fe pnictide superconductors

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    We explore if the phase separation or coexistence of the spin density wave (SDW) and superconductivity (SC) states has any relation to the incommensurability of the SDW in the Fe pnictide superconductors. A systematic method of determining the phase separation or coexistence was employed by computing the anisotropy coefficient β\beta from the the 4th order terms of the Ginzburg--Landau (GL) expansion of the free energy close to the tricritical/tetracritical point. It was complemented by the self-consistent numerical iterations of the gap equations to map out the boundaries between the phase separation and coexistence of the SDW and SC phases, and between commensurate (C) and incommensurate (IC) SDW in the temperature--doping plane. Our principal results for the sign reversed ss-wave pairing SC, in terms of the multicritical temperature, TcT_c, the phase separation/coexistence boundary between the SDW and SC, TT^*, and the boundary between C/IC SDW, TMT_M^*, are: (a) IC-SDW and SC coexist for Tc<TT_c < T^* and phase separate otherwise, (b) SDW takes the C form for Tc>TMT_c>T_M^* and IC form for Tc<TMT_c<T_M^*, and (c) the thermodynamic first order phase transition intervenes in between the C-SDW and IC-SDW boundary for large TM0T_M^0, where TM0T_M^0 is the SDW transition temperature at zero doping, T=0.35 TM0T^*=0.35 ~T_M^0 and TM=0.56 TM0T_M^*=0.56\ T_M^0. The intervention makes the phase diagram more complicated than previously reported. By contrast no coexistence was found for the equal sign pairing SC. These results will be compared with the experimental reports in the Fe pnictide superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Experimental study of contact transition control incorporating joint acceleration feedback

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    Joint acceleration and velocity feedbacks are incorporated into a classical internal force control of a robot in contact with the environment. This is intended to achieve a robust contact transition and force tracking performance for varying unknown environments, without any need of adjusting the controller parameters, A unified control structure is proposed for free motion, contact transition, and constrained motion in view of the consumption of the initial kinetic energy generated by a nonzero impact velocity. The influence of the velocity and acceleration feedbacks, which are introduced especially for suppressing the transition oscillation, on the postcontact tracking performance is discussed. Extensive experiments are conducted on the third joint of a three-link direct-drive robot to verify the proposed scheme for environments of various stiffnesses, including elastic (sponge), less elastic (cardboard), and hard (steel plate) surfaces. Results are compared with those obtained by the transition control scheme without the acceleration feedback. The ability of the proposed control scheme in resisting the force disturbance during the postcontact period is also experimentally investigated

    Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Lorentzian Theory

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    The present paper studies the large-j asymptotics of the Lorentzian EPRL spinfoam amplitude on a 4d simplicial complex with an arbitrary number of simplices. The asymptotics of the spinfoam amplitude is determined by the critical configurations. Here we show that, given a critical configuration in general, there exists a partition of the simplicial complex into three type of regions R_{Nondeg}, R_{Deg-A}, R_{Deg-B}, where the three regions are simplicial sub-complexes with boundaries. The critical configuration implies different types of geometries in different types of regions, i.e. (1) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Nondeg}impliesanondegeneratediscreteLorentziangeometry,(2)thecriticalconfigurationrestrictedintoRDegA implies a nondegenerate discrete Lorentzian geometry, (2) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-A} is degenerate of type-A in our definition of degeneracy, but implies a nondegenerate discrete Euclidean geometry on R_{Deg-A}, (3) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-B} is degenerate of type-B, and implies a vector geometry on R_{Deg-B}. With the critical configuration, we further make a subdivision of the regions R_{Nondeg} and R_{Deg-A} into sub-complexes (with boundary) according to their Lorentzian/Euclidean oriented 4-simplex volume V_4(v), such that sgn(V_4(v)) is a constant sign on each sub-complex. Then in the each sub-complex, the spinfoam amplitude at the critical configuration gives the Regge action in Lorentzian or Euclidean signature respectively on R_{Nondeg} or R_{Deg-A}. The Regge action reproduced here contains a sign factor sgn(V_4(v)) of the oriented 4-simplex volume. Therefore the Regge action reproduced here can be viewed a discretized Palatini action with on-shell connection. Finally the asymptotic formula of the spinfoam amplitude is given by a sum of the amplitudes evaluated at all possible critical configurations, which are the products of the amplitudes associated to different type of geometries.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figures, reference adde

    Commuting Simplicity and Closure Constraints for 4D Spin Foam Models

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    Spin Foam Models are supposed to be discretised path integrals for quantum gravity constructed from the Plebanski-Holst action. The reason for there being several models currently under consideration is that no consensus has been reached for how to implement the simplicity constraints. Indeed, none of these models strictly follows from the original path integral with commuting B fields, rather, by some non standard manipulations one always ends up with non commuting B fields and the simplicity constraints become in fact anomalous which is the source for there being several inequivalent strategies to circumvent the associated problems. In this article, we construct a new Euclidian Spin Foam Model which is constructed by standard methods from the Plebanski-Holst path integral with commuting B fields discretised on a 4D simplicial complex. The resulting model differs from the current ones in several aspects, one of them being that the closure constraint needs special care. Only when dropping the closure constraint by hand and only in the large spin limit can the vertex amplitudes of this model be related to those of the FK Model but even then the face and edge amplitude differ. Curiously, an ad hoc non-commutative deformation of the BIJB^{IJ} variables leads from our new model to the Barrett-Crane Model in the case of Barbero-Immirzi parameter goes to infinity.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure