18 research outputs found
Factors That Determine Apparatus Performance Improvement in Realizing Good Governance
Improved apparatus performance is needed to support the realization of Good Governance, therefore it is necessary to look at the factors that determine the Apparatus Performance Improvement. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that determine the improvement of the performance of the state apparatus in realizing good governance in Luwu Regency. The research method used is descriptive method with the object of research is a local government organization that includes, Agency, Offices and Work Units in Luwu Regency. Furthermore, the sample size of each agency is determined proportionally on the basis of the large population in each agency regarding the program and the results of the agency's performance evaluation. The minimum sample size is 98 respondents. The results of the study showed the availability of funds to support the implementation of public service tasks in Luwu Regency government agencies had been carried out properly, increased apparatus performance by increasing public trust in agencies, transparency, accountability of officials, and service certainty had been carried out by district government agencies Luwu well.
Does Strategic Supply Chain Information System Leads To Efficient Supply Chain and Improved Performance in Indonasin Firms
The goal of this study is to explore the association among supply chain strategy (SCS) and supply chain information systems (SCIS) strategy and also its influence on efficient supply chain and firm performance (FP). Based on information processing theory (IPT), established hypotheses presenting moderating impact of two supply chain information system strategies (SCIS), information system for efficiency and information system for flexibility. These hypotheses are based on the separate relationship among the two SC approaches i.e. Lean and Agile, and SC efficiency and FP. On the basis of data gathered from top management working in procurement, logistics and SC departments of 250 Indonesian firms, for the survey. The gathered data were analysed by using tools like confirmatory analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM), validated our hypotheses. The result shows that IS for efficiency and flexibility, IS strategy strengthen the association among Lean (Agile) SC strategy and SC efficiency. Moreover, there is positively significant association was revealed among SC efficiency and FP and moderating association among SC efficiency on the association among SC strategy and FP was also found. This research offers novel addition in available research by offering theoretical foundation and supportive results that SC efficiency can be enhanced if SC and IS strategies are implemented simultaneously
Abstract: In the current era of village autonomy, one of the things that needs to be studied is the ability of village government human resources to meet development goals, both locally, regionally and nationally. One of the development goals is determined by the success of human development. The fact that there is weak capacity of village government has an impact on the success of overall development. For this reason, this study aims to examine these phenomena. This study used a qualitative approach with the unit of analysis being the village government in Galesong Utara District, Takalar Regency. The research data consisted of primary and secondary data and were processed through data reduction. The results of this study indicate that the human resource capacity of the Dessa government in the District of North Galesong has not been maximized in carrying out the authority of the village so that it has an impact on the success of its development. This can be seen from the three main dimensions of institutional development, namely human resource development, institutional strengthening, and organizational reform. In terms of human resource development, village officials lack experience in making terms of reference for training so that the expected output is not achieved. In terms of organizational strengthening, it has not been implemented because the incentive system, mechanisms and mechanisms for utilization, leadership, and organizational culture are unclear and inadequate except for the management structure. In terms of organizational reform, it shows that it has not been able to adapt to changes because it does not have a program that is prepared to increase institutional capacity and human resources for village development. Thus, the researcher offers a model for implementing village government based on human resource development (HR). This model is expected to provide solutions to the implementation of Village governance in North Galesong District in implementing human development policies which include dimensions of education, health and economy as well as increasing community participation in the success of development programs
Abstrak: Dosen adalah pendidik profesional juga ilmuan, memiliki tugas utama melakukan transformasi pengembangan dan penyebarluasan informasi, ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi seni budaya melalui kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM). Sebagai bidang profesi, dosen malaksanakan pekerjaan khusus, yang dijalankan dengan prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut; a) Memiliki bakat, minat, panggilan jiwa, dan idealisme; b) Memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, keimanan, ketakwaan, dan akhlak mulia; c) Memiliki kualifikasi akademik dan latar belakang pendidikan sesuai dengan bidang tugas; d) Memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan sesuai dengan bidang tugas; e) Memiliki tanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan tugas keprofesionalan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah dosen Universitas Indonesia Timur (UIT) Makassar, mampu menyebarluaskan pengetahuan yang diperolehnya melalui penelitian agar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya ceramah, dan pembimbingan teknis penulisan naskah. Hasil yang dicapai meningkatnya pemahaman dosen pada cara menulis, memahami jenis dan karakter media serta terpublikasinya karya ilmiah, dengan tingkat capaian rata-rata di atas 65%. Abstract: Lecturers are professional educators as well as scientists, having the main task of transforming the development and dissemination of information, science, art and culture technology through education, research and Community Service (PKM) activities. As a professional field, lecturers carry out special jobs, which are carried out with the following principles; a) Having talents, interests, vocation, and idealism; b) Having a commitment to improve the quality of education, faith, piety, and noble character; c) Have academic qualifications and educational background in accordance with the field of work; d) Have the necessary competencies in accordance with the field of work; e) Has responsibility for the implementation of professional duties. The purpose of this activity is that lecturers at the University of East Indonesia (UIT) Makassar are able to disseminate the knowledge they get through research to benefit the community. The methods used include lectures, and technical guidance on script writing. The results achieved were increasing the understanding of lecturers on how to write, understanding the types and characters of the media and the publication of scientific papers, with an average level of achievement above 65%
Does Institutional Pressures Leads to Better Green Supply Chain and Organizational Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Sector: Role of Senior Management and Social Capital
The research examines the influence of three organizational pressures (such as, government, customer and rivals) on performance associated with environment and operations. These three organizational forces are analyzed by adopting green supply chain management (GSCM), considering the senior management and examining social capital in the supply chain between buyers and sellers. Information was obtained by an email questionnaire from buying companies in Indonesian manufacturing sector. The analysis was based on structural equation modeling (SEM) and applied on 250 available responses from Indonesian manufacturing sector to evaluate our hypotheses. Our findings demonstrated that almost all hypotheses are accepted. Our research expands the GSCM literature by incorporating significant and latest concepts into the GSCM theory, and at the same time offering implications for policy making through empirical evidence
Democratic Public Service (Case of License Operating Billboards in Makassar City)
One of the points of concern in public administration is the organising of democratic public services. Democratic public service is the basic essence in realizing justice and social welfare. This can be realized if it involves all state stakeholders and domains in the administration of the government. In this perspective, public services should obtain genuine attention, be processed professionally and properly provided to residents of service users. Billboard licence is one of the types of licensing services issued by the government along with the rapid growth of companies or industries that have an impact on the increase in regional revenue. In addition to increasing regional revenue, the increase in billboards is directly proportional to various violations that occur because of services provided so that they are important to be handled. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the degree to which the Regional Revenue Agency of Makassar City, one of the government organisers in public services, organises democratic public services, particularly in the execution of billboards. The study employs a qualitative method and includes both primary and secondary data. Through in-depth interviews and observation, primary data is gathered. secondary information obtained from documents. Data reduction is then used to process the acquired data. The results of the study show that democratic public services have not been implemented. Complexity, bureaucracy, apparatus performance and community attitudes towards public services are factors that influence service integrity
Abstrak: Jurnalistik desa dengan tujuan membangun kekuatan informasi desa dalam menunjang publikasi potensi dan aktifitas desa, saat ini menjadi prioritas yang tidak bisa dihindari, terlebih akuntabilitas manajemen pemerintahan desa, bisa sangat terbantu. Untuk itu, pola pengelolaannya didistribusikan kepada masyarakat, sehingga akan lebih meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam membangun daerahnya. Pelibatan masyarakat desa, justru membuka ruang bagi kemunculan dan kepercayaan public pada kinerja aparat desa. Sisi lain yang diharapkan dari keterlibatan masyarakat adalah kedekatan mereka pada problematika desa, juga menjembatani public dan desa dimana mereka berdiam. Pelatihan ini dinilai berhasil menaikkan tingkat keprihatinan masyarakat pada problematika desa, dan menyuarakan berbagai potensi yang dimilikinya. Peserta workshop terdiri dari wakil ibu rumahtangga, perempuan, remaja dan tenaga motifator desa. Peserta dilatih secara teknis membuat berita desa, dengan pedoman penulisan berita komerial. Hasilnya 25 peserta mampu menuliskan informasi desa yang siap dipublikasi, baik media social maupun media komersial.Abstract:Â Village journalism with the aim of building the strength of village information in supporting the publication of village potential and activities is currently an unavoidable priority, especially the accountability of village government management, which can be greatly helped. For this reason, the management pattern is distributed to the community, so that it will further increase community participation in developing their regions. Involving village communities, in fact opens space for the emergence and public confidence in the performance of village officials. Another aspect that is expected from community involvement is their closeness to village problems, as well as bridging the public and the village where they live. This training is considered successful in raising the level of community concern on village problems and voicing the various potentials it has. Workshop participants consisted of representatives of housewives, women, youth and village motivator staff. Participants are trained technically in making village news, with guidelines for writing commercial news. As a result, 25 participants were able to write village information that was ready to be published, both social media and commercial media
Penyuluhan Pola Komunikasi dan Literasi Kesehatan Seksual Remaja di Kota Makassar
Istilah pola komunikasi biasa disebut juga sebagai model tetapi maksudnya sama, yaitu sistem yang terdiri atas berbagai komponen yang berhubungan satu sama lain untuk mencapai tujuan. Pola komunikasi dalam komunitas dapat digunakan sebagai cara untuk meneliti penerapan komunikasi yang terbangun dan berjalan, juga menjadi ciri berlangsungnya kehidupan organisasi itu. Banyak kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi terkait bagaimana pola komunikasi bisa diterapkan dalam komunitas. Diperlukan pemahaman tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan komunitas. Defenisi komunitas adalah sekelompok orang yang tergabung dalam suatu wadah atau organisasi yang memiliki tujuan tertentu karena latar belakang minat yang sama. Dalam komunitas terjadi proses interaksi. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan juga arahan, kepada remaja yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Pecandu Aksara Kota Makassar, agar dapat membantu mereka mengenali literasi kesehatan, yang selama ini menjadi bacaan, juga mengetahui bagaimana pola komunikasi yang terbentuk di dalam komunitas itu
Pelatihan Metodologi Mengajar Guna Peningkatan Kompetensi Instruktur Aisi Kota Makassar
Kegagalan dalam embangun sistem pelatihan (Kursus) keterampilan, adalah ketidakmampuan mendesain program pembelajaran dan praktik, yang adaptif, inovatif serta mudah dicerna dan dadopsi oleh siswa. Seorang instruktur dituntut memiliki paling tidak tiga yakni (a) penguasaan materi pelatihan, (b) kemampuan komunikasi, dan (c) pemanfaatan teknologi. Kemampuan dasar instruktur yang baik dalam proses transformasi pengetahuan, pengalaman dan penguasaan teknologi terbaru yang terus berkembang sesuai kecepatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sangat diperlukan. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan alternatif pengetahuan dan informasi kebaruan perkembangan keilmuan dan teknologi pembelajaran, kepada instruktur yang tergabung dalam organisasi Asosiasi Instruktur Seluruh Indonesia (AISI) Kota Makassar, dan aktif bekerja pada pusat kursus keterampilan atau Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (LPK). Dari kegiatan itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa instruktur LPK di internal AISI Kota Makassar, belum menaikkan standar program pelatihan, penggunaan teknologi pembelajaran, serta minimnya inovasi dalam menaikkan motifasi belajar siswa, juga kesulitan dalam monitoring hasil dan pencapaian kualitas mutu luaran LPK
Pelatihan Kehumasan dan Media Bagi Staf Bawaslu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Pelanggaran terhadap Undang-undang dan peraturan Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) akan berakibat hukum. Dengan demikan diperlukan Hubungan Masyarakat yang lazim dikenal sebagai penghubung antara institusi, lembaga dengan masyarakat, terkait publikasi atau penjelasan kinerja, disingkat menjadi (Humas). Kedudukannya dalam struktur lembaga yang menaunginya, dikenal dalam berbagai bentuk, diantaranya, Biro, Bagian, Bidang, Unit, dipimpin oleh seorang pejabat yang diberikan kewenangan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan (SK), yang menguraikan Tujuan, Pokok dan Fungsi (Tupoksi). Salah satu fungsi pokok Humas adalah pembuatan rilis berita, untuk disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat, terkait kinerja lembaga atau institusi yang membentuknya. Untuk fungsi kerja itu Humas berkewajiban membangun kemitraan dengan media, baik cetak, elektronika maupun online (Website). Berdasarkan pertimbangan pengembangan keilmuan Humas, juga pers atau kewartawanan, dilaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan bagi Staf Kantor Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel), yang dengannya diharapkan tercapai pemahaman yang paripurna dalam kerja-kerja kehumasan yang harus mereka jalankan dalam menghadapi Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu), baik legislatif, eksekutif, maupun Pemilihan Langsung Kepala Daerah (Pilkada)