14,832 research outputs found

    Moment bounds for the Smoluchowski equation and their consequences

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    We prove uniform bounds on moments X_a = \sum_{m}{m^a f_m(x,t)} of the Smoluchowski coagulation equations with diffusion, valid in any dimension. If the collision propensities \alpha(n,m) of mass n and mass m particles grow more slowly than (n+m)(d(n) + d(m)), and the diffusion rate d(\cdot) is non-increasing and satisfies m^{-b_1} \leq d(m) \leq m^{-b_2} for some b_1 and b_2 satisfying 0 \leq b_2 < b_1 < \infty, then any weak solution satisfies X_a \in L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^d \times [0,T]) \cap L^1(\mathbb{R}^d \times [0,T]) for every a \in \mathbb{N} and T \in (0,\infty), (provided that certain moments of the initial data are finite). As a consequence, we infer that these conditions are sufficient to ensure uniqueness of a weak solution and its conservation of mass.Comment: 30 page

    Radiographic measurements of the trachea in domestic short haired and Persian cats

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    Tracheal diameter can be assessed from a thoracic radiograph, with assessment of tracheal diameter in dogs based on ratios between tracheal diameter and a skeletal measurement – however reference ranges are not available for the cat. Tracheal narrowing may cause significant clinical problems, although tracheal hypoplasia in dogs may be clinically silent, and is rarely reported in cats (both mesati- and brachycephalic). The tracheal diameter and trachea:thoracic inlet and trachea:rib ratios were calculated for populations of Domestic Short Haired (DSH) (n=68) and Persian (n=40) cats. This gave reference ranges for radiographic tracheal measurements in these breeds. It is proposed that the tracheal diameter in a normal DSH cat should be 18% of the diameter of the thoracic inlet, and compared to 20% in Persian cats

    Promoting independent learning skills using video on digital language laboratories

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    This is the author's PDF version of an article published in Computer assisted language learning ©2006. The definitive version is available at http://www.informaworld.com/The article discusses the potential for developing independent learning skills using the digital language laboratory with particular reference to exploiting the increasingly available resource of digital video. It investigates the potential for recording and editing video clips from online sources and digitalising clips from analogue recordings and reflects on the current status quo regarding the complex copyright regulations in this area. It describes two pilot self-access programmes based on video clips which were undertaken with University College Chester undergraduates and reflects on the value of the experience for students in developing a wide range of language skills as well as independent learning skills using their feedback on the experience

    Establishing a support service for educational technology within a university

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    This paper covers some of the issues associated with the support of learning technology within an institution. It describes the activities of a working support service, and highlights approaches to some of the academic, technological, political and management issues that have helped it perform effectively over a four‐year period

    Effects of a torsion field on Big Bang nucleosynthesis

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    In this paper it is investigated whether torsion, which arises naturally in most theories of quantum gravity, has observable implications for the Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Torsion can lead to spin flips amongst neutrinos thus turning them into sterile neutrinos. In the early Universe they can alter the helium abundance which is tightly constrained by observations. Here I calculate to what extent torsion of the string theory type leads to a disagreement with the Big Bang nucleosynthesis predictions.Comment: accepted by General Relativity and Gravitatio

    First measurements of the index of refraction of gases for lithium atomic waves

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    We report here the first measurements of the index of refraction of gases for lithium waves. Using an atom interferometer, we have measured the real and imaginary part of the index of refraction nn for argon, krypton and xenon, as a function of the gas density for several velocities of the lithium beam. The linear dependence of (n−1)(n-1) with the gas density is well verified. The total collision cross-section deduced from the imaginary part is in very good agreement with traditional measurements of this quantity. Finally, as predicted by theory, the real and imaginary parts of (n−1)(n-1) and their ratio ρ\rho exhibit glory oscillations

    The calibration of photographic and spectroscopic films: Reciprocity failure and thermal responses of IIaO film at liquid nitrogen temperatures

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    Reciprocity failure was examined for IIaO spectroscopic film. The results indicate reciprocity failure occurs at three distinct minimum points in time; 15 min, 30 min and 90 min. The results are unique because theory suggests only one minimum reciprocity failure point should occur. When incubating 70mm IIaO film for 15 and 30 min at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, and 60 C and then placing in a liquid nitrogen bath at a temperature of -190 C the film demonstrated an increase of the optical density when developed at a warm-up time of 30 min. Longer warm-up periods of 1, 2 and 3 hrs yield a decrease in optical density of the darker wedge patterns; whereas, shorter warm-up times yield an overall increase in the optical densities
