109 research outputs found

    Common Graphics Library (CGL). Volume 1: LEZ user's guide

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    Users are introduced to and instructed in the use of the Langley Easy (LEZ) routines of the Common Graphics Library (CGL). The LEZ routines form an application independent graphics package which enables the user community to view data quickly and easily, while providing a means of generating scientific charts conforming to the publication and/or viewgraph process. A distinct advantage for using the LEZ routines is that the underlying graphics package may be replaced or modified without requiring the users to change their application programs. The library is written in ANSI FORTRAN 77, and currently uses a CORE-based underlying graphics package, and is therefore machine independent, providing support for centralized and/or distributed computer systems

    State Legislative Update

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    The purpose of this Bill is to provide notice to owners of residential real property owners that mediation with the mortgagee is an option at the onset of foreclosure proceedings. The Bill changes the mechanism by which borrowers are notified of foreclosures; instead of receiving a writ and summons, borrowers receive a notice of mediation, a foreclosure mediation certificate, and a blank appearance form. Borrowers still receive the writ, summons, and complaint, however. The lender must appear at the mediation with the authority to approve a proposed settlement in order to receive a remedy, and no attorney\u27s fees will be awarded until a ninety-day window for mediation has elapsed. In order to participate in mediation, the property owner must return all forms to the court within the prescribed deadlines. Enactment of the Bill would triple the amount of mediations in Connecticut in a given year

    Distribution, emplacement and formation processes of the archaeological record in Punta Medanosa, northern coast of Santa Cruz

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    Se presentan los resultados del análisis geoarqueológico y espacial de concheros y de estructuras de entierro de tipo chenque en la localidad Punta Medanosa, costa norte de Santa Cruz. A partir del estudio de los materiales que componen los concheros se interpretó que en esta clase de sitios se desarrollaron múltiples actividades vinculadas a las bases residenciales; mientras que los chenques cumplieron una función mortuoria. Se evaluó la existencia de asociación o correspondencia entre la ubicación de los tipos de registros respecto de las unidades geomorfológicas donde se emplazan. A partir de los resultados se observó que en Punta Medanosa los concheros se encuentran emplazados principalmente en dunas, y que los chenques se asocian especialmente a afloramientos rocosos. Finalmente, se interpreta que determinadas unidades del paisaje (playas bajas con dunas litorales y afloramientos rocosos) fueron seleccionadas para la realización de actividades culturales específicas (tareas cotidianas desarrolladas en los concheros e inhumación de personas en chenques).Results of geoarchaeological and spatial analysis of shell middens and chenque burial structures in the locality of Punta Medanosa, northern coast of Santa Cruz, are presented. From the material study of the shell middens it was interpreted that multiple activities related to the residential bases were developed; while chenques met a mortuary function. The existence of association or correspondence between the location of the types of records regarding the geomorphological units where they are located was evaluated. Results indicate that in Punta Medanosa, shell middens are located mainly in landforms like dunes, and burial structures in chenque are especially associated with rocky outcrops. Finally, it is interpreted that certain landscape units were selected for carrying out specific cultural activities (daily activities developed in shell middens and burial of people in chenques).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Planimetric survey and lichenometric analysis in Campo de Chenques site, northern coast of Santa Cruz (Argentinian Patagonia)

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    Se presentan los resultados de dos vías metodológicas desarrolladas en el sitio Campo de Chenques, las que resultan novedosas para la arqueología de cazadores recolectores que habitaron la Patagonia. El sitio se ubica en la costa atlántica de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina, y presenta una concentración de estructuras de entierro humanas de tipo chenque. Se realizó el levantamiento planimétrico de las estructuras de rocas que conforman el sitio a partir del uso de un GPS diferencial. Además, se desarrollaron estudios liquenométricos con el fin de obtener cronologías de las estructuras. Para ello se midieron líquenes del género Rhizocarpon subgénero Rhizocarpon que crecen sobre las rocas. A partir de estos estudios se realizó un plano georreferenciado del sitio, se determinó el número y morfología de las estructuras y se obtuvo por liquenometría una edad mínima para la construcción de las mismas de 770 años, aproximadamente, la que es concordante con las edades radiocarbónicas obtenidas para el sitio. De este modo, Campo de Chenques es el contexto arqueológico más antiguo de Patagonia en el que se han aplicado análisis liquenométricos hasta el momento. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la dinámica de ocupación del área por las poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras durante el Holoceno tardío.This paper presents the results obtained from the planimetric survey and lichenometric analyses conducted for the first time in the hunter-gatherer archaeology of Patagonia. Campo de Chenques site is a concentration of chenque-type human burial structures located on the Atlantic coast of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. A planimetric survey of the structures that make up the site was performed using a differential GPS. In addition, lichenometric studies were undertaken in order to obtain minimum estimated ages for the structures. To this end, lichen genus Rhizocarpon (subgenus Rhizocarpon) that grow on the rocks were measured. Based on these studies, a georeferenced map of the site was made, the number and morphology of the structures were determined, and a minimum age of approximately 770 years for the chenque construction was obtained by lichenometry, which is consistent with radiocarbon ages obtained for the site. Thus, Campo de Chenques becomes the oldest archaeological context of Patagonia in which a lichenometric technique was applied for the first time. The results are discussed in relation to the dynamics of occupation of the area by hunter-gatherer populations during the late Holocene.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Planimetric survey and lichenometric analysis in Campo de Chenques site, northern coast of Santa Cruz (Argentinian Patagonia)

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    Se presentan los resultados de dos vías metodológicas desarrolladas en el sitio Campo de Chenques, las que resultan novedosas para la arqueología de cazadores recolectores que habitaron la Patagonia. El sitio se ubica en la costa atlántica de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina, y presenta una concentración de estructuras de entierro humanas de tipo chenque. Se realizó el levantamiento planimétrico de las estructuras de rocas que conforman el sitio a partir del uso de un GPS diferencial. Además, se desarrollaron estudios liquenométricos con el fin de obtener cronologías de las estructuras. Para ello se midieron líquenes del género Rhizocarpon subgénero Rhizocarpon que crecen sobre las rocas. A partir de estos estudios se realizó un plano georreferenciado del sitio, se determinó el número y morfología de las estructuras y se obtuvo por liquenometría una edad mínima para la construcción de las mismas de 770 años, aproximadamente, la que es concordante con las edades radiocarbónicas obtenidas para el sitio. De este modo, Campo de Chenques es el contexto arqueológico más antiguo de Patagonia en el que se han aplicado análisis liquenométricos hasta el momento. Los resultados se discuten en relación con la dinámica de ocupación del área por las poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras durante el Holoceno tardío.This paper presents the results obtained from the planimetric survey and lichenometric analyses conducted for the first time in the hunter-gatherer archaeology of Patagonia. Campo de Chenques site is a concentration of chenque-type human burial structures located on the Atlantic coast of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. A planimetric survey of the structures that make up the site was performed using a differential GPS. In addition, lichenometric studies were undertaken in order to obtain minimum estimated ages for the structures. To this end, lichen genus Rhizocarpon (subgenus Rhizocarpon) that grow on the rocks were measured. Based on these studies, a georeferenced map of the site was made, the number and morphology of the structures were determined, and a minimum age of approximately 770 years for the chenque construction was obtained by lichenometry, which is consistent with radiocarbon ages obtained for the site. Thus, Campo de Chenques becomes the oldest archaeological context of Patagonia in which a lichenometric technique was applied for the first time. The results are discussed in relation to the dynamics of occupation of the area by hunter-gatherer populations during the late Holocene.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Análisis de los agentes de alteración del registro arqueológico identificados en las costa norte de Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina)

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    Actualmente en el área comprendida dentro del proyecto de investigación "Arqueología de la costa norte de Santa Cruz", se ha cuenta con amplio conocimiento de las características del registro arqueológico, pero así también de los principales procesos de alteración del mismo. En este trabajo se presentan los agentes de alteración identificados, tanto naturales como antrópicos, que afectan al registro arqueológico. Se analiza la acción de los agentes a nivel areal a partir de un estudio comparativo en distintas localidades arqueológicas. Para ello se realizaron mapeos utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica a partir de la información disponible, lo que permitirá planificar nuevas investigaciones a partir de la identificación de sectores con mayor riesgo de destrucción, señalando prioridades y utilizando esos datos para la toma de decisiones vinculadas con la conservación del patrimonio cultural y natural.Currently in the area of the “Archaeology of the North Coast of Santa Cruz” research project, we have an extensive knowledge of the characteristics of the archaeological record, but also of the major alteration processes that affect this record. In this paper we present the alteration agents we have identified in the area, both natural and anthropogenic, that affect the archaeological record. We analyze the action of agents in a regional scale from a comparative study in different archaeological localities. This mapping is performed using Geographic Information Systems from the information available, which allow us to plan future research from the identification of areas at a higher risk of destruction or alteration, indicating priorities and using those data for decision-making related to the conservation of cultural and natural heritage.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Placas óseas perforadas de <i>Zaedyus pichiy</i> en un contexto arqueológico: ¿Elementos confeccionados antrópicamente o generados por agentes biológicos? : Un abordaje interdisciplinario

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    Se presenta el estudio de siete placas perforadas de coraza de piche (Zaedyus pichiy, [Desmarest 1804]) recuperadas en el sitio arqueológico conchero Las Hormigas, en la costa norte de la provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina). Las placas óseas presentan perforaciones de sección cónica con un diámetro externo de 2,27±0,32 mm y un diámetro interno de 3,43±0,96 mm. Se llevaron a cabo estudios para determinar si las perforaciones son de origen antrópico o si por el contrario las generaron agentes biológicos. Para ello se realizó un programa experimental; se tomaron fotografías bajo microscopio electrónico de barrido para analizar las superficies de los orificios y la presencia de microrrastros; además, se comparó la evidencia arqueológica con placas óseas perforadas por agentes biológicos (pulgas) y con las perforadas experimentalmente con instrumentos líticos. A partir de los análisis se concluye que las perforaciones en las placas arqueológicas, a pesar de ser macroscópicamente similares a otras producidas por acciones antrópicas, habrían sido generadas por pulgas del género Tunga que parasitan a los armadillos y generan orificios en los osteodermos.We studied seven perforated bony dermal scutes of piche (Zaedyus pichiy, [Desmarest 1804]) recovered at the archaeological shell midden called Las Hormigas, on the northern coast of the province of Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina). Bony dermal scutes have perforations of conical section with an outside diameter of 2,27±0,32 mm and an inner diameter of 3,43±0,96 mm. Studies were conducted to determine if the perforations were made by humans or if instead they were generated by biological agents. An experimental program was carried out; photographs were made by scanning electron microscopy to analyze the surfaces of the holes and the presence of traces; we also compared the archaeological evidence with bony dermal scutes perforated by biological agents (fleas) and with those experimentally perforated with stone tools. We conclude that fleas of the Tunga genus, a parasite of armadillos that creates holes in the bony dermal scutes, would have generated the holes in the archaeological osteoderms, despite being similar macroscopically to others produced by humans.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Sources of lithic raw materials in the North Coast of Santa Cruz (Argentine Patagonia): the case of Southern Deseado Estuary

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    En este trabajo se presenta una síntesis y actualización de los estudios realizados hasta el momento relacionados con las estrategias de aprovisionamiento y utilización de recursos líticos por parte de los grupos cazadores recolectores que ocuparon la costa norte de la provincia de Santa Cruz durante el Holoceno medio y tardío. Como vía de abordaje a estas problemáticas se considera la estructura de recursos líticos en comparación con algunas de las características de los conjuntos artefactuales líticos de las ocupaciones, en reparo y a cielo abierto, registradas en el área. El estudio de la disponibilidad de materias primas líticas se llevó a cabo mediante prospecciones y muestreos sistemáticos de potenciales fuentes de aprovisionamiento. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de variabilidad en la disponibilidad y explotación de los recursos líticos. Esto se discute en el marco de la información obtenida hasta el momento relacionada con las estrategias de asentamiento y el alcance de los rangos de movilidad de los grupos cazadores recolectores que ocuparon el área.This paper presents a synthesis and updating of studies related to the sourcing strategies, circulation and use of lithic resources by huntergatherers who occupied the northern coast of Santa Cruz province during the Late and Middle Holocene. In order to asses these issues the lithic resources base is compared to some of the characteristics of lithic assemblages from the occupations, in rock shelters and open air sites, of the area. The study of the availability of lithic raw materials was carried out by surveys and systematic samplings of potential sources of procurement. The results suggest the existence of variability in the availability and exploitation of lithic resources. This is discussed within the information frame so far obtained related to settlement strategies and the extent of the mobility ranges of hunter-gatherer groups who occupied the area.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Dissection of artifactual and confounding glial signatures by single-cell sequencing of mouse and human brain

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    A key aspect of nearly all single-cell sequencing experiments is dissociation of intact tissues into single-cell suspensions. While many protocols have been optimized for optimal cell yield, they have often overlooked the effects that dissociation can have on ex vivo gene expression. Here, we demonstrate that use of enzymatic dissociation on brain tissue induces an aberrant ex vivo gene expression signature, most prominently in microglia, which is prevalent in published literature and can substantially confound downstream analyses. To address this issue, we present a rigorously validated protocol that preserves both in vivo transcriptional profiles and cell-type diversity and yield across tissue types and species. We also identify a similar signature in postmortem human brain single-nucleus RNA-sequencing datasets, and show that this signature is induced in freshly isolated human tissue by exposure to elevated temperatures ex vivo. Together, our results provide a methodological solution for preventing artifactual gene expression changes during fresh tissue digestion and a reference for future deeper analysis of the potential confounding states present in postmortem human samples

    Upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134

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    The first science run of the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors presented the opportunity to test methods of searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars. Here we present new direct upper limits on the strength of waves from the pulsar PSR J1939+2134 using two independent analysis methods, one in the frequency domain using frequentist statistics and one in the time domain using Bayesian inference. Both methods show that the strain amplitude at Earth from this pulsar is less than a few times 102210^{-22}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200