24 research outputs found

    CEO Ownership Relevant for Firm Performance? - A Study of the Swedish Market

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how CEO ownership affects firm performance on Swedish companies depending on the market conditions. We would also like to examine the question if this relationship still holds when taking the possibility of an endogeneity determined relationship into account. A quantitative approach using regression analysis and descriptive statistics have been used. The regression analysis was conducted with an ordinary least square regression and a two-stage least square regression. The information has been attained from annual reports and Datastream. The study has a deductive approach. The theoretical perspective has been derived from classical agency theory as well as entrenchment theory. Companies listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large and Mid Cap during 2000-2006 has been empirically studied to obtain the data selected. Results from OLS regressions confirms a positive relation between firm performance and CEO ownership on the Swedish market. The relationship holds for our bear market period (2000-2002) as well as for the whole period (2000-2006). During bull market the relationship cannot be statistically supported. The results imply that the market condition affects the relationship; hence external forces have an impact on the result. Thus a Two-stage least square regression was conducted in order to examine if the relationship could be endogeneity determined and the result is that the relationship could be determined by exogenous forces and thus; the relationship do not hold

    Joyful Celestials. Jain Murals of Ellora

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    This article is the outcome of two research trips to the Jain caves at Ellora, the purpose of which was to photograph the best preserved murals found there, works of art that were largely undocumented in any available literature. The article documents and portrays the best preserved paintings in detail found on the walls and ceiling of one of the smaller caves belonging to the largest Jain cave complex, the Indra Sabhā

    Joyful Celestials. Jain Murals at Ellora

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    The Jain Cave Paintings at Ellora: A Rasa Perspective

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    Skalbart system för integration med hälsotjänster

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    This thesis was performed at the company ShapeUp Club located in Stockholm, Sweden. ShapeUp Club offers a digital calorie counter service for the web, iOS and Android with data synchronization across the platforms. ShapeUp Club wants to provide their users with the option to synchronize data between ShapeUp Club and external health services. The objective for this thesis has been to develop an extension to ShapeUp Clubs current backend platform where new external health services can be plugged-in quickly and scalable. External partner APIs will be examined and implemented in the system to validate the functionality of the system. The amount of code needed to plug-in a service should be as minimal as possible for a developer to quickly add another service. To allow for scalability the platform also needs to adapt logic for how often users should be allowed to poll for data from their connected services, to minimize the database load for all parts. To handle these demands, an extension to ShapeUp Club’s current backend solution was built using the Django framework for Python. By providing a generic base class that new services inherit from, the amount of code necessary for implementing a new service is reduced to methods for API- requests, authorization and serialization of data. To reduce the number of redundant poll requests, users are placed into groups. Each group is a cluster of users with similar frequency of updates. Django’s cache framework is used to handle the concurrency of the sync tasks, which locks a user from syncing the same partner in parallel. Detta examensarbete har utförts hos företaget ShapeUp Club i Stockholm. ShapeUp Club erbjuder en digital kaloriräknare för webben, iOS och Android med synkronisering av data mellan dessa plattformar. ShapeUp Club vill kunna erbjuda sina kunder möjligheten att synkronisera data mellan ShapeUp Club och andra externa hälsotjänster. Målet med detta projekt har varit att implementera en ny tjänst till ShapeUp Clubs nuvarande backend-lösning där externa hälsotjänster snabbt och skalbart kan implementeras. Externa hälso-API:er har utvärderats och implementerats i samband med utvecklingen av den nya backendtjänsten, för att validera dess funktionalitet. Mängden kod som behövs för att implementera en hälsotjänst bör vara så minimal som möjligt för att utvecklare snabbt ska kunna lägga till ytterligare tjänster. För att systemet ska vara skalbart måste logik finnas för hur ofta användare ska tillåtas att fråga efter data mot de tjänster de har valt att synkronisera mot. För att tillfredställa dessa behov har en utökning av ShapeUp Clubs nuvarande backend-lösning byggts med ramverket Django för Python. Genom att ha en större, generisk klass som nya implementeringar ärver från så har mängden nödvändig kod för varje hälsotjänst-implementering minskats till metoder för API-anrop, autentisering och serialisering av data. För att minska antalet “onödiga” poll-anrop så placerar vi användare i olika grupper beroende på om deras poll-anrop frekvent återvänder utan någon ny information. De olika grupperna bestämmer sedan hur länge användarna måste vänta innan de tillåts göra nya poll-anrop.

    Skalbart system för integration med hälsotjänster

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    This thesis was performed at the company ShapeUp Club located in Stockholm, Sweden. ShapeUp Club offers a digital calorie counter service for the web, iOS and Android with data synchronization across the platforms. ShapeUp Club wants to provide their users with the option to synchronize data between ShapeUp Club and external health services. The objective for this thesis has been to develop an extension to ShapeUp Clubs current backend platform where new external health services can be plugged-in quickly and scalable. External partner APIs will be examined and implemented in the system to validate the functionality of the system. The amount of code needed to plug-in a service should be as minimal as possible for a developer to quickly add another service. To allow for scalability the platform also needs to adapt logic for how often users should be allowed to poll for data from their connected services, to minimize the database load for all parts. To handle these demands, an extension to ShapeUp Club’s current backend solution was built using the Django framework for Python. By providing a generic base class that new services inherit from, the amount of code necessary for implementing a new service is reduced to methods for API- requests, authorization and serialization of data. To reduce the number of redundant poll requests, users are placed into groups. Each group is a cluster of users with similar frequency of updates. Django’s cache framework is used to handle the concurrency of the sync tasks, which locks a user from syncing the same partner in parallel. Detta examensarbete har utförts hos företaget ShapeUp Club i Stockholm. ShapeUp Club erbjuder en digital kaloriräknare för webben, iOS och Android med synkronisering av data mellan dessa plattformar. ShapeUp Club vill kunna erbjuda sina kunder möjligheten att synkronisera data mellan ShapeUp Club och andra externa hälsotjänster. Målet med detta projekt har varit att implementera en ny tjänst till ShapeUp Clubs nuvarande backend-lösning där externa hälsotjänster snabbt och skalbart kan implementeras. Externa hälso-API:er har utvärderats och implementerats i samband med utvecklingen av den nya backendtjänsten, för att validera dess funktionalitet. Mängden kod som behövs för att implementera en hälsotjänst bör vara så minimal som möjligt för att utvecklare snabbt ska kunna lägga till ytterligare tjänster. För att systemet ska vara skalbart måste logik finnas för hur ofta användare ska tillåtas att fråga efter data mot de tjänster de har valt att synkronisera mot. För att tillfredställa dessa behov har en utökning av ShapeUp Clubs nuvarande backend-lösning byggts med ramverket Django för Python. Genom att ha en större, generisk klass som nya implementeringar ärver från så har mängden nödvändig kod för varje hälsotjänst-implementering minskats till metoder för API-anrop, autentisering och serialisering av data. För att minska antalet “onödiga” poll-anrop så placerar vi användare i olika grupper beroende på om deras poll-anrop frekvent återvänder utan någon ny information. De olika grupperna bestämmer sedan hur länge användarna måste vänta innan de tillåts göra nya poll-anrop.