2,465 research outputs found

    Henry Reed, Australian Pan-Protestant Evangelical and Businessman

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    Henry Reed was a working class English immigrant who became one of Australia's wealthiest 19th century businessman through exceptional skills as landowner, grazier, importer, shipowner. Original financier of Booth and the Salvation Army, a Wesleyan evangelist with wider affiliations. A major supporter of Protestant domestic and foreign missions. A genuine friend to the poor

    Visual representations of literacy in the press : report to the Leverhulme Trust February 2001.

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    This project investigated the ways in which literacy practices are represented in visual images in a range of British newspapers. The aims of the research were: a) to contribute to theoretical understandings of literacy as socio-cultural practice and their implications for educational policy discourses about literacy b) to offer a framework and new data about the construction of visual messages in the media. c) to develop computer-based methodologies for dealing with visual data which are of relevance to social research more generally. The data showed that a mismatch exists between text-based stories and visual representations of literacy practices in the press: whilst text-based stories present a view of literacy as a neutral, technical, cognitive skill or deficit, the visual representations show it to be embedded in everyday social practice and to carry powerful ritual and symbolic as well as functional meanings

    Influence Strategies in Shareholder Engagement: A Case Study of Five Swedish National Pension Funds

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    Investors spend money and resources trying to reduce the environmental, social, and governance risks in companies they own. If unattended, these risks may cause reputational damage not only to the portfolio firm, but also to its owner. In this paper, we study five Swedish national pension funds and the influence strategies used in shareholder engagement. Knowledge about influence strategies is important because successful shareholder engagements can lead to more sustainable corporate behaviour and a lower risk to the investor. Our findings show that, besides traditional power and legitimacy dependencies which have been reported as influential in deciding stakeholder salience, we present five additional factors in determining influence strategies in shareholder engagement. We provide a conceptual model showing how these factors interlink with choices of influence strategies, offering a practical use of this study. Stakeholder theory has been used as our theoretical frame of reference, based on existing influence strategy literature taken from the stakeholder–firm perspective.case study; ESG directive; influence strategy; pension funds; reputation risk; responsible investment; shareholder engagement; shareholder salience; stakeholder theory

    Mechanisms for the Oxonolysis of Ethene and Propene: Reliability of Quantum Chemical Predictions

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    Reactions of ozone with ethene and propene leading to primary ozonide (concerted and stepwise ozonolysis) or epoxide and singlet molecular oxygen (partial ozonolysis) are studied theoretically. The mechanism of concerted ozonolysis proceeds via a single transition structure which is a partial diradical. The transition structures and intermediates in the stepwise ozonolysis and partial ozonolysis mechanisms are singlet diradicals. Spin-restricted and unrestricted density functional methods are employed to calculate the structures of the closed-shell and diradical species. Although the partial diradicals exhibit moderate to pronounced instability in their RDFT and RHF solutions, RDFT is required to locate the transition structure for concerted ozonolysis. Spin projected fourth-order Møller–Plesset theory (PMP4) was used to correct the DFT energies. The calculated pre-exponential factors and activation energies for the concerted ozonolysis of ethene and propene are in good agreement with experimental values. However, the PMP4//DFT procedure incorrectly predicts the stepwise mechanism as the favored channel. UCCSD(T) predicts the concerted mechanism as the favored channel but significantly overestimates the activation energies. RCCSD(T) is found to be more accurate than UCCSD(T) for the calculation of the concerted mechanism but is not applicable to the diradical intermediates. The major difficulty in accurate prediction of the rate constant data for these reactions is the wide range of spin contamination for the reference UHF wave functions and UDFT solutions across the potential energy surface. The possibility of the partial ozonolysis mechanism being the source of epoxide observed in some experiments is discussed

    Distance to neighbours influences the trade-off between hiding after disturbance and defending food patches in convict cichlids ( Archocentrus nigrofasciatus )

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    Territories are often aggregated. Because of this, distance to neighbours should influence how territory-holders balance safety from predators with the use and defence of resources. I examined the influence of distance to a neighbour on refuge use by pairs of convict cichlids (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) faced with a conflict between hiding and defending food patches. Neighbours could reduce the rate of intrusions by strangers as a by-product of their own resource defence. This should allow fish with near neighbours to spend more time in the refuge. Neighbours could also steal from patches that are left undefended. This should lead to a reduction in use of the refuge. When one fish was confined to its refuge (so that its patch was undefended), theft by the other increased as inter-patch distance decreased. Distance between patches did not influence the rate of intrusion by non-territorial fish. When both fish defended patches, body mass influenced the effect of inter-patch distance on refuge use. Large fish rarely used the refuge, but small territory-holders spent more time in the refuge when patches were close together, as predicted. However, when one fish was dominant at both patches, distance between patches did not influence refuge use. These results suggest that, despite increased opportunity for theft, there is no realised foraging or defensive benefit to settling near neighbours that are of similar competitive abilit

    Interacting Electrons, Spin Statistics, and Information Theory

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    We consider a nearly (or quasi) uniform gas of interacting electrons for which spin statistics play a crucial role. A previously developed procedure, based on the extension of the Levy–Lieb constrained search principle and Monte Carlo sampling of electron configurations in space, allows us to approximate the form of the kinetic-energy functional. For a spinless electron gas, this procedure led to a correlation term, which had the form of the Shannon entropy, but the resulting kinetic-energy functional does not satisfy the Lieb–Thirring inequality, which is rigorous and one of the most general relations regarding the kinetic energy. In this paper, we show that when the fermionic character of the electrons is included via a statistical spin approach, our procedure leads to correlation terms, which also have the form of the Shannon entropy and the resulting kinetic-energy functional does satisfy the Lieb–Thirring inequality. In this way we further strengthen the connection between Shannon entropy and electron correlation and, more generally, between information theory and quantum mechanics

    Variational approach to dequantization

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    We present a dequantization procedure based on a variational approach whereby quantum fluctuations latent in the quantum momentum are suppressed. This is done by adding generic local deformations to the quantum momentum operator which give rise to a deformed kinetic term quantifying the amount of ``fuzzyness'' caused by such fluctuations. Considered as a functional of such deformations, the deformed kinetic term is shown to possess a unique minimum which is seen to be the classical kinetic energy. Furthermore, we show that extremization of the associated deformed action functional introduces an essential nonlinearity to the resulting field equations which are seen to be the classical Hamilton-Jacobi and continuity equations. Thus, a variational procedure determines the particular deformation that has the effect of suppressing the quantum fluctuations, resulting in dequantization of the system.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: changes in presentation and conten

    Missionaries and indigenous culture in nineteenth century China

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    19th century Protestant Christians, mostly British, American and Northern European evangelicals, saw the ‘opening’ of China to Protestant Christian missions as, ‘an inevitable issue not of the will of man altogether, but ... of the Providence of God’. The Church Missionary Society observed, ‘The herald of the Gospel of Peace would never use, or wish to use, the arm of carnal force… but He…employs the unconscious powers of this world to advance His purposes.3 A Chinese diplomat told a European audience that China was brought into the community of nations ‘through cannons and warships’

    The Chinese and the Episcopal Church in mid-19th century America

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    Extracts from the Protestant Episcopal Church journal "Spirit of Missions" and other American archival sources, with references to the Chinese in Australia and New Zealan