746 research outputs found

    Acid Rain Effects on Preservation of Lake Erie Ostracod Shells

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    The primary object of this research is to provide a set of data that indicates whether or not humans are having a significant impact on the potential future fossil record of freshwater ostracods due to acid rain. To collect this data, the author will construct a model fossil record for the ostracod assemblages in an area of Lake Erie. In this model the author will explore the differences before and after human involvement/contamination/degradation of the surrounding environment and acidification/ contamination of Lake Erie. The author will conduct several taphonomic experiments taking into account factors such as nitric acid levels and organic acid contribution as well as the buffering capacity of the sediment. The author wants to show how such factors have been amplified/diluted by human industrial involvement in the area

    Analysis of a Sponge Bioherm from the Hermosa Group, Molas Lake Area, Colorado

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    The Hermosa Group is a Pennsylvanian (~310 Ma) rock package found in the southwestern San Juan Mountains and the Paradox Basin. The Paradox Basin was an evaporite basin in which alternating carbonate, sandstone and siltstone layers were deposited at the margins. Within the carbonate layers, ancient phylloid algal mounds and sponge bioherms can be found. In this project I document fossil sponges and algae from a Hermosa Group locality in southwestern Colorado. I look at the environments in which the sponges lived, those being relatively deep water, above wave-base; as well as inter-sponge growth habits, where one is dominant and grows overtop of another. This information may help to model reef responses to climate change and help to explain complex stratigraphic sequences in future studies

    The Current State of Regional Food System Work inIowa

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    This report summarizes interviews with leaders of 15 local food groups participating in the Regional Food Systems Working Group. Leaders were asked about current and future projects, their vision for a regional food system, successes and challenges, how they measure progress, strategies and advice for other groups

    Iowa Food Marketing Regulations: A Guide for Small-Scale Producers

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    This guide offers an overview of the various licenses required for selling local foods in Iowa (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, honey, eggs and dairy products) and directs readers to the appropriate agency for answering specific questions and the process for obtaining each license

    Grower\u27s Manual: A Template for Grower Cooperatives

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    This Grower’s Manual was originally developed by GROWN Locally, a producer cooperative in northeast Iowa, to establish standards for pre ‐ and post ‐ harvest practices and the product specifications used with local foodservice establishments. Adhering to these methods and standards allowed GROWN Locally’s growers to pass their internal audit, and their facility to be GHP certified. In July 2011, the Manual was purchased by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and revised and reformatted to serve as a model for other cooperatives and regional food systems groups. The revision process included a review of Extension, state, and federal food safety publications and consultation with ISU Extension specialists to ensure that the manual calls for science ‐ based best practices that comply with current regulations


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    Despite the generally recognized need for facilities such as power plants, landfills, prisons, and medical laboratories, finding host sites has become extremely difficult. This study uses the expected utility (EU) model to explain individiuals' preferences in the hypothetical case of siting a municipal solid waste composting facility. The three principal factors which EU theory prescribes would affect the decision process- benefits of the proposed facility, losses from the facility, and the (perceived) probability of various scenarios occurring- embodied by the variables in a multinomial logit model explain a substantial amount of the variation in siting decisions.Public Economics,

    Kinship Health Relationships: Reconfiguring the ‘good death’ in mixed species families.

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    Through an innovative interspecies analysis, this article explores narratives surrounding the medical treatment of humans and pet animals at the end of life among UK veterinary surgeons, medical practitioners and members of the public. Contrasting the care options open to pet owners with those available to human patients, and through a thematic focus on treatments and medicines, euthanasia and palliation, this article pays close attention to the ways that practitioners and members of the public make sense of - and express ideas about - interspecies family kinship at the end of a life. We highlight the utility of interactionist approaches for understanding microsocial human-animal kinship ties and argue that health policy and practice during end-of-life care should better reflect the lived reality of the multispecies family. In so doing, we highlight the significance and complexities of interspecies conversations for the development of contemporary end-of-life care debates. Keywords: ‘good death’, end-of-life care, clinical responsibility, euthanasia, palliative care, animal-human relations; pets; posthumanism; kinship

    Testing a five factor model of visual-spatial, motor, and psychomotor functioning and a three factor model of verbal functioning in learning-disabled children.

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    A series of three studies was conducted in order to continue investigations into the construct validity of a modified Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB) in children. Factors of motor, psychomotor, visual-spatial, and language ability were investigated in two groups of learning-disabled children in order to determine: (1) their predictive validity; (2) the existence of a potential hierarchical arrangement of abilities within the motor and visual-spatial factors; and (3) the exact nature of the language factors. Results obtained from investigations of the predictive validity of the factors revealed that a combination of factors representing primary neuropsychological assets and deficits (as outlined in the NLD model proposed by Rourke, 1991) best discriminated between the groups and predicted group membership. Although the existence of a hierarchical arrangement of the motor and visual-spatial factors could not be fully established, there was partial evidence to suggest that these factors of cognitive functioning were arranged in a manner beginning with primary neurocognitive skills followed by measures demanding more integrative (and complex) processing abilities. Investigation into the nature of the language factors revealed that at least two different areas of verbal ability are assessed by the modified version of the HRNB in children. The first factor represents those more rote, overlearned language skills, whereas the second factor measures novel language processing, including auditory perception and phonemic analysis. The results obtained from these three studies were discussed with respect to the NLD model and results obtained from earlier research. Implications for remediation were presented as were suggestions for future research in this area.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1994 .H355. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 56-11, Section: B, page: 6391. Adviser: Byron P. Rourke. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1994

    Neuropsychological characteristics of left-handed learning-disabled children classified according to patterns of academic achievement.

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    Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1989 .H354. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, page: . Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1989

    Epidemiology of adult overweight recording and management by UK GPs:a systematic review

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    Supplementary Table: Key components of included studies. A table detailing key components of included studies. (PDF 99 kb