590 research outputs found

    Perempuan Dalam Film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita (Analisis Semiotik Ketidakberdayaan Perempuan Dalam Film 7hati 7cinta 7wanita)

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    Film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita menceritakan mengenai realitas kaum perempuan yang mengalami ketidakberdayaan. Film ini menunjukkan bagaimana kaum perempuan dapat menghadapi kenyataan pahit yang dialami dalam kehidupannya. Perempuan memiliki cara tersendiri dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapinya, yakni menunjukkan sikap melawan, diam atau mengalah maupun reaksi melawan namun diam. Nasib perempuan tidaklah menjadi lebih baik setelah berusaha mengatasi permasalahannya. Masih kuat budaya patrarki menjadi penyebab adaanya transformatif nasib. Namun kaum perempuan tersebut berusaha bangkit dengan caranya sendiri agar tidak menjadi Tehnik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yakni mengidentifikasikan sejumlah gambar dan dialog yang terdapat pada scene yang didalamnya terdapat unsur tanda yang menggambarkan makna-makna ketidakberdayaan kaum perempuan. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianallisis dengan menggunakan model semiotika Ro land Barthes dengan tiga tahap analisis yaitu deskripsi makna denotatif, makna konotatif dan analisis mitos. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa makna yang disampaikan dalam film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita adalah realitas kaum perempuan yang digambarkan dalam film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita antara lain pemarjinalan dan pensubordinasian kaum perempuan, ketidakadilan dalam peran ganda kaum perempuan dalam sektor publik maupun domestik, perempuan sebagai objek kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, diskriminasi kaum perempuan, perempuan sebagai objek seks, perempuan tidak berdaya dalam praktik poligami, perempuan tidak penting dalam pengambilan keputusan rumah tangga, perempuan sebagai korban dalam pergaulan bebas dan feminitas pada kaum perempuan. Pada tahap analisis mitos\ penilitian ini mengidentifikasi mitos yang paling dominan digunakan dalam mengonstruksi realitas kaum perempuan pada film ini adalah mitos gender dan beberapa mitos yang cenderung mengarah pada aliran feminisme

    Seismic performance on stiffness and hysteresis loop of interior wall-slab joint for tunnel form building designs to British standard

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    Wall-slab is a system suitable for use in the field of high-rise building where the main load resisting system is in the form rigidly connected wall-slab member. This paper presents the performance of a full-scale wall-slab joint in tunnel form system subjected to lateral cyclic loading. The objectives are to determine seismic behavior on the hysteresis loops and stiffness. Interior wall-slab joint was tested up to failure drift of 1.5%. The biggest hysteresis loops were occurred at the closest to the double actuator. The stiffness of wall-slab joint started to decrease from 0.25% drift until 0.5% drift and lost it stiffness after 0.5% drift. Incretion of the percentage of reinforcement bars in the wall-slab and proper detailing at joint is required for seismic loading.Keywords: wall-slab; hysteresis; stiffness; joint; cycli

    Cyclopentyl Trisilanol Silsesquioxanes – Modified Natural Rubber (CpSSQ(OH)3 – ENR-50) Nanocomposite In The Presence Of Tin (II) Chloride Dihydrate

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    A nanocomposite comprising cyclopentyl trisilanol silsesquioxanes (CpSSQ(OH)3) and 50% epoxidized natural rubber (ENR-50) was prepared at reflux temperature with Tin (II) chloride dihydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) as catalyst. SnCl2.2H2O was found to be an affective catalyst to promote ring opening in ENR-50 and tailored it to CpSSQ(OH)3 via chemical reaction. The generation of carbonyl functional groups arising from epoxide ring opening can be clearly seen in FTIR spectra. 1H and 29Si NMR analyses further proved that the incorporation of CpSSQ(OH)3 in ENR-50 occured. TGA studies showed a degradation temperature with 10% weight decreased and DSC thermogram indicates a single Tg. Single peak in XRD diffractogram at 2-Theta angle further confirmed the surface modification

    Studi Kritis Filsafat Islam Terhadap Filsafat Ilmu Administrasi (Studi Kasus pada Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mencermati pola pemikiran (framework) kajian filsafat dalam materi ajar mata kuliah Filsafat Ilmu Administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya; (2) mengetahui pandangan filsafat Islam terhadap kajian literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi yang digunakan pada Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya; dan (3) mengkomparasikan pandangan filsafat Islam dengan filsafat ilmu administrasi, khususnya pada item yang diperbincangkan dalam literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui riset kepustakaan (library research), dan kajiannya disajikan secara deskriptif dan analitis, yakni analitis dalam pengertian historis dan filosofis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa framework materi ajar pengajaran filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi mengacu/berorientasi pada filsafat barat (Yunani). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa (a) konsep ilmu yang digunakan meyakini bahwa ilmu murni berasal/hasil dari hasil akar pikiran manusia. Dimana sumber kielmuannya adalah akal, rasio, indra dan intusi. Yang kemudian berkembang menjadi banyak cabang ilmu antara lain dapat dikelompokan menjadi ilmu alam, sosial dan humaniora. Dimana ilmu diyakini bebas nilai (value free) (b) hakekat manusia menurut filsafat barat tidak ada kepastian (semu): homo sapiens, manusia purba (teori evolusi Darwin), (c) konsep kebenaran dalam filsafat barat bersifat Relatif, Parsial, Subjektif, Scientific logic, Scientific rasional, dan Empirisistik. (d) value system filsafat barat berkiblat pada nilai filosofis yang ada dalam ilmu administrasi terdiri dari (1) kegiatan, (2) kerjasama, (3) tujuan, (4) efisiensi dan efektifitas; serta (5) organisasi; (e) etika dalam filsafat barat mengacu pada moralitas sosial dan Situasional (etika ekonomi, etika politik, dll). Temuan berikutnya adalalah bahwa kajian filsafat islam terhadap literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi mengacu/berorientasi pada filsafat barat (Yunani). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa (a) konsep ilmu yang digunakan meyakini bahwa ilmu berasal/hasil dari Tuhan melalui Al-Quran dan hadis yang bersifat rasional, empiris. Dimana ilmu diyakini tidak bebas nilai/netral (value free) dengan tujuan mencapai kemaslahatan dengan ma‘rifat dan ridho Allah. (b) hakekat manusia menurut filsafat islam adalah melaksanakan amanah: menyembah (abdullah), penguasa (khalifah), (c) konsep kebenaran dalam filsafat islam bersifat Absolut, Universal Objektif, Universal logic, Scientific Universal, dan Metafisik. (d) value system filsafat berkiblat pada nilai administrasi islam yaitu : ta‘awun, efisiensi dan efektifitas, niat dan harakah; (e) etika dalam filsafat barat mengacu pada moralitas individu dan sosial dan universalitas. Analitis kritis kajian filsafat pada mata kuliah filsafat ilmu administrasi dalam filsafat Islam : Hakikat Ilmu. Dengan berbagai prinsip keilmuannya, ilmu administrasi jelas sangat sekuler. Paham sekular yang berkiblat pada paham meterialisme tidak mengaitkan keilmuannya dengan Tuhan (aqidah). Sedang Islam adalah religius. Demikian juga pandangan-Islam mengenai ilmu. Di dalam Islam, ilmu bukanlah sekedar materi tanpa makna, melainkan tanda (ayat) dari kehadiran dan kebesaran Allah. Manusia. Ilmu administrasi secara umum ataupun Filsafat Ilmu Admnistrasi khususnya dapat menangkap makna dan hakikat manusia yang tidak saja dimaknai basyar dan insan tetapi lebih dari itu adalah an-nas yang memiliki tujuan hidup yang mulia sebagai khalifah di bumi dan bukan hanya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yang prakmatis dan rektif serta materialistis. Kebenaran, menurut Ilmu Administrasi bahwa kebenaran itu harus rasional, empiris dan pragmatis. Dari kriteria tersebut secara garis besar dalam filsafat ilmu administrasi muncul tiga aliran paham yang menjadi sumber dalam memaknai kebenaran, yaitu rasionalisme, emperisme

    Is depression a concern among medical students: a cross sectional study in different academic years of a private medical college in Bangladesh

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    Background: Depression is not uncommon among medical students all over the world. Few studies have been conducted so far in Bangladesh to depict its actual prevalence and severity. So, the aim of this study was to assess the severity of depression and the level of difficulty faced by medical students in different academic years.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in North East medical college of Bangladesh from January 2018 to June 2018 involving 443 students from 1st year to 5th year. Students were instructed to fill up the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) which incorporates diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) depression diagnostic criteria categorized as no, mild, moderate, moderately severe, and severe depression and also evaluates their level of function.Results: The prevalence of depression was quite high (79.68%). 196 (44.24%) and 157 (35.44%) students had mild and major depression respectively, while 90 (20.32%) showed no depression. Students with major depression were scored as moderate depression 24.38%, moderately severe depression 8.35%, and severe depression 2.71%. Moderate depression was significantly higher in year 1 and year 2 students in comparison to year 3, 4 and 5. Students from year 1 to year 5 with mild, moderate, moderately severe and severe depression experienced varying degree of difficulty in their daily activities. Almost all the students in all years with severe depression found themselves very difficult or extremely difficult to cope.Conclusions: High prevalence of depression among medical students is really alarming and underlying factors need to be addressed

    Lontarak pangissengeng daerah Sulawesi Selatan

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    Berkat adanya naskah kuno lontarak yang mengandung berbagai bahan keterangan tentang kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan dan ditulis oleh leluhur pada abad yang lalu , maka aneka ragam idea, gagasan vi tal, sistem pengetahuan, moral, filsafat, keagamaan yang telah mengalami proses sejarah yang cukup lama, masih dapat dibaca dan dikaji

    Subclinical myasthenia gravis in thymomas

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    Background: A proportion of thymoma-patients without a history of myasthenia gravis (MG) before thymectomy, appears to have positive anti-AChR-antibodies in the serum. These subclinical MG-patients could be under diagnosed because analyzation of anti-AChR-antibodies in thymomas is not always performed in patients who did not experience neurological symptoms. The prevalence and long-term outcomes of subclinical MG are never described in literature yet.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 398 consecutive patients who underwent a robotic-assisted thoracoscopic surgery at the Maastricht University Medical Center+ (MUMC+) between April 2004 and December 2018. In the MUMC+, a robotic approach is the standard surgical approach in patients with thymic diseases. Inclusion criteria were thymomas, thymectomy performed in the MUMC + with a follow-up of at least one year and age above 18 years old. Exclusion criteria were patients with thymic carcinomas, refused participation, or those who were lost to follow-up.Results: Of the 102 included thymoma-patients, 87 patients (85 %) were tested for anti-AChR-antibodies before thymectomy, of which 57 patients were diagnosed with clinical MG and seven subclinical MG-patients were found. Of the 15 patients who were not tested for anti-AChR-antibodies, four more subclinical MG-patients were discovered in the years after thymectomy. The median follow-up time was 62 months. In total, 11 subclinical MG-patients were found, with a mean age of 54 years and predominantly females (64 %). Ten subclinical MG patients (91 %) developed clinical-MG, within six years after thymectomy. Immunosuppressive drugs were prescribed in five patients. Four patients were diagnosed with a recurrence of the thymoma. No surgical mortality was reported. Two patients died due to a myasthenic crisis.Conclusions: The prevalence of subclinical MG in thymomas was found to be 10.8 %. One in four patients who experienced no neurological symptoms before thymectomy, appeared to have anti-AChR-antibodies and 91 % of these patients developed clinical MG within six years after the thymectomy. Analyzing anti-AChR-antibodies in the serum is recommended in all suspected thymomas before a thymectomy is performed

    Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa Sistem Zonasi di SMA N 1 Wonosari

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    The education system is an important thing that needs to be initiated by a country, which makes it a benchmark for the progress of a nation, therefore it is of particular concern including in terms of learning motivation in human resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of learning motivation in students of the zoning system. Data were obtained from 120 informants with established criteria, namely students of the zoning system in SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten, who were participating in learning at the school. This study uses a qualitative approach, the data collection technique used in this study is an open questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that the picture of zonation system student learning motivation in SMA N 1 Wonosari Klaten is quite low this is because the resources received using the zoning system have below average learning motivation, so there is an element of student coercion in continuing education at the school, but in the learning process students still have a high sense of responsibility in terms of improving achievement by always trying to be diligent in doing schoolwork. Keywords: Learning motivation, in students zoning system

    Percolation model for structural phase transitions in Li1x_{1-x}Hx_xIO3_3 mixed crystals

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    A percolation model is proposed to explain the structural phase transitions found in Li1x_{1-x}Hx_xIO3_3 mixed crystals as a function of the concentration parameter xx. The percolation thresholds are obtained from Monte Carlo simulations on the specific lattices occupied by lithium atoms and hydrogen bonds. The theoretical results strongly suggest that percolating lithium vacancies and hydrogen bonds are indeed responsible for the solid solution observed in the experimental range 0.22<x<0.360.22 < x < 0.36.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Association of lipoprotein lipase gene with coronary heart disease in Sudanese population

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    AbstractCardiovascular disease is stabilizing in high-income countries and has continued to rise in low-to-middle-income countries. Association of lipid profile with lipoprotein lipase gene was studied in case and control subject. The family history, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking and alcohol consumption were the most risk factors for early-onset of coronary heart disease (CHD). Sudanese patients had significantly (P<0.05) lower TC and LDL-C levels compared to controls. Allele frequency of LPL D9N, N291S and S447X carrier genotype was 4.2%, 30.7% and 7.1%, respectively. We conclude that lipoprotein lipase polymorphism was not associated with the incidence of CHD in Sudan