43 research outputs found

    Plum supplementation and lipid profile: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    Plums are abundant in bioactive compounds which have been associated with numerous health benefits. In the present study, we aimed at examining the impact of plum supplementation on lipid profile of individuals. Electronic bibliographical databases were searched for relevant randomised clinical trials. Articles meeting our eligibility criteria were included for data extraction and final analysis. Weighted mean difference (WMD) was estimated using a random-effect model. Of the total articles retrieved in the initial search, nine articles were found to be eligible to be included in the analysis. Our results show that plum supplementation significantly improves total cholesterols levels in the unhealthy individuals. Moreover, plum supplementation reduces the LDL-c levels in the pooled sample (WMD= −11⋅52 mg/dl; 95 % CI−21⋅93,−1⋅11,P = 0⋅03,I2 = 98⋅7 %) and also in some of the subgroups of individuals(dried plum, unhealthy subjects, duration more than 8 weeks). Moreover, it had a significant reducing effect on TC levels just in unhealthy subjects. Although plum supplementation did not have any significant impact on serum levels of TG nor HDL-c. Our results show that supplementation with plums is potentially effective in reducing serum total cholesterol and LDL-c

    Effects of Hydro-alcoholic Extract from Arctium lappa L. (Burdock) Root on Gonadotropins, Testosterone, and Sperm Count and Viability in Male Mice with Nicotinamide/ Streptozotocin-Induced Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background: Reproductive dysfunction is a complication of diabetes. Arctium lappa (burdock) root has hypoglycemic and antioxidative properties, which are traditionally used for treatment of impotence and sterility. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of its hydro alcoholic extract on gonadotropin, testosterone, and sperm parameters in nicotinamide/ streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Methods: In this experimental study, 56 adult male Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) mice (30–35 g) were randomly divided into seven groups: control, diabetes, diabetes + glibenclamide (0.25 mg/kg), diabetes + extract (200 or 300 mg/kg), and extract (200 or 300 mg/kg). Diabetes was induced with intraperitoneal injection of nicotinamide (NA) and streptozotocin (STZ). Twenty-four hours after the last extract and drug administration, serum samples, testes, and cauda epididymis were removed immediately for experimental assessment. Results: Body weight, serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone levels, and sperm count (P < 0.05) and viability (P < 0.01) decreased in diabetic mice. Administration of glibenclamide significantly improved these reductions in diabetic animals (P < 0.05). However, the hydro alcoholic extract (300 mg/kg) enhanced sperm viability only in diabetic mice (P < 0.01). In addition, this dose of extract increased sperm count, LH, FSH, and testosterone in nondiabetic animals compared with the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The results indicate that applied burdock root extract has anti-infertility effects in nondiabetic mice. Hence, this part of the A. lappa plant has an effect on the health of the reproductive system in order to improve diabetic conditions

    Bioinformatics prioritization of SNPs perturbing microRNA regulation of hematological malignancy-implicated genes.

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    The contribution of microRNAs (miRNAs) to cancer has been extensively investigated and it became obvious that a strict regulation of miRNA-mRNA regulatory network is crucial for safeguarding cell health. Apart from the direct impact of miRNA dysregulation in cancer pathogenesis, genetic variations in miRNAs are likely to disrupt miRNA-target interaction. Indeed, many evidences suggested that SNPs within miRNA regulome are associated with the development of different hematological malignancies. However, a full catalog of SNPs within miRNAs target sites of genes relevant to hematopoiesis and hematological malignancies is still lacking. Accordingly, we aimed to systematically identify and characterize such SNPs and provide a prioritized list of most potentially disrupting SNPs. Although in the present study we did not address the functional significance of these potential disturbing variants, we believe that our compiled results will be valuable for researchers interested in determining the role of target-SNPs in the development of hematological malignancies

    Evaluation of the leptin receptor in human spermatozoa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptin, a 167 amino acid peptide hormone, profoundly effects reproduction exerting its biological effects via interaction with the leptin receptor (ObR) which is widely expressed on peripheral tissues. In this study, we have attempted to assess leptin receptor expression in the spermatozoa of fertile males and those diagnosed with male factor infertility; both at the mRNA or protein levels.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semen samples were collected from fertile males and individuals with male factor infertility. In order to evaluate leptin receptor expression several techniques were utilized, including: reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunostaining, flow cytometry, and western blotting. Mononuclear cells isolated from volunteers' peripheral blood were used as positive controls for leptin receptor expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>leptin receptor was noted on mononuclear cells but we were unable to detect this receptor on spermatozoa at the protein level. Leptin receptor expression was detected on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as positive controls; however it was not detectable on the spermatozoa of both groups by immunofluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. Furthermore, positive expression of the ObR long isoform as assessed by RT-PCR was observed in the sperm of only four cases, whereas expression of beta-Actin, a house keeping gene, and HspA2, a testis specific gene, was present in all cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The long isoform of leptin receptor may not be present on human sperm. Species difference may be accounted for diverse reproductive physiology which depends on metabolic requirement. Leptin receptor expression at the mRNA level in some individuals may be related to contamination by other cells in semen.</p

    Silver nanoparticles modified titanium carbide MXene composite for RSM-CCD optimised chloride removal from water

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    Unsafe levels of chloride in drinking water can make it unpalatable, susceptible to infrastructure corrosion and prone to heavy metals mobility. Conventional chloride mitigation strategies are subjected to inefficient performance and costly operation, necessitating innovations for more sustainable, affordable, and scalable technologies. In this study, silver nanoparticles-modified Ti3C2 MXene nanocomposite (AgMX) is synthesised via dry impregnation method for effective removal of chloride ion from water. The composite physicochemical properties were thoroughly characterised using various analytical techniques, including TEM, SEM, XRD, EDS, BET, zeta potential and pHpzc analysis. The experimental testing was optimised using CCD-RSM method in terms of adsorbent dosage (0.2–2 g/L), reaction time (1–17 min), and chloride concentration (10–90 mg/L). Under optimal conditions (adsorbent:1.55 g/L, time: 12.19 min, & concentration: 52.17 mg/L), a promising chloride removal of 91.8 % was achieved. Langmuir model showed the best fit to adsorption isotherm (R2: 0.9852) comparing to Freundlich and Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich (DKR) isotherms, while pseudo-second-order kinetic model offered the closest data to the experimental results (R2: 9893) compared to the pseudo-first-order, Elovich and Intraparticle diffusion models R2: 0.2335,0.1212 and 0.2050, respectively. The composite reusability and regeneration potential after four repeated cycles were found practically efficient as ≥ 68 % and ≥ 84 %, respectively. The outcomes of this study can demonstrate the efficiency of the formulated composite as a promising material for the sustainable treatment of chloride-contaminated water

    Mineralogical and geochemical studies on borate deposits from the Shahr- e - Babak playa (Khatoonabad and Robat - Marvast), Kerman province - Iran)

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    Introduction Borate deposits are often important constituents of economic non - marine evaporates. They produce under arid climatic conditions in playa lakes (Floyd et al., 1998). In the south – western parts of the Kerman province, such as the Khatoonabad area (east of the city of Shahr –e –Babak) and Robat – Marvast basin (west of Shahr – e – Babak), there are several borate deposits. They can be seen mainly in Sanandaj – Sirjan depressions and they occur as borate bearing nodules beneath a thin layer of soil. In general, boron considerably reduces the thermal expansion of glass, provides good resistance to vibration, high temperatures and thermal shock, and improves its toughness, strength, chemical resistance and durability. It also greatly reduces the viscosity of the glass melt. These features, and others, allow it to form superior glass for many industrial and specialty applications (Garrett, 1998). In the past, the ancient residents used them as co-melting matters. Ulexite which is frequently found in the Khatoonabad playa (at 30 km South East of Shahr Babak) have Jewel properties (Ghaedi et al., 2014). Materials and methods After reviewing and Library Studies, geological field studies on the borate deposits were carried out from Shahr – e – Babak Playa. In order to take better samples, several pits were excavated with a depth of 30 cm to 1 meter so that borate minerals became apparent. X-ray diffraction analysis (IMIDRO, Karaj), and ICP AES (ALS CHEMEX, Canada) methods were carried out on representative samples taken from the studied area. Discussion Field observations show that in the studied areas, borate bearing basins are fed by rivers which have originated from Sanandaj – Sirjan metamorphic rocks, Nain – Baft colored mélanges and igneous rocks of Urumieh – Dokhtar magmatic belt. Borate minerals also occur in fibrous aggregates and massive forms. Mineralogy XRD results show that the studied borate minerals mainly belong to the hydrated borates and contain ulexite, borax, gowerite, sassolite and inyoite. Geochemichal data indicate that the boron is the dominant constituent in the studied playa. Borate minerals are divided into two groups of hydrated and non-hydrated borate category (Palache et al., 1952.; Garrett, 1998). Both hydrated and non-hydrated borate minerals have been formed in the Shahr-e-Babak playa. Hydrated borate in the study areas: Hydrated borates are those borates in which water molecules are involved (Garrett, 1998). In the studied area, the hydrated borate minerals include: Borax, Ulexite, Inyoite, Gowerite. Non-hydrated borate in the study areas: In the Shahr-e-Babak playa, Sassolite non-hydrated borate minerals are abundant. According to the XRD analyses performed on samples from the study areas, the hydrated borate minerals are more important minerals. The main economic valuable minerals include: 1- Ulexite (NaCaB5O9.8H2O): Crystal Data: Triclinic. Point Group: 1 (Ghose et al., 1978). In the Shar – e - Babak playa, ulexite occurs as deposits with massive, cauliflower-like nodules and fibrous textures. 2- Borax (Na2B4O5(OH)4 •8H2O): Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2/m. Crystals are commonly short to long prismatic [001] (Levy and Lisensky, 1978). In the studied borate samples, it can be found in association with the other borate minerals, and often occurs in the form of salt marsh. 3- Gowerite (CaB6O8(OH)4 •3H2O): Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2/m (Erd et al., 1959). In the Khatoonabad samples, it was found as prismatic and spherical crystals along with ulexite. 4- Inyoite (CaB3O3 (OH)5 •4H2O): Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2/m (Christ, 1953). This mineral has been detected in the studied area by XRD. Sassolite (H3BO3): Crystal Data: Triclinic. Point Group: 1 and as scaly pseudohexagonal crystals (Allen and Kramer, 1957). This mineral is found frequently in the Marvast Playa. Geochemistry Geochemical data indicate that in the studied playa, boron is very abundant. Good correlation between the elements, such as B and Ca confirms the formation of Calcium bearing borate mineral in the studied areas. Origin Field observations show that in the studied areas, borate bearing basins are fed by rivers which have originated from the Sanandaj – Sirjan metamorphic rocks, Nain – Baft colored mélanges and igneous rocks of the Urumieh – Dokhtar magmatic belt. Result The XRD results show that the studied borate minerals mainly are hydrated ones and contain ulexite, borax, gowerite, sassolite and inyoite. Geochemichal data confirm the frequency of boron in the playa. Good correlation between the elements such as B and Ca verifies the formation of Calcium bearing borate mineral in the studied areas. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank IMIDRO for performing XRD analyses. References ‏‏ Allen, R.D. and Kramer, H., 1957. Ginorite and sassolite from Death Valley, California. American Mineralogist, 42(1-2): 56-61.‏ Christ, C.L., 1953. Studies of borate minerals, 2. X-ray crystallography of inyoite and meyerhofferite -x-ray and morphological crystallography of 2CaO. 3B2O3. 9H2O. American Mineralogist, 38(1 - 11): 912-918. Erd, R.C., McAllister, J.F. and Almond, H., 1959. Gowerite, a new hydrous calcium borate, from the Death Valley Region, California. American Mineralogist, 44(9-10): 911-919.‏ Floyd, P.A., Helvaci, C. and Mittwede, S.K., 1998. Geochemical discrimination of volcanic rocks associated with borate deposits: an exploration tool? Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 60(3): 185-205.‏ Garrett, D.E., 1998. Borates: handbook of deposits, processing, properties, and use. Academic Press, USA, 483 pp. Ghaedi, A., Moradian, A. and Ahmadipour, H., 2014. Reviewing and introduction of mineralogical properties of Ulexite an unknown gem in Khatoonabad (Shahr Babak, Kerman Province). The 1st National Symposium of Gemology- Crystallography of Iran, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. Ghose, S., Wan, C. and Clark, J.R., 1978. Ulexite, NaCaB5O6 (OH)6 . 5H2O: structure refinement, polyanion configuration, hydrogen bonding, and fiber optics. American Mineralogist, 63(12): 160–171. Levy, H.A. and Lisensky, G.C., 1978 .Crystal structures of sodium sulfate decahydrate (Glauber's salt) and sodium tetraborate decahydrate (borax). Redetermination by neutron diffraction. Acta Crystallographica, 34(12): 3502-3510. Palache, C., Berman, H. and Frondel, C., 1952. Dana's System of Mineralogy. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 74(2): 218-219.

    Effect of fluoride conversion coating on corrosion of behavior of mg-ca-zn alloy

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    Magnesium and its alloys have been received huge attention as new kind of degradable biomaterials. However its application hindered by poor carrion resistance fluoride conversion coating was performed due to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg-Ca-Zn alloy. In the present work ccorrosion of behaviour and degradation bahaviour of fluoride treated Mg-Ca-Zn alloy were investigated. Microstructural evolutions were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The corrosion resistance was examined in vitro by potentiodynamic polarization and immersion test in Kokubo solution at room temperature. The coating characterization indicated that the dense and uniform film with 6 µm thickness consists of MgO and MgF2 formed on the alloy. Polarization tests recorded a significant reduction in the corrosion current density from 188 µAcm-2 in bare Mg-Ca-Zn to 6.11 µAcm-2 in fluoride treated alloy as a result of formation MgF2 protective layer. The in vitro degradation tests showed that the average weight loss of the untreated specimens significantly higher than that of fluoride treated Mg-Ca-Zn alloy. The results revealed that the fluoride conversion coating noticeably improve the corrosion resistance of Mg-Ca-Zn alloy resistance of Mg in Kokubo solution

    The genetic basis for the inverse relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia

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    Abstract Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease and schizophrenia is a relatively common and debilitating neurological disorder. There are several common features between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. The inverse relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia has been replicated in several studies. Despite evidence for an inverse epidemiological relationship and negative correlations for risk between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia, there are no biological data that directly support this inverse relationship. Materials and Methods’ We meta‐analyzed the genome‐wide association studies to investigate the shared association loci between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia at the genome‐wide scale. Rheumatoid arthritis‐ and schizophrenia‐associated loci in most recent genome‐wide association studies of rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia were tested. Genetic risk score analysis was also conducted to investigate the collective contribution of schizophrenia risk loci to rheumatoid arthritis risk. Results Rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia meta‐genome‐wide association study showed a significant peak at the major histocompatibility complex locus on chromosome 6 in both rheumatoid arthritis‐schizophrenia meta‐genome‐wide association study and inverted meta‐genome‐wide association study datasets. Testing rheumatoid arthritis‐ and schizophrenia‐associated loci outside the human leukocyte antigen region showed no association with both rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia at a genome‐wide level of significance. Weighted genetic risk scores showed no evidence for a statistically significant association between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. Conclusion The finding of our study is consistent with the role of the major histocompatibility complex locus in the genetic correlation between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia, and suggests that either schizophrenia has an autoimmune basis and/or rheumatoid arthritis has an active neurological component