471 research outputs found

    Bayesian quadrature for Gaussian process kernel learning, neural ensemble search, and high dimensional integrands

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    The central challenge of performing inference in a model is the computation of marginalisation integrals over the model's parameters. In most cases of interest, these integrals are intractable, and evaluation of the integrand is expensive. A probabilistic approach to numerical integration offers a principled framework for allocating computation in such a setting. This is achieved by using a probabilistic surrogate to model the integrand, and selecting evaluations Bayesian Decision Theoretically. We offer Bayesian Quadrature (BQ) schemes that incorporate special structure in the model parameters for two widely-used model classes: Gaussian Processes (for which we marginalise over a broad class of stationary kernels), and Neural Networks (for which we marginalise over a large space of architectures). We further investigate the use of scalable approximations of Gaussian Processes for scaling BQ to higher dimensional (Euclidean) spaces for non-negative integrands. For GP kernel learning, our BQ framework makes use of the maximum mean discrepancies between distributions to define a kernel over kernels that captures invariances between Spectral Mixture (SM) Kernels. Kernel samples are then selected by generalising an information-theoretic acquisition function for warped BQ. By viewing ensembling as approximately marginalising over architectures, we bring the tools of BQ to bear upon Neural Ensemble Search. Additionally, the resulting ensembles consist of architectures weighted commensurately with their performance, unlike previous approaches that use equally weighted ensembles. The core challenge of scaling BQ to higher dimensions is the cubic complexity of GP regression. We explore the use of scalable approximations to GPs for BQ, particularly the recently proposed VISH model - a Variational GP for which the inter-domain inducing variables are projections of the modelled function onto the spherical harmonics - and Bezier GP model - defined by placing a Gaussian distribution over the control points of a Bezier curve

    Centralized Database System For Automated Hearing Screening

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    Centralized database software enables simultaneous updates from multiple queries containing data from different machines. It enables the data to be stored safely in a centralized location. Based on the related research work on PC based Automated Hearing Screening kit which store the test results in local storage, it may have problem to perform the data collection from different location of test centers. The main objective of this project is to extend the capabilities of the kit into centralized database architecture for easy access of the test results from multiple test centers locations. The proposed methods used in this project involved database structure design through user requirements analysis, defining data type for each entities and modeling the database using entity relationship diagram (ERD). Web application interface has been proposed in this project as a method to extract the test results from the database. The PC based Automated Hearing Screening kit also has been redesigned in term of user interface and the functionality to submit the data to the centralized database has been added. As part of the project results, the SQL injection test has been performed on web application interface and the web application successfully passed the test by sanitizing user input in the web application. An End User test has been conducted at Audiology & Speech Sciences Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia with 9 participants involved. All participants passed the hearing screening test for the left and right ear except for 1 participant unable to conduct right ear test due to the detected ambient noise level in the test room beyond the permissible level. As the conclusion the objective of this project has been fulfilled and the capabilities of original PC based Automated Hearing Screening kit has been successfully extended based on the results presented in this report


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    Coconut farming in the East Tanjung Jabung Regency, especially around the East Coast Mangrove Forest Nature Reserve has links to one another. This research aims to 1) Describe the deep coconut farming.2) Analyze the income of the deep coconut farming. 3) Analyzing the sustainability status of coconut farming in the vicinity of the East Coast Mangrove Forest Nature Reserve Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency from the ecological, economic and social dimensions. This research was conducted in four sub-districts around the Mangrove Forest East Coast Nature Reserve namely Mendahara District, Kuala Jambi District, Muara Sabak Timur District and Nipah Panjang District in July to September 2019. Coconut farming income for each farmer around the East Coast Mangrove Forest Reserve Rp. 2,676,011 / month is greater than UMR Jambi Province in 2019, the income of coconut farming in having an economically sustainable. The level of sustainability of coconut farming in which is based on a multidimensional sustainability index shows a fairly sustainable value with a value of 52.01. Based on that, it can be said that the coconut farming in the vicinity of the East Coast Mangrove Forest Nature Reserve is quite sustainable, where in terms of ecology, economy and social benefits for the community and does not cause harm to the environment. The most prominent or sensitive attribute to the sustainability of the ecological dimension is the cropping pattern and crop rejuvenation, the economic dimension is the development of coconut prices and the availability of inputs at the local level, for social dimensions, namely how to open land and community social activities

    The function of rural service center in tourism activities

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    The concentration of facilities in an ordinary service center shows gaps between tourism product and facilities in the area. As a result, some rural service centers are not able to support the tourism activities in the area. The focus of this study is to review the rural service center function whether it offers a comprehensive or limited basic function to tourism activities. Thus, the service centers located on the east coast of Johor and south of Pahang are focussed because of their location in the Special Tourism Zone based on the National Physical Plan. Field observation techniques and estimations using location coefficient analysis were conducted to obtain detailed information about the function and interaction between the service center and tourism activities. Otherwise, opinion and reaction on the tourism provision in catchment area was getting from tourist using interview technique. Preliminary findings show that not all service centers are able to fulfill the tourism activities. As a result, others function like commercial, transportation, financial and others social facilities are still required to keep the tourism function in order to support tourism activities in rural areas


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    This study aims to describe the marketing of arabica coffee, analysis farmer’s share and analyze the efficiency of arabica coffee marketing channels. The data used are primary data through direct interviews with farmers to be used as samples and secondary data obtained indirectly such as books that are relevant to the topic under study Arabica coffee farmers samples were determined with random sampling while the sample of traders is determined with snowball sampling. The method of analysis in this research is descriptive analysis by tracing arabica coffee distribution activities from farmers to end consumers. analyzing farmer share marketing functions can be known based on the main activities carried out by each marketing agency. Marketing analysis by calculating marketing margins and farmer’s share, by understanding the differences in costs between institutions and functions performed by each marketing institution. Quantitative analysis answers marketing efficiency by looking at and measuring indicators of marketing efficiency. Marketing efficiency can be seen by using quantitative analysis by looking at several indicators of profit and cost ratio analysis. The results showed that marketing institutions consisted of large traders/industry, cooperative, UKM/industry and traders thinner. There are five marketing channel patterns is I (farmer, large traders/industry, consumer), II (farmer, large traders/industry, UKM/industry, consumer), III (farmer, large traders/industry, UKM/industry, traders thinner, consumer), IV (farmer, cooperative/industry, UKM/industry, consumer), V (farmer, cooperative/ industry, UKM/industry, traders thinner, consumer). Score farmer’s share the highest is in the four channels pattern 27% shows the price received by yhe end consumer close to the price received by the farmer due to the short channel and low operational and processing costs. The last indicator is the profit and cost ratio with the highest 7.3 value from other channels, the highest value indicates that channel four will get high profits and low marketing costs

    Rural transformation: a lesson learned from agropolitan development programs in Malaysia

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    Since last decades, the Malaysian government has applied a commendable path in transforming its socio-economic landscape and the lives of the locals, in line with its vision to become a developed region by 2020. The paper explores rural transformation implementation by presenting the socio-economic development parameters of rural poor based on agropolitan project in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) of Malaysian Peninsula. This agropolitan project is aimed to boost positive socio-economic alteration among the poor people through commercial-agriculture related activities. The case of this research are two agropolitan projects located at Batu 8 Lepar and Runchang located in Pekan, Pahang and one agropolitan project in South Kelantan located at Gua Musang. The research conducted, aimed to explore incomes achievement and three nexus of agropolitan development goals based on economic-physical-human development accomplishment. As many as 254 agropolitan participants were selected as respondents for the questionnaire survey. The main objective is to explore their experiences after joining the projects. Mixed method approach used in this study found that agropolitan projects have given remarkable transformation to participants’ life and rural development programs as a whole. Nevertheless, despite its achievement, challenges recognized by participants remain immense especially in transportation provision, technical difficulties caused by animal threat and human capital improvement. These should be addressed in more depth by Agropolitan related agencies

    Economic integration among ASEAN countries: evidence from gravity model

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    This study aims at investigating whether intra-ASEAN trade is trade creating (higher trade with efficient members) or trade diverting (higher trade with inefficient members) for both inter-industry and intra-industry trade. Since integration efforts within ASEAN had to be geared toward “open regionalism”, factors that affect trade, both inter-industry as well as intra-industry trade at the sectoral level are also identified. The study adopts the extended gravity model at the total as well as the disaggregated level using the one-digit Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Revision 2. Trade creation is found to be present for total exports, for beverages & tobacco (SITC 1), chemicals & materials (SITC 5),machinery & transport equipment (SITC 7),and miscellaneous manufactures (SITC 8). Income levels, transportation costs as well as level of development have significant effects on total trade as well as most sectors. Relative development affects only food & live animals (SITC 0), crude materials (SITC 2), chemicals & materials (SITC 5), and manufactured goods (SITC 6). Factor endowments are important determinants of total trade as well as trade in animal & vegetable fat (SITC 4), chemicals & materials SITC 5), machinery & transport equipment (SITC7), and miscellaneous manufactures (SITC 8).Tariffs do not seem to have any effect on trade except for the animal & vegetable fat sector (SITC 4), while exchange rate risk affects only beverages & tobacco (SITC 1), minerals & fuels (SITC 3), machinery & transport equipment (SITC 7), and miscellaneous manufactures (SITC 8). Based on the findings, in general, policies that promote growth and development in the region should be maintained. In addition, measures need to be undertaken to ensure low transportation costs that include improving both the physical infrastructure and the efficiency of transportation systems. Since tariffs are no longer much of an issue to promote trade, emphasis should be placed on other factors that may affect export demand such as product development to improve the quality of exports and to meet the preferences of importing countries

    Regional and Seasonal Variation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water and Mollusca at Quarna North of Shatt AL-Arab River

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    Distribution and seasonal variations and sources of of the sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied in surface water and and  fuor species of molluscs (Theodoxus Jordani, Melanoides taberculata Melanopsis nodosa, Bellamya bengalensis ) from three stations at Al-Quarna in Shatt Al Arab river during the low tide period from September, 2018 to March, 2019 . Liquid-liquid extraction was used for water samples, while PAHs in molluscs were extracted using Soxhlet Extraction and finally analyzed by means of gas chromatography.  physical and chemical parameter were measured such as . Water Temperature range from (13°C to 39°C), Dissolved oxygen range from (6.5 mg/l to 3.84 mg/l),PH range from (8.15-7.17) and Electrical conductivity (2.59 ms/cm- 4.75 ms/cm). Results of PAHs in water samples was ranged from (1.4754ng / l) during summer in the first station to (3.4215ng / l) during winter at the third station. While the total PAHs in molluscs range from  0.876 ng/g dry weight in the T.jordani in station 1during summer to 9.093 ng/g dry weight in the B.bengalensis during winter . The Highest concentration of PAHs in  the four species were arranged as fellow :Bellamya bengalensis ˃ Melanopsis nodosa ˃ Melanoides taberculata ˃ Theodoxus Jordani. When we compares the concentration  TPHs in water and molluscs with other study it allies within these concentration. Keywords: PAH, water, Mollusca, Pollution,Qurna,ShattAL-Arab River,Basrah,Iraq DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 201