1,716 research outputs found

    Kinematic Design Analysis and Optimization of Mobility System Using MATLAB

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    209-212In this research work, several sophisticated types of equipment and automation have been studied, points taken and considered to realise the locomotion of modern territory of all uneven environments. One of the most main mission and structure of this study is the preferred simplicity of the bipedal walking locomotion system. The study included from simple to complicated legs as like single-legged, like humanoid and up to sixteen legs like a caterpillar. Most of the bipedal walking robots are with research study and we concentrated to emphasizes the significance of robotic legged motion stability in the compact. These bipedal walking robots can walk on rough surfaces, turn efficiently and climb staircase if needed. In particular, a suitable bipedal walking model having an upper link and a lower link will make the system to the desired motions, which has been experimentally exposed to provide a stable walking system. The MATLAB software tool is used to optimize the mechanical constraints and to compare, analyse and investigate the influence of motion stability. The simulation results show a possible performance of projected leg bipedal walking mechanism

    An investigation of the harmonic effects of nonlinear loads on power distributon network

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    Nonlinear loads are loads that defy ohms law. As a result of changes in impedance, the voltage and current waveforms from the loads are distorted and may be unpredictable in behavior. Heavy presence of a nonlinear load or the presence of many nonlinear loads in a distribution network may significantly introduce harmonics into such network. Harmonics are waveforms whose frequency is an integer of the fundamental frequency. When present in large quantity, harmonics may cause adverse effects not only to other loads on the network but also to the power distribution network. This paper investigates the harmonic effects produced by nonlinear loads on power distribution network. Nonlinear and linear loads were modelled and developed. Using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation technique, the system was observed to be unstable with un-periodic oscillations and the total harmonic distortion (THD) was found to be 112.04% at maximum.Keywords: Harmonics, Distortion, Negative effects, Simulation, Nonlinear Loa

    Evaluation of Electrolytes Disturbances in Iraqi Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients treated with Nilotinib with Monitoring of Response by FISH Study

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by the presence Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) which was created by a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 (t [9;22] [q34;q11]. The approval of the 2nd generation TKI ( Nilotinib) takes the treatment of CML patients into new erea with more efficiency and mild to moderate adverse effects. This study was aimed at evaluation of molecular cytogenetic response by (FISH) for Nilotinib in Iraqi patients with assessment for electrolytes disturbances of Nilotinb by measuring a panel of electrolyte (Na+, K+, Ca++, PO4--- and Mg++) , where thirty Iraqi patients with CML who have resistance or no response to Imatinib treatment, attending to Baghdad Teaching Hospital/Hematology Department, have been submitted to this study. Blood samples have been taken pre and post starting treatment with Nilotinib, FISH study was done only for CML patients, while 30 normal healthy control volunteers submitted to the same panel of electrolytes measurements (Na+, K+, Ca++, PO4--- and Mg++) in addition to pre and post treatment Nilotinib patients. The results show out of 30 patients (17) males and (13) females with male to female ratio 1.3:1, FISH results for patients (pre and post) treatment mean±SD were(58.7%±26.2 % and 45.7%±29.9%) obviously significant with good cytogenetic response in resistance CML for Imatinib. Sodium levels in mmol/L pre, post treatment and control mean±SD were (139.2±6.9 , 142.4±9.2 and 140.4±2.52) respectively, with no significant difference between each other with P value > 0.05 in all comparisons. Potassium levels mean±SD in mmol/L results for patients (pre, post) and control were (4.6±0.69, 4.3±0.68 and 4.46±0.76) respectively, with no significant difference between each other with P value > 0.05 in all comparisons. Calcium levels in mg/dL results for patients (pre, post) and control as mean±SD were (8.68 ±1.68, 8.1±1.72 and 9.12±0.38) respectively with no significant differences except between post treatment and control group with P value > 0.05 in all comparisons. Phosphate levels in mg/dL results for patients (pre, post) and control as mean±SD were (2.5±0.84, 2.95±1.04 and 3.4±0.49) respectively with significant difference with P value 0.05 in all comparisons. This study sheds a light on the molecular cytogenetic response for CML patients who have already resistance to Imatinib and Nilotinib that has much more potent effect as approved by studies and this study has used FISH technique. This study emphasizes on the importance of evaluation of electrolyte panel for CML patients before starting Nilotinib study taking in to consideration if these patients are already receiving Imatinib which can also affect bone metabolism and calcium and phosphate levels

    Comparison between Direct and Coherent Optical Communication System

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    The work in this paper focuses on the system quality of direct and coherent communication system for two computers. A system quality is represented by Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) and Bit Error Rate (BER). First part of the work includes implementation of direct optical fiber communication system and measure the system quality .The second part of the work include implementation both the( homodyne and heterodyne)coherent optical fiber communication system and measure the system quality . Laser diode 1310 nm wavelength with its drive circuit used in the transmitter circuit . A single mode of 62.11 km optical fiber is selected as transmission medium . A PIN photo detector is used in the receiver circuit. The optical D-coupler was used to combine the optical signal that come from transmitter laser source with optical signal of laser local oscillator at 1310/1550 nm to obtain coherent detection . Results show that for direct detection the SNR and the BER (28.5 dB, 9.64x10-8,) respectively, while for homodyne and heterodyne coherent detection , the SNR(94.36,97.71)dB and the BER are (1.32x10-22,2.43x10-23) at maximum optical fiber length at 62.11 km. Results show that the homodyne and heterodyne detection are better than direct detection because the large output SNR and low BER of the received signal

    Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes

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    Cystic fibrosis–related diabetes (CFRD) results in significant morbidity and mortality for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). It is the endpoint of a spectrum of progressive insulin deficiency with resulting abnormalities of glucose tolerance. The consequence of glycaemic abnormalities in CF is poorer nutritional status, an increase in respiratory exacerbations with decline in lung function and ultimately greater morbidity and mortality. CFRD can be diagnosed by the standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) usually performed from 10 years of age. However, this may miss early glycaemic abnormalities which appear to be clinically important. Early recognition of CFRD and treatment have been shown to improve outcomes in CF. Novel diagnostic methods such as 30-min sampled OGTT and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) may prove to be useful in screening for this disorder and in the early identification of glycaemic abnormalities

    The Role of Ki-67 Immunoexpression in Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy and Differentiating its Subtypes

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    الهدف:-  لدراسة دور التعبير المناعي ل Ki-67  في تشخيص الحمل العنقودي وتمييزها عن الانواع الأخرى لأنواع اجهاض الحمل. العمليات:- ثمان وستون نموذج لنواتج الحمل المثبتة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بالفورمالين ، والتي شملت أجهاض الحمل في الأشهر الأولى (15 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي جزئي ( 24 نموذج)، حمل عنقودي كامل ( 24 نموذج)  ومشيمة الحمل الكامل  (5 نموذج). جميع النماذج تم جمعها من مختبرات فحص الأنسجة  في مستشفى الولادة في اربيل / العراق خلال الفترة من ايلول 2012- ايلول 2013. تم استخدام التصبيغ المناعي الهيستوكيمياوي ل Ki-67 وباستعمال المضاد الأحادي MIB-1 وباستخدام الطريقة المعتادة . المؤشر التعريفي لKi-67 (عدد الأنوية المصبوغة/عدد الأنوية الكلي) لكل من الزغابات المشيمة  والجذعة الغذائية الخلوية والجذعة الغذائية المخلاوية والخلايا السدوية تم حسابها بصورة منفصلة. الحسابات الأحصائية تم اجراءها بأستخدام مؤشر Fisher  واذا كانت قيمة الp أقل من 0.05 تم اعتباره ذو قيمة أحصائية. النتائج:-  أظهرت الدراسة أن مؤشر ال Ki-67 في كل امراض الزغابات المشيمية كان عالي وبصورة خاصة في الزغابات المشيمية للحمل العنقودي الكامل  (>50%  ) ثم في الحمل العنقودي الجزئي (>20%). كذلك تم ايجاد علاقة ذو قيمة احصائية  للتعبير المناعي لل Ki-67  والتي كانت مفيدة في التمييز بين الأجهاض والحمل العنقودي الكامل ( p<0.01) والحمل العنقودي الجزئي ( p<0.05). الأستنتاج:- المؤشر التعريفي ل Ki-67  في الزغابات المشيمية كان ذو قيمة في تشخيص وتمييز الحمل العنقودي من الأجهاض في الأشهر الأولى للحمل وكذلك في تمييز الحمل العنقودي الكامل من الحمل العنقودي الجزئي .Objectives: The study is intended to evaluate the role of Ki-67 immunoexpression in the diagnosis of molar pregnancy & differential diagnosis of its subgroups from miscarriage. Methods: Sixty eight formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded specimens of products of conception , including 1st trimester miscarriage (n=15), partial hydatidiform mole PHM (n=24), complete hydatidiform CHM (n=24) and full term placenta (n=5), all were examined at Histopathology Department of Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil, Iraq during the period Sep.2012-Sep.2013. Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining was performed by using the monoclonal antibody MIB-1 and the standard streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. The labeling index (number of positive nuclei/total number of nuclei) for villous, cytotrophoblasts , syncytiotrophoblasts and stromal cells were evaluated separately. Statistical analysis was carried out by Fisher’s exact test & statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05. Results: The study shows that all villous trophoblastic lesions showed high Ki-67 in all villous components especially cytotrophoblasts, being the highest in CHM mole(>50%) followed by PHM (>20%). Also found a statistically significant differences in immunoexpressins of Ki-67 that was useful in separating miscarriage from CHM, p<0.01 (highly significant), and partial hydatidiform mole p<0.05, (significant). Conclusion: Ki-67 labeling index of villous cells ,especially cytotrophoblasts, is valuable in diagnosis and differentiation of hydatidiform mole from 1st trimester miscarriage as well as between different subgroups of hydatidiformmoles (CHM & PHM)

    Recurrent Inguinal Hernia (A Descriptive Study on Etiology & Management)

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    Background: Recurrent inguinal hernia constitutes a significant problem for the surgical community.  Incidence of recurrence and chronic groin pain after hernia repair require continuous audit, participation in a register and follow-up by selective physical examination provides a solid basis for quality control. Objective: Description of cases with recurrent inguinal hernia, type of previous repair, factors contributed to recurrence of hernia and type of repair used with the study of post-operative complications in the early postoperative period. Patients and Methods: Descriptive studies on patients with recurrent inguinal hernia were evaluated and data collected. History; age, occupation, time of previous operation, predisposed factors extracted from the previous operation and change of lifestyle. General examination; the presence of predisposing factors, comorbid factors, obesity. Local examination: to describe the type of hernia. Local examination: to describe the type of hernia. Results: In our study 18(40%) patients had an indirect recurrent hernia, 24 patients with recurrent direct inguinal hernia, and 3 patients presented with pantaloon hernia. Males constitute 93.33% of cases. Smoking and chronic cough were the most common predisposing factors. The right side constitutes 80% of cases and the other 20% on the left side. The interval between the previous operation and clinical presentation of recurrence is the highest number presented after 2-5 years. Conclusion: Mesh repair was superior to other types of repair (less no. of patients with previous mesh repair and less post-operative complications)

    Histological findings of ascending urinary tract infections in experimental rats caused by Proteus mirabilis

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    Proteus mirabilis has previously been shown to be capable of persisting in the rat kidney for up to 8 weeks and induces many physiological changes following a single inoculation of the urinary bladder. The present study examined kidney tissue from infected animals for evi-dence of renal damage. The earliest histologic changes seen on the 2nd and 4th days, consisted of mild cellular sloughing and edema associated with mononuclear infiltration in the me-dulla and to a lesser extent in the cortex. On the 1st and following weeks, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and a mononuclear infiltrate had advanced in the renal parenchyma re-sulting in chronic pyelonephritis. The observed renal degenerations with a corresponding ascending bacterial infection in the intra-renal reflux suggest that Proteus mirabilis is capa-ble of producing chronic pyelonephritis in the rats after a single reflux challenge

    Thermomechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of bamboo/woven kenaf mat reinforced epoxy hybrid composites

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    The dimensional stability and dynamic mechanical properties on bamboo (non woven mat)/kenaf (woven mat) hybrid composites was carried out in this study. The hybridization effect of bamboo (B) and kenaf (K) fibers at different weight ratio were studied at B:K:70:30, and B:K:30:70 while maintaining total fiber loading of 40% by weight. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and dynamic mechanical properties of composites were analyzed by thermomechanical anlayzer (TMA), and dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA), respectively. Positive hybridization effects were observed on B:K:50:50 hybrid composite with lowest CTE and highest dynamic mechanical properties among all composites. The dimensional stability were strongly influence by the fiber orientation where all composites shows prominent expansion in the transverse fibers direction but relatively low expansion in longitudinal fibers direction. Dynamic mechanical properties in term of complex modulus (E*), storage modulus (E′), loss modulus (E″), Tan delta and Cole-Cole plot were studied. DMA results reveal that B:K:50:50 hybrid composite possess the highest complex modulus due to the strong fiber/matrix interfacial bonding which supported by the coefficient of effectiveness and Cole-Cole plot. Hence, it is concluded that 50:50 weight ratio of bamboo and kenaf fibers is the optimum mixing ratio to enhance both dimensional and dynamic mechanical properties of hybrid composites, and it can be utilized for automotive or building materials applications which demand high dimensional stability and dynamic mechanical properties