163 research outputs found

    إعادة القراءة على الكتاب “بداية المجتهد ونهاية المقتصد” تأليف الإمام أبي الوليد محمد بن احمد بن محمد احمد بن رشد القرطبي

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    ولد الرشد سنة 510 للهجرة في القرطبة إسبانيا حيث أصبحتهذه الدائرة احدى من مركز حضارة الإسلامية المتقدمة والرائعة في العالم وفيها منتجات بعض المفكر والفيلسوف الإسلامي مثل ابن باجة وابن طفيل. بهذه الحالة أصبحت قرطبة حين ذاك منافسا لدمشق وبغداد والقاهرة وسائر المدن لكبرى في البلدان الإسلامية الشرقية. 1 عاش ابن رشد في وسط العائلة رغبت كثيرة في العلوم والمعرف

    Marine Fuel Management Berbasis Android

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    Aplikasi MFM secara umum adalah sebuah aplikasi perhitungan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bahan bakar pada kapal tanker. Dalam hal ini aplikasi ini tidak hanya digunakan untuk menghitung bahan bakar pada kapal tanker tapi juga digunakan sebagai media ditujukkan untuk Perusahaan perkapalan. Perancangan dan pembangun perangkat lunak ini menggunakan sistem android dan metode waterfall . Aplikasi ini juga dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman java dengan emulator eclipse juno. Hasil penelitian Perancangan dan Pembangun Perangkat Lunak ( Metode Waterfall) ini adalah alat media untuk menghitung pengguna volume bahan bakar yang setiap harinya terpakai pada kapal tanker dengan cara menjalankan smartphone Android dan untuk mengetahui jumlah tersisa volume bahan bakar pada kapal tanker tersebut

    Pendekatan Wasatiyyah dalam Berfatwa: antara Keterikatan Literalis dengan Kelonggaran Liberalis

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     Dalam era saat ini kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, banyak masalah baru muncul, yang dikategorikan sebagai hukum Islam kontemporer. Putusan dari isu-isu tersebut memerlukan pendekatan ijtihad kolektif, sesuai dengan konteks saat ini untuk memastikan kesejahteraan manusia. Dengan demikian, artikel ini membahas pendekatan fatwa. Pada dasarnya, ada berbagai pendekatan antara dua faksi pemikiran, pendekatan yaitu ketegasan dan pendekatan kelonggaran. Namun, antara kedua pendekatan bertentangan, telah muncul media yang dikenal sebagai pendekatan wasatiyyah dalam mengeluarkan fatwa. Pendekatan ini secara signifikan memberikan solusi yang masuk akal untuk mengatur fatwa bebas dari kecenderungan menjadi terlalu ketat atau terlalu longgar dan tidak pernah menyimpang dari tujuan syariah

    Tindakan Penarikan Unit Kendaraan Yang Dilakukan Debt Collector Terhadap Debitur Ditinjau Dari Aspek Hukum Pidana

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    In practice the implementation of the debt collector always conduct the act of forcibly and accompanied by violence and inclined to crimes in make withdrawals craft . The formulation of problems related to with the withdrawal of vehicles accompanied by violence that is: How about the collection of arrangement or confiscation of a motor vehicle that carried out by debt collector against a debtor non-performing loans, Do factors for the act of violence carried out by debt collector, How a settlement effort the act of violence carried out by debt collector in terms of the aspect of criminal law. This research is classified as the kind of research juridical normative , study legislation as criminal code and civil law, Regulation president of the Republic Indonesia No. 9 of 2009 about Funding Institution , the act of No. 42 of 1999 about Fiduciary Security, Minister of Finance Regulation No.130/ PMK.010/2012 about Registration Fiduciary for Financing Company, this research also is study case that is focus self intensively on an object particular and learn that as a case. Arrangement about the collection of vehicles stipulated in a financing with fiduciary security contained in the act of fiduciary security number 42 of 1999 And also minister of finance regulation no 130 / PMK. 010 / 2012 . Factors for the occurrence of violence carried out by debt collector consists of institutions too pursue the target of , lack of awareness of debtors , lack of knowledge of the laws the third party or debt collector and debtors , then influenced by a characteristic debt collector. On a settlement case the act of violence carried out by debt collector by virtue of position cases decisions of the supreme court number .242 / pid.b / 2013 / pn.jmb where debt collector proven to commit crimes dispossession by violence in when make withdrawals vehicles with a profitable purpose self or another person and to eliminate receivable debtors with against the right

    Penerapan Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dalam Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi dalam Upaya Mengoptimalkan Pengembalian Kerugian Negara (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 1605 K/pid.sus/2014)

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    Corruption lately is getting more discussed, either in print, electronic or in seminars, workshops, discussions, and so on. The wealth gained from the crimes of corruption is usually can not directly be used because of the fear nor indicated as money laundering. For it is usually the perpetrators seek to hide the origin of such property by putting them into the banking system (financial system). The issues raised in this thesis is the relationship between corruption and money laundering and how the implementation of the law of money laundering in the eradication of corruption in the Supreme Court ruling No. 1605K / Pid.Sus / 2014. The method used in this thesis is a normative juridical research methods which is descriptive analysis using primary legal materials, secondary, and tertiary that will be analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the Corruption and money laundering has a very close relationship. It can be clearly viewed in Pasal 2 (1) of UU No. 8 of 2010. Application of the law of money laundering in the eradication of corruption in the Supreme Court's decision No: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 the District Court apply the UU No. 8 of 2010 to the corruption case, which is 5 years in prison, fines, recompense, and seizing the assets owned by the defendant from criminal act. At the level of the High Court, judges only fix the decision of Medan District Court that the verdict only increase the imprisonment of the accused for 6 (six) years in prison and on appeal judges only replace imprisonment to 6 (six) months if the fines is not paid by the defendant and replace imprisonment for two (2) years if the defendant can not pay the compensation. From the analysis of the case against the Supreme Court's decision No: 1605 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 in consideration from the judge, element can be harm state finance and economies which is based on results of calculations performed by BPKP North Sumatra province, it can be argued Judge Corruption Court in Medan not guided by UU No. 17 of 2003 regarding State Finance,UU No. 1 of 2004 concerning the state treasury, and the UU No. 15 of 2004 on Management and State Financial Responsibility very clearly gives the BPK in determining financial loss countries / regions

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Studi Penyidikan di Polresta Medan dan Kejari Medan)

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    Recently, corruption has been a serious public attention. Whether or not the criminal act of corruption develops cannot be separated from the element of law enforcer. To anticipate the development of corruption, the law enforcers take the steps, among other things, through the process of investigation. This step is a part of the government efforts to reenforces law under the term of criminal policy or from the aspect of criminal law enforcement policy. In Indonesia, investigating the criminal act of corruption is carried out by three institutions such as Police, Attorney and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Due to the limitation of KPK, the investigation at regional level is focused in the Police and Attorney regional affice. The corruption investigation process cannot be separated from the problems related to technical and non-technical process of criminal justice system. In Medan and its vicinity, the investigation of the criminal act of corruption is focused on Medan Resort Police Departement and Medan Attorney Regional Office. The authority to do the investigation is legal according to the law. Yet, in practice, this authority is less optimally empowered by both institutions, in the scope of its job description in the past three years. To cope with less optimal investigation problem, in the future, Medan Resort Police Department and Medan attorney Regional Office will cooperate with the academicians to provide workshop or seminar, to make staff study, to schedule the investigation of the criminal act of corruption in the scale of priority, to increase the number of investigators, to synchronize the perception of investigators in corruption case investigation. The still rooted culture of corruption will be cahanged through investigating the cases of criminal act of corruption. Community participation in the process of corruption case investigation will be improved and the culture of discipline of government apparatuses will be optimalized