3,619 research outputs found

    The Metallicity of the Redshift 4.16 Quasar BR2248-1242

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    We estimate the metallicity in the broad emission-line region of the redshift z=4.16 quasar, BR2248-1242, by comparing line ratios involving nitrogen to theoretical predictions. BR2248-1242 has unusually narrow emission lines with large equivalent widths, thus providing a rare opportunity to measure several line-ratio abundance diagnostics. The combined diagnostics indicate a metallicity of ~2 times solar. This result suggests that an episode of vigorous star formation occurred near BR2248-1242 prior to the observed z=4.16 epoch. The time available for this enrichment episode is only ~1.5 Gyr at z=4.16 (for H_{0}=65 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, Omega_{m}=0.3 and Omega_Lambda ~< 1). This evidence for high metallicities and rapid star formation is consistent with the expected early-epoch evolution of dense galactic nuclei.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Prepared in AAStex. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Revised version: added 1 referenc

    Highly Ionized Collimated Outflow from HE 0238 - 1904

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    We present a detailed analysis of a highly ionized, multiphased and collimated outflowing gas detected through O V, O VI, Ne VIII and Mg X absorption associated with the QSO HE 0238 - 1904 (z_em ~ 0.629). Based on the similarities in the absorption line profiles and estimated covering fractions, we find that the O VI and Ne VIII absorption trace the same phase of the absorbing gas. Simple photoionization models can reproduce the observed N(Ne VIII), N(O VI) and N(Mg X) from a single phase whereas the low ionization species (e.g. N III, N IV, O IV) originate from a different phase. The measured N(Ne VIII)/N(O VI) ratio is found to be remarkably similar (within a factor of ~ 2) in several individual absorption components kinematically spread over ~ 1800 km/s. Under photoionization this requires a fine tuning between hydrogen density (nH) and the distance of the absorbing gas from the QSO. Alternatively this can also be explained by collisional ionization in hot gas with T > 10^{5.7} K. Long-term stability favors the absorbing gas being located outside the broad line region (BLR). We speculate that the collimated flow of such a hot gas could possibly be triggered by the radio jet interaction.Comment: Minor revision (accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Low-metallicity massive single stars with rotation. II. Predicting spectra and spectral classes of chemically-homogeneously evolving stars

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    Context. Metal-poor massive stars are supposed to be progenitors of certain supernovae, gamma-ray bursts and compact object mergers, potentially contributing to the early epochs of the Universe with their strong ionizing radiation. However, they remain mainly theoretical as individual spectroscopic observations of such objects have rarely been carried out below the metallicity of the SMC. Aims. This work aims at exploring what our state-of-the-art theories of stellar evolution combined with those of stellar atmospheres predict about a certain type of metal-poor (0.02 Z_{\odot}) hot massive stars, the chemically homogeneously evolving ones, called TWUIN stars. Methods. Synthetic spectra corresponding to a broad range in masses (20-130 M_{\odot}) and covering several evolutionary phases from the zero-age main-sequence up to the core helium-burning stage were computed. Results. We find that TWUIN stars show almost no emission lines during most of their {core hydrogen-burning} lifetimes. Most metal lines are completely absent, including nitrogen. During their core helium-burning stage, lines switch to emission and even some metal lines (oxygen and carbon, but still almost no nitrogen) show up. Mass loss and clumping play a significant role in line-formation in later evolutionary phases, particularly during core helium-burning. Most of our spectra are classified as an early O type giant or supergiant, and we find Wolf-Rayet stars of type WO in the core helium-burning phase. Conclusions. An extremely hot, early O type star observed in a low-metallicity galaxy could be the outcome of chemically homogeneous evolution - and therefore the progenitor of a long-duration gamma-ray burst or a type Ic supernova. TWUIN stars may play an important role in reionizing the Universe due to their being hot without showing prominent emission lines during the majority of their lifetimes.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics. In Pres

    Broad P V Absorption in the BALQSO, PG 1254+047: Column Densities, Ionizations and Metal Abundances in BAL Winds

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    This paper discusses the detection of P V 1118,1128 and other broad absorption lines (BALs) in archival HST spectra of the low-redshift BALQSO, PG 1254+047. The P V identification is secured by excellent redshift and profile coincidences with the other BALs, such as C IV 1548,1550 and Si IV 1393,1403, and by photoionization calculations showing that other lines near this wavelength, e.g. Fe III 1123, should be much weaker than P V. The observed BAL strengths imply that either 1) there are extreme abundance ratios such as [C/H] >~ +1.0, [Si/H] >~ +1.8 and [P/C] >~ +2.2, or 2) at least some of the lines are much more optically thick than they appear. I argue that the significant presence of P V absorption indicates severe line saturation, which is disguised in the observed (moderate-strength) BALs because the absorber does not fully cover the continuum source(s) along our line(s) of sight. Computed optical depths for all UV resonance lines show that the observed BALs are consistent with solar abundances if 1) the ionization parameter is at least moderately high, log U >~ -0.6, 2) the total hydrogen column density is log N_H(cm-2) >~ 22.0, and 3) the optical depths in strong lines like C IV and O VI 1032,1038 are >~25 and >~80, respectively. These optical depths and column densities are at least an order of magnitude larger than expected from the residual intensities in the BAL troughs, but they are consistent with the large absorbing columns derived from X-ray observations of BALQSOs. The outflowing BALR, at velocities from -15,000 to -27,000 km/s in PG 1254+047, is therefore a strong candidate for the X-ray absorber in BALQSOs.Comment: 16 pages (LaTeX) plus 8 pages of figures in one file (pg1254_figs.ps.gz), in press with Ap

    Cyclophilin D links programmed cell death and organismal aging in Podospora anserina

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Cyclophilin D (CYPD) is a mitochondrial peptidyl prolyl-cis,trans-isomerase involved in opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). CYPD abundance increases during aging in mammalian tissues and in the aging model organism Podospora anserina. Here, we show that treatment of the P. anserina wild-type with low concentrations of the cyclophilin inhibitor cyclosporin A (CSA) extends lifespan. Transgenic strains overexpressing PaCypD are characterized by reduced stress tolerance, suffer from pronounced mitochondrial dysfunction and are characterized by accelerated aging and induction of cell death. Treatment with CSA leads to correction of mitochondrial function and lifespan to that of the wild-type. In contrast, PaCypD deletion strains are not affected by CSA within the investigated concentration range and show increased resistance against inducers of oxidative stress and cell death. Our data provide a mechanistic link between programmed cell death (PCD) and organismal aging and bear implications for the potential use of CSA to intervene into biologic aging.The research was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Os75/12-1) and by the European Commission via the Integrated Project with the acronym MiMage; (LSHM-CT-2004-512020)

    Massive stars and the energy balance of the interstellar medium. II. The 35 solar mass star and a solution to the "missing wind problem"

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    We continue our numerical analysis of the morphological and energetic influence of massive stars on their ambient interstellar medium for a 35 solar mass star that evolves from the main sequence through red supergiant and Wolf-Rayet phases, until it ultimately explodes as a supernova. We find that structure formation in the circumstellar gas during the early main-sequence evolution occurs as in the 60 solar mass case but is much less pronounced because of the lower mechanical wind luminosity of the star. Since on the other hand the shell-like structure of the HII region is largely preserved, effects that rely on this symmetry become more important. At the end of the stellar lifetime 1% of the energy released as Lyman continuum radiation and stellar wind has been transferred to the circumstellar gas. From this fraction 10% is kinetic energy of bulk motion, 36% is thermal energy, and the remaining 54% is ionization energy of hydrogen. The sweeping up of the slow red supergiant wind by the fast Wolf-Rayet wind produces remarkable morphological structures and emission signatures, which are compared with existing observations of the Wolf-Rayet bubble S308. Our model reproduces the correct order of magnitude of observed X-ray luminosity, the temperature of the emitting plasma as well as the limb brightening of the intensity profile. This is remarkable, because current analytical and numerical models of Wolf-Rayet bubbles fail to consistently explain these features. A key result is that almost the entire X-ray emission in this stage comes from the shell of red supergiant wind swept up by the shocked Wolf-Rayet wind rather than from the shocked Wolf-Rayet wind itself as hitherto assumed and modeled. This offers a possible solution to what is called the ``missing wind problem'' of Wolf-Rayet bubbles.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    High-Resolution Keck Spectra of the Associated Absorption Lines in 3C 191

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    Associated absorption lines (AALs) are valuable probes of the gaseous environments near quasars. Here we discuss high-resolution (6.7 km/s) spectra of the AALs in the radio-loud quasar 3C 191 (redshift z=1.956). The measured AALs have ionizations ranging from Mg I to N V, and multi-component profiles that are blueshifted by ~400 to ~1400 km/s relative to the quasar's broad emission lines. These data yield the following new results. 1) The density based on Si II*/Si II lines is ~300 cm-3, implying a distance of ~28 kpc from the quasar if the gas is photoionized. 2) The characteristic flow time is thus \~3 x 10^7 yr. 3) Strong Mg I AALs identify neutral gas with very low ionization parameter and high density. We estimate n_H > 5 x 10^4 cm-3 in this region, compared to ~15 cm-3 where the N V lines form. 4) The total column density is N_H < 4 x 10^18 cm-2 in the neutral gas and N_H ~ 2 x 10^20 cm-2 in the moderately ionized regions. 5) The total mass in the AAL outflow is M ~ 2 x 10^9 Mo, assuming a global covering factor (as viewed from the quasar) of ~10% >. 6) The absorbing gas only partially covers the background light source(s) along our line(s) of sight, requiring absorption in small clouds or filaments <0.01 pc across. The ratio N_H/n_H implies that the clouds have radial (line- of-sight) thicknesses <0.2 pc. These properties might characterize a sub-class of AALs that are physically related to quasars but form at large distances. We propose a model for the absorber in which pockets of dense neutral gas are surrounded by larger clouds of generally lower density and higher ionization. This outflowing material might be leftover from a blowout associated with a nuclear starburst, the onset of quasar activity or a past broad absorption line (BAL) wind phase.Comment: 15 pages text plus 6 figures, in press with Ap