2,520 research outputs found

    Heat Transfer Characteristics of Regenerator Matrix (Case of Packed Wire Gauzes)

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    The average heat transfer coefficient in the matrix of laminated wire screens (10 to 250 mesh) for a Stirling engine heat exchanger was studied experimentally. The data are correlated by N sub ud = 0.42 R sub ed 0.56 (3 or = R sub ed or = 400), and R sub ed are the Nusselt and Reynolds nubmers based on the wire diameter. The pressure drop decreased and the heat transfer increased as the wire diameter was decreased

    Cavitation Inception on the I.T.T.C. Standard Head Form

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    Cavitation inception measurements were made on the I.T.T.C. Standard Head Form over a range of speeds and dissolved air content. The results were similar to those observed in other water tunnels with resorbers. Cavitation inception indices were observed as low as 0. 4 as compared with the minimum calculated pressure coefficient of O.6. As in previous measurements a pronounced velocity scale effect was observed

    Classical interatomic potentials for Si-O-F and Si-O-Cl systems

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    For Si-O-F and Si-O-Cl systems, Stillinger-Weber (SW)-type potential sets were developed based on interatomic potential energy data obtained from ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations. The aim of the potential development was to perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for both silicon and silicon dioxide etching by Cl or F on the same footing. Details of the potential derivation and some sample MD simulation results were also presented.H. Ohta and S. Hamaguchi, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 6679 (2001) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.140078

    Monte Carlo simulations of the screening potential of the Yukawa one-component plasma

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    A Monte Carlo scheme to sample the screening potential H(r) of Yukawa plasmas notably at short distances is presented. This scheme is based on an importance sampling technique. Comparisons with former results for the Coulombic one-component plasma are given. Our Monte Carlo simulations yield an accurate estimate of H(r) as well for short range and long range interparticle distances.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Theory of Interaction of Memory Patterns in Layered Associative Networks

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    A synfire chain is a network that can generate repeated spike patterns with millisecond precision. Although synfire chains with only one activity propagation mode have been intensively analyzed with several neuron models, those with several stable propagation modes have not been thoroughly investigated. By using the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model, we constructed a layered associative network embedded with memory patterns. We analyzed the network dynamics with the Fokker-Planck equation. First, we addressed the stability of one memory pattern as a propagating spike volley. We showed that memory patterns propagate as pulse packets. Second, we investigated the activity when we activated two different memory patterns. Simultaneous activation of two memory patterns with the same strength led the propagating pattern to a mixed state. In contrast, when the activations had different strengths, the pulse packet converged to a two-peak state. Finally, we studied the effect of the preceding pulse packet on the following pulse packet. The following pulse packet was modified from its original activated memory pattern, and it converged to a two-peak state, mixed state or non-spike state depending on the time interval

    Self-limiting processes in thermal atomic layer etching of nickel by hexafluoroacetylacetone

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    Abdulrahman H. Basher, Ikutaro Hamada, and Satoshi Hamaguchi. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59 090905