1,003 research outputs found

    Investigation of the preparation of materials in space. Task 4 - Field management for weightless containerless processing Quarterly progress report, 22 Aug. - 31 Oct. 1969

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    Weightless containerless processing for space, electromagnetic position control, force measurements and techniques, and hydrodynamic

    Exact Multifractal Spectra for Arbitrary Laplacian Random Walks

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    Iterated conformal mappings are used to obtain exact multifractal spectra of the harmonic measure for arbitrary Laplacian random walks in two dimensions. Separate spectra are found to describe scaling of the growth measure in time, of the measure near the growth tip, and of the measure away from the growth tip. The spectra away from the tip coincide with those of conformally invariant equilibrium systems with arbitrary central charge c≤1c\leq 1, with cc related to the particular walk chosen, while the scaling in time and near the tip cannot be obtained from the equilibrium properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; references added, minor correction

    Multifractal Dimensions for Branched Growth

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    A recently proposed theory for diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), which models this system as a random branched growth process, is reviewed. Like DLA, this process is stochastic, and ensemble averaging is needed in order to define multifractal dimensions. In an earlier work [T. C. Halsey and M. Leibig, Phys. Rev. A46, 7793 (1992)], annealed average dimensions were computed for this model. In this paper, we compute the quenched average dimensions, which are expected to apply to typical members of the ensemble. We develop a perturbative expansion for the average of the logarithm of the multifractal partition function; the leading and sub-leading divergent terms in this expansion are then resummed to all orders. The result is that in the limit where the number of particles n -> \infty, the quenched and annealed dimensions are {\it identical}; however, the attainment of this limit requires enormous values of n. At smaller, more realistic values of n, the apparent quenched dimensions differ from the annealed dimensions. We interpret these results to mean that while multifractality as an ensemble property of random branched growth (and hence of DLA) is quite robust, it subtly fails for typical members of the ensemble.Comment: 82 pages, 24 included figures in 16 files, 1 included tabl

    Technology needs assessment of an atmospheric observation system for tropospheric research missions, part 1

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    The technology advancements needed to implement the atmospheric observation satellite systems for air quality research were identified. Tropospheric measurements are considered. The measurements and sensors are based on a model of knowledge objectives in atmospheric science. A set of potential missions and attendant spacecraft and sensors is postulated. The results show that the predominant technology needs will be in passive and active sensors for accurate and frequent global measurements of trace gas concentration profiles

    Diffusion Limited Aggregation with Power-Law Pinning

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    Using stochastic conformal mapping techniques we study the patterns emerging from Laplacian growth with a power-law decaying threshold for growth RN−γR_N^{-\gamma} (where RNR_N is the radius of the N−N- particle cluster). For γ>1\gamma > 1 the growth pattern is in the same universality class as diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) growth, while for γ<1\gamma < 1 the resulting patterns have a lower fractal dimension D(γ)D(\gamma) than a DLA cluster due to the enhancement of growth at the hot tips of the developing pattern. Our results indicate that a pinning transition occurs at γ=1/2\gamma = 1/2, significantly smaller than might be expected from the lower bound αmin≃0.67\alpha_{min} \simeq 0.67 of multifractal spectrum of DLA. This limiting case shows that the most singular tips in the pruned cluster now correspond to those expected for a purely one-dimensional line. Using multifractal analysis, analytic expressions are established for D(γ)D(\gamma) both close to the breakdown of DLA universality class, i.e., γ≲1\gamma \lesssim 1, and close to the pinning transition, i.e., γ≳1/2\gamma \gtrsim 1/2.Comment: 5 pages, e figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exact Multifractal Exponents for Two-Dimensional Percolation

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    The harmonic measure (or diffusion field or electrostatic potential) near a percolation cluster in two dimensions is considered. Its moments, summed over the accessible external hull, exhibit a multifractal spectrum, which I calculate exactly. The generalized dimensions D(n) as well as the MF function f(alpha) are derived from generalized conformal invariance, and are shown to be identical to those of the harmonic measure on 2D random walks or self-avoiding walks. An exact application to the anomalous impedance of a rough percolative electrode is given. The numerical checks are excellent. Another set of exact and universal multifractal exponents is obtained for n independent self-avoiding walks anchored at the boundary of a percolation cluster. These exponents describe the multifractal scaling behavior of the average nth moment of the probabity for a SAW to escape from the random fractal boundary of a percolation cluster in two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (in colors

    Transfer across Random versus Deterministic Fractal Interfaces

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    A numerical study of the transfer across random fractal surfaces shows that their responses are very close to the response of deterministic model geometries with the same fractal dimension. The simulations of several interfaces with prefractal geometries show that, within very good approximation, the flux depends only on a few characteristic features of the interface geometry: the lower and higher cut-offs and the fractal dimension. Although the active zones are different for different geometries, the electrode reponses are very nearly the same. In that sense, the fractal dimension is the essential "universal" exponent which determines the net transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Conformal Mapping on Rough Boundaries I: Applications to harmonic problems

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the properties of harmonic fields in the vicinity of rough boundaries where either a constant potential or a zero flux is imposed, while a constant field is prescribed at an infinite distance from this boundary. We introduce a conformal mapping technique that is tailored to this problem in two dimensions. An efficient algorithm is introduced to compute the conformal map for arbitrarily chosen boundaries. Harmonic fields can then simply be read from the conformal map. We discuss applications to "equivalent" smooth interfaces. We study the correlations between the topography and the field at the surface. Finally we apply the conformal map to the computation of inhomogeneous harmonic fields such as the derivation of Green function for localized flux on the surface of a rough boundary

    Giant Shapiro Resonances in a Flux Driven Josephson Junction Necklace

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    We present a detailed study of the dynamic response of a ring of NN equally spaced Josephson junctions to a time-periodic external flux, including screening current effects. The dynamics are described by the resistively shunted Josephson junction model, appropriate for proximity effect junctions, and we include Faraday's law for the flux. We find that the time-averaged I−VI-V characteristics show novel {\em subharmonic giant Shapiro voltage resonances}, which strongly depend on having phase slips or not, on NN, on the inductance and on the external drive frequency. We include an estimate of the possible experimental parameters needed to observe these quantized voltage spikes.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Chaos in resonant-tunneling superlattices

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    Spatio-temporal chaos is predicted to occur in n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling as their main charge transport mechanism. Under dc voltage bias, undamped time-dependent oscillations of the current (due to the motion and recycling of electric field domain walls) have been observed in recent experiments. Chaos is the result of forcing this natural oscillation by means of an appropriate external microwave signal.Comment: 3 pages, LaTex, RevTex, 3 uuencoded figures (1.2M) are available upon request from [email protected], to appear in Phys.Rev.
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