10 research outputs found
AVstack: An Open-Source, Reconfigurable Platform for Autonomous Vehicle Development
Pioneers of autonomous vehicles (AVs) promised to revolutionize the driving
experience and driving safety. However, milestones in AVs have materialized
slower than forecast. Two culprits are (1) the lack of verifiability of
proposed state-of-the-art AV components, and (2) stagnation of pursuing
next-level evaluations, e.g., vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and multi-agent
collaboration. In part, progress has been hampered by: the large volume of
software in AVs, the multiple disparate conventions, the difficulty of testing
across datasets and simulators, and the inflexibility of state-of-the-art AV
components. To address these challenges, we present AVstack, an open-source,
reconfigurable software platform for AV design, implementation, test, and
analysis. AVstack solves the validation problem by enabling first-of-a-kind
trade studies on datasets and physics-based simulators. AVstack solves the
stagnation problem as a reconfigurable AV platform built on dozens of
open-source AV components in a high-level programming language. We demonstrate
the power of AVstack through longitudinal testing across multiple benchmark
datasets and V2I-collaboration case studies that explore trade-offs of
designing multi-sensor, multi-agent algorithms
A Multi-Agent Security Testbed for the Analysis of Attacks and Defenses in Collaborative Sensor Fusion
The performance and safety of autonomous vehicles (AVs) deteriorates under
adverse environments and adversarial actors. The investment in multi-sensor,
multi-agent (MSMA) AVs is meant to promote improved efficiency of travel and
mitigate safety risks. Unfortunately, minimal investment has been made to
develop security-aware MSMA sensor fusion pipelines leaving them vulnerable to
adversaries. To advance security analysis of AVs, we develop the Multi-Agent
Security Testbed, MAST, in the Robot Operating System (ROS2). Our framework is
scalable for general AV scenarios and is integrated with recent multi-agent
datasets. We construct the first bridge between AVstack and ROS and develop
automated AV pipeline builds to enable rapid AV prototyping. We tackle the
challenge of deploying variable numbers of agent/adversary nodes at launch-time
with dynamic topic remapping. Using this testbed, we motivate the need for
security-aware AV architectures by exposing the vulnerability of centralized
multi-agent fusion pipelines to (un)coordinated adversary models in case
studies and Monte Carlo analysis
Partial-Information, Longitudinal Cyber Attacks on LiDAR in Autonomous Vehicles
What happens to an autonomous vehicle (AV) if its data are adversarially
compromised? Prior security studies have addressed this question through mostly
unrealistic threat models, with limited practical relevance, such as white-box
adversarial learning or nanometer-scale laser aiming and spoofing. With growing
evidence that cyber threats pose real, imminent danger to AVs and
cyber-physical systems (CPS) in general, we present and evaluate a novel AV
threat model: a cyber-level attacker capable of disrupting sensor data but
lacking any situational awareness. We demonstrate that even though the attacker
has minimal knowledge and only access to raw data from a single sensor (i.e.,
LiDAR), she can design several attacks that critically compromise perception
and tracking in multi-sensor AVs. To mitigate vulnerabilities and advance
secure architectures in AVs, we introduce two improvements for security-aware
fusion: a probabilistic data-asymmetry monitor and a scalable track-to-track
fusion of 3D LiDAR and monocular detections (T2T-3DLM); we demonstrate that the
approaches significantly reduce attack effectiveness. To support objective
safety and security evaluations in AVs, we release our security evaluation
platform, AVsec, which is built on security-relevant metrics to benchmark AVs
on gold-standard longitudinal AV datasets and AV simulators
A Modular Platform For Collaborative, Distributed Sensor Fusion
Leading autonomous vehicle (AV) platforms and testing infrastructures are,
unfortunately, proprietary and closed-source. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate
how well safety-critical AVs perform and how safe they truly are. Similarly,
few platforms exist for much-needed multi-agent analysis. To provide a starting
point for analysis of sensor fusion and collaborative & distributed sensing, we
design an accessible, modular sensing platform with AVstack. We build
collaborative and distributed camera-radar fusion algorithms and demonstrate an
evaluation ecosystem of AV datasets, physics-based simulators, and hardware in
the physical world. This three-part ecosystem enables testing next-generation
configurations that are prohibitively challenging in existing development
RadCloud: Real-Time High-Resolution Point Cloud Generation Using Low-Cost Radars for Aerial and Ground Vehicles
In this work, we present RadCloud, a novel real time framework for directly
obtaining higher-resolution lidar-like 2D point clouds from low-resolution
radar frames on resource-constrained platforms commonly used in unmanned aerial
and ground vehicles (UAVs and UGVs, respectively); such point clouds can then
be used for accurate environmental mapping, navigating unknown environments,
and other robotics tasks. While high-resolution sensing using radar data has
been previously reported, existing methods cannot be used on most UAVs, which
have limited computational power and energy; thus, existing demonstrations
focus on offline radar processing. RadCloud overcomes these challenges by using
a radar configuration with 1/4th of the range resolution and employing a deep
learning model with 2.25x fewer parameters. Additionally, RadCloud utilizes a
novel chirp-based approach that makes obtained point clouds resilient to rapid
movements (e.g., aggressive turns or spins), which commonly occur during UAV
flights. In real-world experiments, we demonstrate the accuracy and
applicability of RadCloud on commercially available UAVs and UGVs, with
off-the-shelf radar platforms on-board.Comment: 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or
future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising
or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or
redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of
this work in other work