27 research outputs found

    Prosthodontic rehabilitation with Preci-Clix Overdenture system – A Case Report

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    Tooth loss has a negative impact on masticatory function, aesthetics, and self-image.  Fixed partial dentures, removable partial dentures, complete dentures, and implant-supported dentures can replace missing teeth, but it is not known whether they differ in their ability to reconstruct the masticatory force and preservation of residual bone ridge.  An overdenture is a complete or removable partial denture that has one or more abutment tooth or implants to provide a support.   Moreover the shortened crown also changes the crown to root ratio thus the reduced mobility of the tooth facilitate ridge preservation, improves the bone support.   Overdentures maintain proprioception of teeth and improve stability and retention.  Overdenture is preventive prosthodontics concept involving the multidisciplinary approach involving periodontic, endodontic & prosthodontics intervention. Prefabricated attachments are versatile and  provide considerable retention and stability.This case report of patient with few teeth remaining has been treated with overdenture supported with preci-clix overdenture attachments

    Attitudes of general dental practitioners towards biopsy procedures

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    Objectives: A dentist is required to detect and recognise oral lesions and inform the patient accordingly by providing a diagnosis and adequate treatment plan. Biopsy serves as an important aid in achieving this goal; however, its use is not so widespread in general dental practice. The objective of the present study was to explore the attitudes of general dental practitioners in Belgaum city towards biopsy for diagnosis of oral lesions. Material and methods: A self designed questionnaire was administered to 74 general dental practitioners in Belgaum city, in the southern region of India, consisting of several items addressing the socio-demographic and professional aspects and their attitudes towards oral biopsy procedures. Results: The response rate was exceptionally high i.e. 90.54%. All the dentists felt that biopsy was an important tool in diagnosis of oral lesions but many still did not venture to undertake it on their own and preferred referring it to a specialist or higher care centre. This was mainly due to lack of experience and patient factors. There were also conflicting results regarding referral diagnostic pathology services and preservation of the biopsy specimens. Conclusion: This emphasizes the need for higher levels of importance to be placed on this aspect in undergraduate and postgraduate dental curriculum. Organisation of specific training or continuing dental education programmes to enhance their practical skills could aid in increasing the utility of this important tool in diagnosis of oral lesion

    Oral Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis: A Rare Entity

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    Juvenilna hijalina fibomatoza iznimno je rijedak poremećaj kod dojenčadi i djece, a javlja se prema zakonima autosomno recesivnog nasljeđivanja. Izgleda poput multiple kožne ili subkutane tumorne tvorbe, sporo se razvija i češća je u području glave i vrata te gornjeg dijela trupa. Često je povezana s gingivnom hipertrofijom, teškom fleksularnom kontrakturom udova i koštanom lezijom. Nema mentalne retardacije. Histološki se te lezije sastoje od obilne eozinofilne osnovne tvari s neravnomjerno raspršenim fibroblastima. Ekscidirane lezije u ranim stadijima bogatije su stanicama. Točno podrijetlo eozine hijaline tvari nije poznato. Nedavno je pronađen defekt kromosoma 4q21 povezan s lokusom gena – 2 za kapilarnu morfogenezu. Diferencijalna dijagnoza za juvenilnu hijalinu fibromatozu uključuje i infantilnu sistemsku hijalinozu, za koju se zna da je alelna. Trenutačno nema široko prihvaćene učinkovite terapije ni za juvenilnu hijalinu fibromatozu ni za infantilnu sistemsku hijalinozu. Juvenilna hijalina fibromatoza i infantilna sistemska hijalinoza ponekad se teško razlikuju jer su vrlo slične. Mi izvještavamo o slučaju juvenilne hijaline fibromatoze kod 10-godišnje djevojčice s pretežno gingivalnom hiperplazijom.Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis is an exceedingly rare disorder of infants and children which appears to have autosomal recessive inheritance. It is characterized by multiple, slowly growing dermal or subcutaneous tumors, especially in the head and neck region and upper trunk, often associated with gingival hypertrophy, severe flexural limb contractures and bone lesions. There is no mental retardation. Histologically, these lesions are composed of copious eosinophilic, homogenous ground substance with unevenly dispersed fibroblasts. Lesions excised in early stages are more cellular. The precise nature of the eosinophilic hyaline material is not known. Recently, a defect on chromosome 4q21 associated with the locus of the capillary morphogenesis gene – 2, has been demonstrated. The differential diagnosis of juvenile hyaline fibromatosis includes infantile systemic hyalinosis, which is now known to be allelic. Currently, no widely accepted effective treatment exists for juvenile hyaline fibromatosis or infantile systemic hyalinosis. Infantile systemic hyalinosis and juvenile hyaline fibromatosis are sometimes difficult to separate since they show significant overlap. We report one such unusual case of juvenile hyaline fibromatosis in a 10 year old female presenting mainly with gingival hyperplasia

    An investigation on the influence of tin foil substitute contamination on bond strength between resin denture teeth and the denture base: An in vitro study

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    Statement of Problem: The problem of acrylic resin denture teeth separating from their denture base remains a major problem in prosthodontic practice and is frustrating to the patients as well as the dentists. Purpose: This study investigated the influence of tin foil substitute contamination on bond strength between acrylic resin denture teeth and their denture base. Materials and Methods: A total of 80 modified acrylic resin maxillary left central incisors were processed to their denture base material. The 80 specimens were divided into two groups of 40 specimens each: the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group had the denture tooth ridge lap area contaminated with tin foil substitute.The 40 specimens in the control group were not contaminated. After 7 days of storage at room temperature, the bond strengths of the two groups were tested with a universal testing machine.The nature of failure was noted as adhesive (interface) or cohesive (in tooth or denture base material). The Welch test and z-test were performed to identify significant differences. Results: The uncontaminated specimens (group I) showed superior bond strength as compared to the contaminated specimens (group II); the difference in bond strength between the groups was highly significant (P<0.0001). Also the contaminated specimens exhibited predominantly adhesive failure (89.74%), whereas the uncontaminated specimens exhibited 55% adhesive failure and 45% cohesive failure. Conclusion: Tin foil substitute contamination of the ridge laps of acrylic resin denture teeth greatly reduced the bond strength

    Intraosseous schwannoma of the mandible

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    Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma: Report of a recurrence case

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    Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma [PCOF] is a reactive gingival overgrowth occurring frequently in the maxillary anterior region in teenagers and young adults. Here, we report a case of POCF in a 13-year-old male, which was previously surgically excised and had recurred after a period of 9 months. PCOF should be considered in differential diagnosis of such reactive hyperplastic lesions originating from the gingiva. Hence, early diagnosis with proper surgical excision and aggressive curettage of the adjacent tissues are essential for prevention of recurrence