19 research outputs found

    SNX27-Mediated Recycling of Neuroligin-2 Regulates Inhibitory Signaling

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    GABAA receptors mediate fast inhibitory transmission in the brain, and their number can be rapidly up- or downregulated to alter synaptic strength. Neuroligin-2 plays a critical role in the stabilization of synaptic GABAA receptors and the development and maintenance of inhibitory synapses. To date, little is known about how the amount of neuroligin-2 at the synapse is regulated and whether neuroligin-2 trafficking affects inhibitory signaling. Here, we show that neuroligin-2, when internalized to endosomes, co-localizes with SNX27, a brain-enriched cargo-adaptor protein that facilitates membrane protein recycling. Direct interaction between the PDZ domain of SNX27 and PDZ-binding motif in neuroligin-2 enables membrane retrieval of neuroligin-2, thus enhancing synaptic neuroligin-2 clusters. Furthermore, SNX27 knockdown has the opposite effect. SNX27-mediated up- and downregulation of neuroligin-2 surface levels affects inhibitory synapse composition and signaling strength. Taken together, we show a role for SNX27-mediated recycling of neuroligin-2 in maintenance and signaling of the GABAergic synapse

    Miro clusters regulate ER-mitochondria contact sites and link cristae organization to the mitochondrial transport machinery

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    Mitochondrial Rho (Miro) GTPases localize to the outer mitochondrial membrane and are essential machinery for the regulated trafficking of mitochondria to defined subcellular locations. However, their sub-mitochondrial localization and relationship with other critical mitochondrial complexes remains poorly understood. Here, using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, we report that Miro proteins form nanometer-sized clusters along the mitochondrial outer membrane in association with the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System (MICOS). Using knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts we show that Miro1 and Miro2 are required for normal mitochondrial cristae architecture and Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondria Contacts Sites (ERMCS). Further, we show that Miro couples MICOS to TRAK motor protein adaptors to ensure the concerted transport of the two mitochondrial membranes and the correct distribution of cristae on the mitochondrial membrane. The Miro nanoscale organization, association with MICOS complex and regulation of ERMCS reveal new levels of control of the Miro GTPases on mitochondrial functionality

    Sub-chronic ketamine administration increases dopamine synthesis capacity in the mouse midbrain: a preclinical in vivo PET study

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    PURPOSE: There is robust evidence that people with schizophrenia show elevated dopamine (DA) synthesis capacity in the striatum. This finding comes from positron emission tomography (PET) studies using radiolabelled l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F-DOPA). DA synthesis capacity also appears to be elevated in the midbrain of people with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls. We therefore aimed to optimise a method to quantify 18F-DOPA uptake in the midbrain of mice, and to utilise this method to quantify DA synthesis capacity in the midbrain of the sub-chronic ketamine model of schizophrenia-relevant hyperdopaminergia. PROCEDURES: Adult male C57Bl6 mice were treated daily with either ketamine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle (saline) for 5 days. On day 7, animals were administered 18F-DOPA (i.p.) and scanned in an Inveon PET/CT scanner. Data from the saline-treated group were used to optimise an atlas-based template to position the midbrain region of interest and to determine the analysis parameters which resulted in the greatest intra-group consistency. These parameters were then used to compare midbrain DA synthesis capacity (KiMod) between ketamine- and saline-treated animals. RESULTS: Using an atlas-based template to position the 3.7 mm3 midbrain ROI with a T*-Tend window of 15-140 min to estimate KiMod resulted in the lowest intra-group variability and moderate test-retest agreement. Using these parameters, we found that KiMod was elevated in the midbrain of ketamine-treated animals in comparison to saline-treated animals (t(22) = 2.19, p = 0.048). A positive correlation between DA synthesis capacity in the striatum and the midbrain was also evident in the saline-treated animals (r2 = 0.59, p = 0.005) but was absent in ketamine-treated animals (r2 = 0.004, p = 0.83). CONCLUSIONS: Using this optimised method for quantifying 18F-DOPA uptake in the midbrain, we found that elevated striatal DA synthesis capacity in the sub-chronic ketamine model extends to the midbrain. Interestingly, the dysconnectivity between the midbrain and striatum seen in this model is also evident in the clinical population. This model may therefore be ideal for assessing novel compounds which are designed to modulate pre-synaptic DA synthesis capacity

    Protein-protein interactions in the RPS4/RRS1 immune receptor complex

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    Plant NLR (Nucleotide-binding domain and Leucine-rich Repeat) immune receptor proteins are encoded by Resistance (R) genes and confer specific resistance to pathogen races that carry the corresponding recognized effectors. Some NLR proteins function in pairs, forming receptor complexes for the perception of specific effectors. We show here that the Arabidopsis RPS4 and RRS1 NLR proteins are both required to make an authentic immune complex. Over-expression of RPS4 in tobacco or in Arabidopsis results in constitutive defense activation; this phenotype is suppressed in the presence of RRS1. RRS1 protein co-immunoprecipitates (co-IPs) with itself in the presence or absence of RPS4, but in contrast, RPS4 does not associate with itself in the absence of RRS1. In the presence of RRS1, RPS4 associates with defense signaling regulator EDS1 solely in the nucleus, in contrast to the extra-nuclear location found in the absence of RRS1. The AvrRps4 effector does not disrupt RPS4-EDS1 association in the presence of RRS1. In the absence of RRS1, AvrRps4 interacts with EDS1, forming nucleocytoplasmic aggregates, the formation of which is disturbed by the co-expression of PAD4 but not by SAG101. These data indicate that the study of an immune receptor protein complex in the absence of all components can result in misleading inferences, and reveals an NLR complex that dynamically interacts with the immune regulators EDS1/PAD4 or EDS1/SAG101, and with effectors, during the process by which effector recognition is converted to defense activation

    Bacterial Flagella: Twist and Stick, or Dodge across the Kingdoms

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    The flagellum organelle is an intricate multiprotein assembly best known for its rotational propulsion of bacteria. However, recent studies have expanded our knowledge of other functions in pathogenic contexts, particularly adherence and immune modulation, e.g., for Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. Flagella-mediated adherence is important in host colonisation for several plant and animal pathogens, but the specific interactions that promote flagella binding to such diverse host tissues has remained elusive. Recent work has shown that the organelles act like probes that find favourable surface topologies to initiate binding. An emerging theme is that more general properties, such as ionic charge of repetitive binding epitopes and rotational force, allow interactions with plasma membrane components. At the same time, flagellin monomers are important inducers of plant and animal innate immunity: variation in their recognition impacts the course and outcome of infections in hosts from both kingdoms. Bacteria have evolved different strategies to evade or even promote this specific recognition, with some important differences shown for phytopathogens. These studies have provided a wider appreciation of the functions of bacterial flagella in the context of both plant and animal reservoirs

    Myostatin-like proteins regulate synaptic function and neuronal morphology

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    Growth factors of the TGFβ superfamily play key roles in regulating neuronal and muscle function. Myostatin (or GDF8) and GDF11 are potent negative regulators of skeletal muscle mass. However, expression of myostatin and its cognate receptors in other tissues, including brain and peripheral nerves, suggests a potential wider biological role. Here, we show that Myoglianin (MYO), the Drosophila homolog of myostatin and GDF11, regulates not only body weight and muscle size, but also inhibits neuromuscular synapse strength and composition in a Smad2-dependent manner. Both myostatin and GDF11 affected synapse formation in isolated rat cortical neuron cultures, suggesting an effect on synaptogenesis beyond neuromuscular junctions. We also show that MYO acts in vivo to inhibit synaptic transmission between neurons in the escape response neural circuit of adult flies. Thus, these anti-myogenic proteins act as important inhibitors of synapse function and neuronal growth

    Synaptic density marker SV2A is reduced in schizophrenia patients and unaffected by antipsychotics in rats

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    Synaptic dysfunction is hypothesised to play a key role in schizophrenia pathogenesis, but this has not been tested directly in vivo. Here, we investigated synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) levels and their relationship to symptoms and structural brain measures using [ 11 C]UCB-J positron emission tomography in 18 patients with schizophrenia and 18 controls. We found significant group and group-by-region interaction effects on volume of distribution (VT). [11 C]UCB-J VT was significantly lower in the frontal and anterior cingulate cortices in schizophrenia with large effect sizes (Cohen’s d = 0.8-0.9), but there was no significant difference in the hippocampus. We also investigated the effects of antipsychotic drug administration on SV2A levels in Sprague-Dawley rats using western blotting, [3 H]UCB-J autoradiography and immunostaining with confocal microscopy, finding no significant effects on any measure. These findings indicate that there are lower synaptic terminal protein levels in schizophrenia in vivo and that antipsychotic drug exposure is unlikely to account for them