6,417 research outputs found

    Estimation of Kalman filter model parameters from an ensemble of tests

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    A methodology for estimating initial mean and covariance parameters in a Kalman filter model from an ensemble of nonidentical tests is presented. In addition, the problem of estimating time constants and process noise levels is addressed. Practical problems such as developing and validating inertial instrument error models from laboratory test data or developing error models of individual phases of a test are generally considered

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Volume 2, Part 2: Appendixes B, C, D and E

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    The derivation of the equations is presented, the rate control algorithm described, and simulation methodologies summarized. A set of dynamics equations that can be used recursively to calculate forces and torques acting at the joints of an n link manipulator given the manipulator joint rates are derived. The equations are valid for any n link manipulator system with any kind of joints connected in any sequence. The equations of motion for the class of manipulators consisting of n rigid links interconnected by rotary joints are derived. A technique is outlined for reducing the system of equations to eliminate contraint torques. The linearized dynamics equations for an n link manipulator system are derived. The general n link linearized equations are then applied to a two link configuration. The coordinated rate control algorithm used to compute individual joint rates when given end effector rates is described. A short discussion of simulation methodologies is presented

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation, volume 2, part 1. Appendix A: Software documentation

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    Documentation of the preliminary software developed as a framework for a generalized integrated robotic system simulation is presented. The program structure is composed of three major functions controlled by a program executive. The three major functions are: system definition, analysis tools, and post processing. The system definition function handles user input of system parameters and definition of the manipulator configuration. The analysis tools function handles the computational requirements of the program. The post processing function allows for more detailed study of the results of analysis tool function executions. Also documented is the manipulator joint model software to be used as the basis of the manipulator simulation which will be part of the analysis tools capability

    Children's autonomic nervous system activity while transgressing: relations to guilt feelings and aggression

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    Despite the well-established protective functions of guilt across childhood, its underlying physiological mechanisms have received little attention. We used latent difference scores (LDS) to model changes in children's (N = 267; 4- and 8-year-olds, 51% girls) skin conductance (SC) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) while they imagined themselves committing antisocial acts. We then tested if their later reports of guilt, caregiver-reported aggressive behavior, and age were associated with these physiological changes. For 8-year-olds, changes in RSA leading up to and during transgressions were uniquely associated with the intensity of guilt feelings after transgressions. Eight-year-olds with higher guilt were rated lower in aggression, although children's physiology and aggression were not directly related. We discuss how fluctuations in physiology while transgressing may prepare children to mount adaptive guilt responses afterward and-more broadly-implications for understanding the mechanisms behind guilt and related behavior in early and middle childhood

    A Dust Twin of Cas A: Cool Dust and 21-micron Silicate Dust Feature in the Supernova Remnant G54.1+0.3

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    We present infrared (IR) and submillimeter observations of the Crab-like supernova remnant (SNR) G54.1+0.3 including 350 micron (SHARC-II), 870 micron (LABOCA), 70, 100, 160, 250, 350, 500 micron (Herschel) and 3-40 micron (Spitzer). We detect dust features at 9, 11 and 21 micron and a long wavelength continuum dust component. The 21 micron dust coincides with [Ar II] ejecta emission, and the feature is remarkably similar to that in Cas A. The IRAC 8 micron image including Ar ejecta is distributed in a shell-like morphology which is coincident with dust features, suggesting that dust has formed in the ejecta. We create a cold dust map that shows excess emission in the northwestern shell. We fit the spectral energy distribution of the SNR using the continuous distributions of ellipsoidal (CDE) grain model of pre-solar grain SiO2 that reproduces the 21 and 9 micron dust features and discuss grains of SiC and PAH that may be responsible for the 10-13 micron dust features. To reproduce the long-wavelength continuum, we explore models consisting of different grains including Mg2SiO4, MgSiO3, Al2O3, FeS, carbon, and Fe3O4. We tested a model with a temperature-dependent silicate absorption coefficient. We detect cold dust (27-44 K) in the remnant, making this the fourth such SNR with freshly-formed dust. The total dust mass in the SNR ranges from 0.08-0.9 Msun depending on the grain composition, which is comparable to predicted masses from theoretical models. Our estimated dust masses are consistent with the idea that SNe are a significant source of dust in the early Universe.Comment: MNRAS: accepted on June 28, 2018 and published on July 4, 201

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Appendix A: ROBSIM user's guide

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    The purpose of the Robotics Simulation Program is to provide a broad range of computer capabilities to assist in the design, verification, simulation, and study of robotics systems. ROBSIM is program in FORTRAN 77 for use on a VAX 11/750 computer under the VMS operating system. This user's guide describes the capabilities of the ROBSIM programs, including the system definition function, the analysis tools function and the postprocessor function. The options a user may encounter with each of these executables are explained in detail and the different program prompts appearing to the user are included. Some useful suggestions concerning the appropriate answers to be given by the user are provided. An example user interactive run in enclosed for each of the main program services, and some of the capabilities are illustrated

    Evaluation of automated decision making methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation: Study results

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    The implementation of a generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) is described. The program is written in FORTRAN, and allows the user to: (1) Interactively define a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, targets, and an environment; (2) Request graphic display or replay of manipulator motion; (3) Investigate and simulate various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliance control; and (4) Perform kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulamotion. Previous reports have described the algorithms and procedures for using ROBSIM. These reports are superseded and additional features which were added are described. They are: (1) The ability to define motion profiles and compute loads on a common base to which manipulator arms are attached; (2) Capability to accept data describing manipulator geometry from a Computer Aided Design data base using the Initial Graphics exchange Specification format; (3) A manipulator control algorithm derived from processing the TV image of known reference points on a target; and (4) A vocabulary of simple high level task commands which can be used to define task scenarios
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