709 research outputs found

    Decarbonising existing homes in Wales: a participatory behavioural systems mapping approach

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    To reduce carbon emissions, urgent change is needed to high-carbon human behaviours including home energy use. Previous policy failures point to insufficient integration of systemic and behavioural approaches which are too often seen as alternative and incompatible approaches to bring about change. A novel behavioural systems mapping approach was used to inform national policy recommendations for energy-saving retrofit of homes in Wales. Three participatory workshops were held with the independent Welsh residential decarbonisation advisory group ('the Advisory Group') to: (1) map relationships between actors, behaviours and influences on behaviour within the home retrofit system; (2) provide training in the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) framework and (3) use these to develop policy recommendations for interventions. Recommendations were analysed using the capability, opportunity and motivation (COM-B) model of behaviour to assess whether they addressed these factors. Two behavioural systems maps (BSMs) were produced, representing privately rented and owner-occupied housing tenures. The main causal pathways and feedback loops in each map are described. Necessary interventions to achieve national-scale retrofit included: government-led investment, campaigns and awareness-building, financial-sector funding mechanisms, enforcement of regulations and creating more streamlined and trusted supply chain services. Of 27 final policy recommendations, six addressed capability, 24 opportunity and 12 motivation. Participatory behavioural systems mapping can be used in conjunction with behaviour change frameworks to develop policy recommendations that address the behavioural determinants of complex environmental problems in a systemic way. Research is underway to refine and extend the approach through application to other sustainability challenges and methods of constructing systems maps

    Barriers and enablers to local active travel during COVID-19: A case study of Streetspace interventions in two London boroughs [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, UK local authorities increased emergency active travel interventions. This study aimed to understand what aspects of temporary Streetspace for London schemes represent barriers or enablers to walking and cycling for short local journeys. Methods: Focusing on two Inner London boroughs, we conducted 21 semi-structured stakeholder interviews and sampled 885 public comments about Streetspace schemes. We triangulated the data in a thematic analysis to identify barriers and enablers, which were categorised using the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour (COM-B) model. Results: Opportunity and motivation factors were reflected in the barriers (accessibility and integration of the schemes; controversy, dissatisfaction, and doubt) and enablers (new routes and spaces; sustainability and health beliefs) and mixed themes (changes to traffic and appeal of the area; feelings of safety). Capability was not reflected in the main themes. Conclusions: Although aspects of Streetspace schemes were seen to enable active travel, our findings suggest that additional processes to address the acceptability, fairness, and unintended consequences of emergency interventions will be important to their long-term success for health and sustainability

    IUPHAR-DB: An Expert-Curated, Peer-Reviewed Database of Receptors and Ion Channels

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    The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology database (IUPHAR-DB) integrates peer-reviewed pharmacological, chemical, genetic, functional and anatomical information on the 354 non-sensory G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), 71 ligand-gated ion channel subunits and 141 voltage-gated ion channel subunits encoded by the human, rat and mouse genomes. These genes represent the targets of about a third of currently approved drugs and are a major focus of drug discovery and development programs in the pharmaceutical industry. Individual gene pages provide a comprehensive description of the genes and their functions, with information on protein structure, ligands, expression patterns, signaling mechanisms, functional assays and biologically important receptor variants (e.g. single nucleotide polymorphisms and splice variants). The phenotypes resulting from altered gene expression (e.g. in genetically altered animals) and genetic mutations are described. Links are provided to bioinformatics resources such as NCBI RefSeq, OMIM, PubChem, human, rat and mouse genome databases. Recent developments include the addition of ligand-centered pages summarising information about unique ligand molecules in IUPHAR-DB. IUPHAR-DB represents a novel approach to biocuration because most data are provided through manual curation of published literature by a network of over 60 expert subcommittees coordinated by NC-IUPHAR. Data are referenced to the primary literature and linked to PubMed. The data are checked to ensure accuracy and consistency by the curators, added to the production server using custom-built submission tools and peer-reviewed by NC-IUPHAR, before being transferred to the public database. Data are reviewed and updated regularly (at least biennially). Other website features include comprehensive database search tools, online and downloadable gene lists and links to recent publications of interest to the field, such as reports on receptor-ligand pairings. The database is freely available at "http://www.iuphar-db.org":http://www.iuphar-db.org. Curators can be reached at curators [at] iuphar-db.org. We thank British Pharmacological Society, UNESCO (through the ICSU Grants Programme), Incyte, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Servier and Wyeth for their support

    PEEP in the pandemic: supporting parent learning on-line

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    - A research project entitled 'Evaluating parent and practitioner views of participation in the PEEP Learning Together Programme and developing an enhanced delivery model' is ongoing. -Practitioners tranined by the charity PEEPLE run PEEP Learning Together Programmes (PEEP-LTP) for child-with-parent groups, supporting families to develop effective evidence-based home-learning practices. -There is evidence of parents self-reported developments in these areas. -However, recent COVID-19 restrictions have necessitated moving from face-to-face delivery to on-line approaches. Support to develop online delivery is being offered by PEEPLE

    PEEP in the pandemic: supporting parent learning on-line

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    - A research project entitled 'Evaluating parent and practitioner views of participation in the PEEP Learning Together Programme and developing an enhanced delivery model' is ongoing. -Practitioners tranined by the charity PEEPLE run PEEP Learning Together Programmes (PEEP-LTP) for child-with-parent groups, supporting families to develop effective evidence-based home-learning practices. -There is evidence of parents self-reported developments in these areas. -However, recent COVID-19 restrictions have necessitated moving from face-to-face delivery to on-line approaches. Support to develop online delivery is being offered by PEEPLE

    Using interactive virtual characters in social neuroscience

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    Do Combinations of Behavior Change Techniques That Occur Frequently in Interventions Reflect Underlying Theory?

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    BACKGROUND: Behavioral interventions typically include multiple behavior change techniques (BCTs). The theory informing the selection of BCTs for an intervention may be stated explicitly or remain unreported, thus impeding the identification of links between theory and behavior change outcomes. PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify groups of BCTs commonly occurring together in behavior change interventions and examine whether behavior change theories underlying these groups could be identified. METHODS: The study involved three phases: (a) a factor analysis to identify groups of co-occurring BCTs from 277 behavior change intervention reports; (b) examining expert consensus (n = 25) about links between BCT groups and behavioral theories; (c) a comparison of the expert-linked theories with theories explicitly mentioned by authors of the 277 intervention reports. RESULTS: Five groups of co-occurring BCTs (range: 3-13 BCTs per group) were identified through factor analysis. Experts agreed on five links (≥80% of experts), comprising three BCT groups and five behavior change theories. Four of the five BCT group-theory links agreed by experts were also stated by study authors in intervention reports using similar groups of BCTs. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to identify groups of BCTs frequently used together in interventions. Experts made shared inferences about behavior change theory underlying these BCT groups, suggesting that it may be possible to propose a theoretical basis for interventions where authors do not explicitly put forward a theory. These results advance our understanding of theory use in multicomponent interventions and build the evidence base for further understanding theory-based intervention development and evaluation

    An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) for representing behaviour change theories applied to 76 theories

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    Background: To efficiently search, compare, test and integrate behaviour change theories, they need to be specified in a way that is clear, consistent and computable. An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) has previously been shown to be able to represent five commonly used theories in this way. We aimed to assess whether the OBMS could be applied more widely and to create a database of behaviour change theories, their constructs and propositions. Methods: We labelled the constructs within 71 theories and used the OBMS to represent the relationships between the constructs. Diagrams of each theory were sent to authors or experts for feedback and amendment. The 71 finalised diagrams plus the five previously generated diagrams were used to create a searchable database of 76 theories in the form of construct-relationship-construct triples. We conducted a set of illustrative analyses to characterise theories in the database. Results: All 71 theories could be satisfactorily represented using this system. In total, 35 (49%) were finalised with no or very minor amendment. The remaining 36 (51%) were finalised after changes to the constructs (seven theories), relationships between constructs (15 theories) or both (14 theories) following author/expert feedback. The mean number of constructs per theory was 20 (min. = 6, max. = 72), with the mean number of triples per theory 31 (min. = 7, max. = 89). Fourteen distinct relationship types were used, of which the most commonly used was 'influences', followed by 'part of'. Conclusions: The OBMS can represent a wide array of behavioural theories in a precise, computable format. This system should provide a basis for better integration and synthesis of theories than has hitherto been possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A preliminary classification of lake types in Northern Ireland

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    The EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) introduces the concept of theecological status of surface waters. In order to compare the ecologicalstatus of, for example, lakes across Europe, methods based on either theidea of the continuum or of discrete biological communities need to bedeveloped. The best example of the use of the continuum approach is thatof RIVPACS for macroinvertebrates in rivers (Wright et al. 1998, 2000),and for discrete communities that of Johnson & Goedkoop (2000) for lakemacroinvertebrates

    Better Together? The Cognitive Advantages of Synaesthesia for Time, Numbers and Space

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    Synaesthesia for time, numbers and space (TNS synaesthesia) is thought to have costs and benefits for recalling and manipulating time and number. There are two competing theories about how TNS synaesthesia affects cognition. The ‘magnitude’ account predicts TNS synaesthesia may affect cardinal magnitude judgements, whereas the ‘sequence’ account suggests it may affect ordinal sequence judgements and could rely on visuospatial working memory. We aimed to comprehensively assess the cognitive consequences of TNS synaesthesia and distinguish between these two accounts. TNS synaesthetes, grapheme-colour synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes completed a behavioural task battery. Three tasks involved cardinal and ordinal comparisons of temporal, numerical and spatial stimuli; we also examined visuospatial working memory. TNS synaesthetes were significantly more accurate than non-synaesthetes in making ordinal judgements about space. This difference was explained by significantly higher visuospatial working memory accuracy. Our findings demonstrate an advantage of TNS synaesthesia which is more in line with the sequence account