160 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study is to explore the present status, contents, and features that are used for user communication of private university library websites (PULW) in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. To ensure representativeness, purposively select twenty-two (22) private university libraries that have dedicated websites. A checklist contained sixty-one (61) items divided into ten (10) categories, and interview methods were followed for authenticity and reliability of data. The result of this study has been presented in tabular and figurative forms. The study found that the trend of websites that began a few years ago will become a driving force for library services, though it has plenty of room for improvement, such as liquid layout, mobile-friendliness, Web-OPAC, online tutorials, etc., and shows some issues for library website maintenance. This study is valuable for information scientists and academic librarians who are connected with library website development and maintenance, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh, whose resources are limited and studies are also scarce

    Public University Library Websites in Bangladesh: Features, Contents and Maintenance Issues

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    The objective of this study is to explore the contents, features, and maintenance issues of Bangladeshi public university library websites. To ensure representativeness, we selected twelve (12) public university libraries that have dedicated websites. For authenticity and reliability of data, a checklist of sixty-one (61) items divided into ten (10) categories was used, along with interview procedures. The findings of this research have been presented in both tabular and figurative forms. According to the research, the website trend, which began a few years ago, will become a driving force for library services, although there is still potential for development such as liquid layout, mobile-friendliness, Web-OPAC, online tutorials, etc. and may indicate some maintenance issues for the library\u27s website. This research is useful for information scientists and academic librarians involved in the establishment and management of library websites, particularly in underdeveloped nations like Bangladesh, where resources are restricted and studies are sparse

    Evaluation of Public University Libraries Websites in Bangladesh: Feature: Contents, and Maintenance Issues

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    The research paves a way to look into the content, features, and upkeep of Bangladeshi public university library websites. To ensure representativeness, we selected twelve (12) public university libraries that have dedicated websites. For authenticity and reliability of data, a checklist of sixty-one (61) items divided into ten (10) categories was used, along with interview procedures. The findings of this research have been presented in both tabular and figurative forms. According to the research, the website trend, which began a few years ago, will become a driving force for library services, although there is still potential for development, such as liquid layout, mobile-friendliness, Web-OPAC, online tutorials, etc., and may indicate some maintenance issues for the library's website. This research is useful for information scientists and academic librarians involved in the establishment and management of library websites, particularly in underdeveloped nations like Bangladesh, where resources are restricted and studies are sparse

    Barriers of Achieving Communicative Competence in English Language through the Existing Policy: Time to Research for a New Parameter

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    We live in an age where English is a Lingua-Franca. Consequently, English language learning is a mandatory part of the education system of our country. Hence, students are taught English language according to communicative Language Teaching method in secondary, higher secondary and tertiary level with a view to make them proficient in communicative English. However, the frustrating fact is that they are not achieving the expected communicative competence. This is because teachers are in a never-ending dilemma about what to do; whether to stick to the policy or to go with the flow. This paper aims at exploring the problems the teachers face while teaching English language especially in achieving students’ oral communicative skills. And therefore, it digs out the gaps in the policies and practices that hinder them to develop the expected English proficiency by following the existing education policy. The study has been conducted on 30 teachers from different institutions. The data has been collectedthrough direct fieldwork observation, and interview. In addition, a few recommendations are provided on the basis of the results. This study will hopefully help teachers and policy makers to find some new parameters to increase the quality of English language education aiming at attaining communicative competence

    Entropy Generation Analysis for Variable Thermal Conductivity MHD Radiative Nanofluid Flow through Channel

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    The present work inspects the entropy generation on radiative heat transfer in the flow of variable thermal conductivity optically thin viscous Cu–water nanofluid with an external magnetic field through a parallel isothermal plate channel. Our approach uses the power series from the governing non-linear differential equations for small values of thermal conductivity variation parameter which are then analysed by various generalizations of Hermite- Padé approximation method. The influences of the pertinent flow parameters on velocity, temperature, thermal conductivity criticality conditions and entropy generation are discussed quantitatively both numerically and graphically. A stability analysis has been performed for the rate of heat transfer which signifies that the lower solution branch is stable and physically acceptable, whereas the upper solution branch is unstable

    Study of heterosis in Bangladeshi chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) landraces

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    Chilli is an important cash crop in Bangladesh but average yield is very low (0.89 t ha-1) and genetic potentiality of Bangladeshi chilli landraces for hybrid variety development has not been evaluated. The objective of this study was to find out heterotic behavior following Gardner and Eberhart model (1966) II. Six different homozygous divergent parents CCA 2, CCA 5, BARI Morich 1, CCA 11, CCA 15 and CCA 19 were used to estimate heterosis. A significant amount of heterosis was present in yield and yield contributing traits. Estimate of variety heterosis for yield per plant was significantly positive in CCA 5 and BARI Morich 1. In BARI Morich 1, the significant and positive variety heterosis for yield per plant was associated with significant and positive estimates of heterosis for number of fruits per plant and number of seeds per fruit, suggesting that these yield traits contributed to the final heterosis manifested through yield. Indigenous×exotic crosses showed significant amount of heterosis. It is possible to emphasize indigenous×exotic crosses for good fruit yield, particularly to be used as commercial hybrids. Hybrids of BARI Morich 1×CCA 19 and CCA 5×BARI Morich 1 showed better performance

    Allelopathic effects of Batawali (Tinospora tuberculata) on germination and seedling growth of plants.

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    A study was undertaken to explore the effects of methanol extracts (100,50, 25, 12.5 and 6.25 g/l) from the dried powders of aerial parts of Batawali (Tinospora tuberculata) on emergence and initial growth of rice, radish, lettuce and carrot as represented by germination percentage, radical and hypocotyle length. Results indicated that both stem and leaves of Batawali markedly raised the suppression of germination and primary growth of all examined crops when plants were exposed to increasing the methanol extract concentrations from 6.25to 100 g/l of distilled water. The half-inhibitory concentrations that inhibit germination (ECg50), radicle (ECr50) and hypocotyle (ECh50) growth weredetermined for both the extracts. According to these values, an index (Re) was calculated in order to establish a ranking of the most sensitive plants and most effective extract. It was observed that the leaves extract was more active than the stem extract and caused the greatest negative effect on germination and early growth of plants. All tested plants differed in their sensitivity to T. tuberculata extracts. Higher reduction in plant growth parameters was observed in carrot. The tested extracts inhibited mainly the growth of radicle more than the growth of the hypocotyle and germination percentage in all examined crops, except carrot. According to the study, it could be concluded that T. tuberculata extracts had a significant herbicidal activity which depended on the extract concentrations, plant parts and the target crops

    A survey on weed diversity in coastal rice fields of Sebarang Perak in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A survey was conducted at 32 different rice fields in coastal zone of Sebarang Perak in West Malaysia to identify most common and prevalent weeds associated with rice. Fields surveyed were done according to the quantitative survey method by using 0.5m x 0.5m size quadrate with 20 samples from each field. Weeds present in each field were identified and the data were used to calculate frequency, field uniformity, density and relative abundance values for each species. A total of 40 different weed species belong to 16 families were identified of which 22 annual and 18 perennial; 12 grassy weeds, 10 sedges and 18 broadleaved weeds. On the basis of relative abundance the 13 most prevalent and abundant weed species were selected to determine their salt tolerance level as well as control method in the rice filed. Among the 13 most abundant weed species, there were five grasses viz. Echinochloa crus-galli, Leptochloa chinensis, E. colona, Oryza sativa L (weedy rice) and Ischaemum regosum; four sedges viz. Fimbristylis miliacea, Cyperus. iria, C. difformi and Scirpus grossus and four broadleaved weeds viz. Sphenoclea zeylanica, Jussiaea linifolia, Monocharia hastata and Sagitaria guyanensis. Based on relative abundance indicates that, annuals were more dominant than perennial

    A comparison of weed communities of coastal rice fields in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A survey was conducted at 100 different rice fields in coastal areas of West Malaysia to identify most common and prevalent weeds associated with rice. Fields surveyed were done according to the quantitative survey method by using 0.5m x 0.5m size quadrate with 20 samples from each field. A total of 53 different weed species belong to 18 families were identified of which 32 annual and 21 perennial; 12 grassy, 13 sedges and 28 broad leaved weeds. Based on relative abundance the most prevalent and abundant weed species were selected in the coastal rice field. Among the 10 most abundant weed species, there were four grasses viz. Echinochloa crusgalli, Leptochloa chinensis, Echinochloa colona, Oryza sativa L. (weedy rice).; four sedges viz. Fimbristylis miliacea, Cyperus iria, Cyperus difformis, Scirpus grossus and two broadleaved weeds viz. Sphenoclea zeylanica, Jussiaea linifolia. Leptochloa chinensis, E. crusgalli, F. miliacea, E. colona were more prevalent and abundant species out of the 10 most dominant weed species in the coastal rice field of Peninsular Malaysia