3,094 research outputs found

    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions

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    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions are defined and the longitudinal and transverse response functions for an electron (plus positron) gas are written in terms of them. The dispersion is separated into Landau-damping, pair-creation and dissipationless regimes. Explicit forms are given for the RQPDFs in the cases of a completely degenerate distribution and a nondegenerate thermal (J\"uttner) distribution. Particular emphasis is placed on the relation between dissipation and dispersion, with the dissipation treated in terms of the imaginary parts of RQPDFs. Comparing the dissipation calculated in this way with the existing treatments leads to the identification of errors in the literature, which we correct. We also comment on a controversy as to whether the dispersion curves in a superdense plasma pass through the region where pair creation is allowed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Perubahan Paradigma Keagamaan (Studi Kasus Perubahan Paradigma Baru LDII di Kabupaten Nganjuk)

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    Every single religion has its own doctrine for their worshippers. In the fact, those doctrines are interpreted according their own point of view so that sometimes happens certain group has dffirent interpretation to the other one. In Islam, an interpretation will be supported if it deliver the worshippers to happiness in life and deoth. This kind of interpretation has ever been developed by Darul Hadis or Islam Jama'ah then become LEMKARI and finally well known with Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII). This thought was considered to lose from Islamic instruction

    Model Predictive Control for Linear Complementarity and Extended Linear Complementarity Systems

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    In this paper, we propose model predictive control method for linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems by formulating optimization along prediction horizon as mixed integer quadratic program. Such systems contain interaction between continuous dynamics and discrete event systems, and therefore, can be categorized as hybrid systems. As linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems finds applications in different research areas, such as impact mechanical systems, traffic control and process control, this work will contribute to the development of control design method for those areas as well, as shown by three given examples

    The importance of understanding web frameworks for statisticians

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    As the web and computational technology carry on growing and huge data are yielded on the web, these technologies are turn into important for a statisticians' work. It is worthy that statistician always gain knowledge of new aspects of computation. A lack of computational reasoning skills gets it hard for statisticians to work in a team. If statistician do not take up this computations challenge more coherently, statistics will be marginalized and take away related at a time when its data science reputation grow up significantly. In addition, people rely on the information on web, for whatever their reason.Since web growth, several major transforms have evolved, from the most rudimentary concept until a new model of interaction between humans and machines. Simple interactivity denotes that users can enter data to the application on a web page, then click on button, and then appears a new web page with the results of the computations. This application has been known as web application with most are built with the utility of web frameworks which is a package of programming tasks that offering services through the Internet. Therefore, this paper gives short overview the importance of Flask web frameworks to assist the lack of computational skill of statistician over web application in the simplest possible way and how web framework is used to create a web page with application form, run the application to compute statistical calculation which has been deployed in local server, and produce a web page with the solution

    Sustainability pada Bangunan Kolonial Bersejarah Museum Negeri Mulawarman Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur

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    In line with the increasing development also gives effect to the land use area. There is a one of solution to minimize the land use area is utilize existing buildings (reuse). The concept of adaptive reuse is often imposed on the preserved historic buildings. This building has been through a vulnerable period of more than 50 years that have proven resistant to a variety of things, one of which climate responds. With the approach of adaptive reuse and grounded research, this study aim to the site of the former building Kedaton Tenggarong Kutai in East Kalimantan which now has been converted to Museum Negeri Mulawarman. This building is one of conservation buildings, builded in colonialism that adobted Europe architecture style and adapted to local climate. With sustainable building approach, this research will examine the sustainability of the building after converted into a museum building. In addition to the approach greenship this study will also assess the site conditions of Museum Negeri Mulawarman. Necessary special requirements for certain objects and also the Local Government intervention is required to review the transfer functions of the building

    Pemberdayaan Petani Sayuran: Kasus Petani Sayuran di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study was focused on analyzing farmers' empowerment and studying factors affecting group dynamic in relation with their business improvement. The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify factors that influence empowerment of crop farmer within groups, (2) the relation between group dynamics and productivity and, (3) the formulation of empowerment strategy through group approach. This study was conducted at two districts area: Gowa and Enrekang at South Sulawesi Province. Primary data were obtained from 240 respondents from members of group farmer who their business mostly cultivate vegetable. Quantitative analysis and qualitative-descriptive analysis were employed to explain the result of the research. Variabels used in the study were individual characteristics. The level of farmer empowerment within group is low, and factors that affect farmers' empowerment within group are low (underdeveloped). These factors are empowerment pattern, level of personality, social environment, information access and level of farmers' productivity. Development of elements of group dynamics in two locations shows low performance that means underdeveloped. The main constraints for developing group dynamics are lack of initiative and participation of group members to encourage group activities, and lack of cooperation and coordination of tasks within group. Individual characteristics include level of formal education, empowerment pattern, farmers' personality, social environment and information access show significantly positive relationship with group dynamic. There are fourteen variabels which positively influence group dynamics. These variabels are empowerment pattern; level of farmers' personality; social environment; and information access. Based on the relationship among variabels in the model of farmer development toward farmer's productivity, it shows that variabels of working network (X2.2), self confident (X3.2), culture norms (X4.1), accurate information (X5.2), group objective (Y1.1) and group development (Y1.3) affect significantly of farmers' productivity. This means these variables have significant role in promoting farmers' productivity. Farmers' productivity is still low and it should be developed through more diynamic activities

    A core genetic module : the Mixed Feedback Loop

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    The so-called Mixed Feedback Loop (MFL) is a small two-gene network where protein A regulates the transcription of protein B and the two proteins form a heterodimer. It has been found to be statistically over-represented in statistical analyses of gene and protein interaction databases and to lie at the core of several computer-generated genetic networks. Here, we propose and mathematically study a model of the MFL and show that, by itself, it can serve both as a bistable switch and as a clock (an oscillator) depending on kinetic parameters. The MFL phase diagram as well as a detailed description of the nonlinear oscillation regime are presented and some biological examples are discussed. The results emphasize the role of protein interactions in the function of genetic modules and the usefulness of modelling RNA dynamics explicitly.Comment: To be published in Physical Review
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