12 research outputs found

    Role of Melatonin on Follicle Development and Apoptotic Changes in Pinealectomized Rat Ovary

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of pinealectomy and exogenous melatonin STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-one Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: (I) Sham-operated (Non-Px), (II) pinealectomized (Px), (III) pinealectomized and melatonin. Sham and Px groups had received vehicle whereas group III had received 4 mg/kg melatonin. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine 5-triphosphate nick end-labeling activity (TUNEL) assessment was used to identify follicles that contain fragmented nuclei, an indication of apoptosis. TUNEL staining was evaluated semi-quantitatively and ovarian cysts were counted. RESULTS: In Px group, TUNEL activity was significantly higher than sham group. Melatonin administration did not reduce the intensity of TUNEL positive follicles. The difference between pinealectomy and melatonin groups regarding TUNEL activity was insignificant. Significantly increased ovarian cysts were detected after pinealectomy and melatonin did not prevent this increase. Px and melatonin groups were not significantly different than each other regarding the TUNEL activities and ovarian cysts. CONCLUSIONS: Pinealectomy increases ovarian cysts and apoptosis in the follicles that can not be prevented by melatonin which was probably a result of the dose and duration of melatonin

    Dual effects of melatonin on uterine myoelectrical activity of non-pregnant rats

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    OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study, we aimed to investigate the role of melatonin on uterine myoelectrical activity of non-pregnant rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-six female rats were assigned to six groups: (1) control; (0.2 mL 0.9% NaCl was injected intravenously (IV), n=6); (2) melatonin applied as 0.4 mg/kg/IV (n=8); (3) melatonin applied as 4 mg/kg/IV (n=8); (4) single dose of oxytocin (100 mU/kg) injected IV (n=8); (5) melatonin (0.4 mg/kg) plus oxytocin (100 mU/kg) (n=8); and (6) melatonin (4 mg/kg) plus oxytocin (100 mU/kg) injected IV (n=8). Each rat underwent a laparotomy, and uterine myoelectrical signals were recorded. The mean spectrum, averaged over the spectral content of signals in each group, was compared. RESULTS: Melatonin induced uterine myoelectrical activity in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of melatonin after oxytocin suppressed the mean power of the signals. Serum melatonin concentrations were significantly higher in melatonin-treated rats. CONCLUSION: Melatonin itself at two different dose levels was found to be equally effective in stimulating the uterine electrical signals, although oxytocin-induced uterine electrical activity was suppressed by melatonin. These findings merit further investigations on the possible beneficial role of melatonin in the treatment of conditions associated with abnormal uterine activity

    The prediction of atherosclerosis in radial artery and affecting risk factors

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    Bu çalışmada, koroner arter hastalarında greft olarak kullanılan radial arterde aterosklerozun tahmini ve etki eden risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Radial arterde ateroskleroz saptanan 10 hastanın oluşturduğu grubun (Grup 1) verileri, radial arterde ateroskleroz saptanmayan 15 hastanın (Grup 2) verileriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, diabetes mellitus, hipertansiyon, sigara içme, obezite, aile öyküsü, kolesterol, trigliserit, yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein, çok düşük dansiteli lipoprotein, apoprotein A, apoprotein B, lipoprotein A, C-reaktif protein, katalaz, glutat peroksidaz ve süperoksid dismutaz değişkenlerden oluşan on dokuz adet klinik parametre, Grup 1 ve 2’den elde edilmiştir. Risk faktörlerinin incelenmesinde gruplar istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca tek ve çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizi uygulanarak sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, geleneksel ve yeni risk faktörlerin ölçülebilen değer ve oranları, koroner arter hastalarına oranla radial arterde ateroskleroz saptanan koroner arter hastalarında daha yüksektir. Risk faktörlerinin incelenmesinde çok değişkenli istatistik yöntemlerinin daha büyük bir örnekte uygulanması daha yararlı olacaktır.In this study, the prediction of atherosclerosis in radial artery in patients with coronary artery disease and risk factors affecting atherosclerosis were studied. The data of the Group 1 which consist of ten patients for whom atherosclerosis was determined in radial artery were compared with the data of Group 2 which consist of fifteen patients for whom atherosclerosis does not exist. Nineteen clinical parameters containing age, gender, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, obesity, family history, collesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein, apoprotein A, apoprotein B, lipoprotein A, C-reactive protein, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase variables were obtained from the groups. The groups were compared statistically. Also, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were applied and the results were evaluated. As a result, the measurable values and proportions of the traditional and new risk factors are higher for atherosclerosis in radial artery in patients with coronary artery disease compared with coronary artery patients. It would be more useful that multivariate statistical methods should be applied to greater sample in the study of risk factors

    Histopathological and ophthalmoscopic evaluation of apocynin on experimental proliferative vitreoretinopathy in rabbit eyes

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    Parlakpinar, Hakan/0000-0001-9497-3468; OZER, MURAT ATABEY/0000-0003-1807-6911WOS: 000401918500022PubMed: 27495951The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of apocynin (APO) on the development of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). New Zealand-type male rabbits were randomly grouped into three as follows: (1) Sham group rabbits which were applied intraperitoneal (i.p.) vehicle without PVR; (2) PVR group rabbits where PVR was created and an i.p. vehicle was administered for 21 successive days; (3) PVR + APO group rabbits where PVR was created and i.p. APO was administered for 21 successive days. Fundus examination was conducted with an indirect ophthalmoscope before starting the experiments and at each visit afterwards. At the end of the work, the rabbits were sacrificed under high-dose anesthesia and then eye tissues were taken for histopathological analyses. In the PVR + APO group, histopathologic and ophthalmoscopic examination revealed significant decrease in PVR formation. As the result, it has been observed that APO at least partially inhibits PVR formation

    Beneficial Effects of Aminoguanidine on Skin Flap Survival in Diabetic Rats

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    Random flaps in DM patients have poor reliability for wound coverage, and flap loss remains a complex challenge. The protective effects of aminoguanidine (AG) administration on the survival of dorsal random flaps and oxidative stress were studied in diabetic rats. Two months after the onset of DM, dorsal McFarlane flaps were raised. Forty rats were divided into four groups: (1) control, (2) AG, (3) DM, and (4) DM + AG groups. Flap viability, determined with the planimetric method, and free-radical measurements were investigated. In addition, HbA1c and blood glucose levels, body weight measurements, and histopathological examinations were evaluated. The mean flap necrotic areas (%) in Groups I to IV were 50.9 ± 13.0, 32.9 ± 12.5, 65.2 ± 11.5, and 43.5 ± 14.7, respectively. The malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) levels were higher in the DM group than in the nondiabetic group, while the reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were reduced as a result of flap injury. In the diabetic and nondiabetic groups, AG administration significantly reduced the MDA and NO levels and significantly increased GSH content and SOD enzyme activity. We concluded that AG plays an important role in preventing random pattern flap necrosis

    Investigation of the effect of apocynin on experimental traumatic cataract model

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    Amaç: Yeni bir travmatik katarakt modeli oluşturmak ve nikotinamid adenin dinükleotid fosfat (indirgenmiş) oksidaz inhibitörü olan aposinin molekülünün travmatik katarakt üzerine olan etkisini incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma için erişkin ve sağlıklı Yeni Zelanda cinsi tavşanlar kullanıldı. Yirmi bir tavşan eşit olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. 1. Grup: Kontrol grubu, 2. Grup: Santral 5 mm ön kapsülün künt spatül ile süpürülerek (polisaj) katarakt (perforasyonsuz) oluşturulup ilaçsız bırakılan grup, 3. Grup: Santral 5 mm ön kapsülün künt spatül ile polisaj yapılarak katarakt (perforasyonsuz) oluşturulup 21 gün boyunca intraperitoneal 20 mg/kg/gün aposinin verilen grup idi. Tavşanlara günlük olarak biyomikroskobik muayene yapıldı. Katarakt varlığı ve ilk oluşum zamanları kayıt edildi. Yirmi birinci gün kataraktlı bölge çapları ölçüldü. Ötanazi sonrası lens çıkarılarak kapsüler histopatolojik incelemeler yapıldı. Bulgular: Kontrol grubundaki hiçbir tavşanda katarakt oluşumu gözlenmez iken, 2 ve 3. Gruptaki bütün tav- şanlarda travmatik kataraktın 7. günde başladığı saptandı. Oluşan kataraktların 21. gündeki çapları 2. Grupta ortalama 7,60,5 mm, 3. Grupta ise ortalama 3,40,5 mm idi ve sonuç istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p 0,0001). Sonuç: Günümüze kadar deneysel travmatik katarakt modelleri lens kapsülünün perfore edilmesi ile yapılıyordu. Bu çalışmada, ilk defa kapsül perforasyonu yapmadan travmatik katarakt modeli oluşturuldu. Kullanılan aposinin molekülünün katarakt gelişimini tam olarak engelleyemediği, ancak anlamlı şekilde katarakt progresyonunu azalttığı saptandı.Objective: To create a new traumatic cataract model and to evaluate the effect of Apocynin which is a reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase intibitor on traumatic cataract formation. Material and Methods: Experiments were performed on healthy adult New Zealand rabbits. Twenty one animals were equally assigned to the following 3 Groups: Group 1: Control, Group 2: Central 5 mm anterior capsular area was polished to create cataract (nonperforated) by blunt spatula and monitored without apocynin. Group 3: Central 5 mm anterior capsular area was polished to create cataract (nonperforated) by blunt spatula and intraperitoneal 20 mg/kg/day apocynin was given for 21 days. The animals were examined daily. The presence of cataract and first appearance time of cataract was recorded. Cataract diameters were measured in 21. day. The animals were euthanized and lens was extracted for histopathological examinations. Results: There wasn’t any cataract formation in the control group. Cataract started in all animals in the Group 2 and Group 3 at 7. days. The mean diameters of cataract were 7.60.5 mm in the Group 2 and 3.40.5 mm in the Group 3 at 21. days. The difference was statistically significant (p 0.0001). Conclusion: Experimental models of traumatic cataract have been done by the lens capsule perforation until today. In our study, we created the model of traumatic cataract without capsule perforation for the first time. We found that apocynin couldn’t prevent cataract formation but provided a significant decrease in cataract progression

    Effects of molsidomine on retinal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rabbits

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    Parlakpinar, Hakan/0000-0001-9497-3468; Ozhan, Onural/0000-0001-9018-7849WOS: 000435663500004PubMed: 29323543We investigated the effect of molsidomine (MOL) on ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Rabbits were assigned to four groups: group 1, sham; group 2, I/R; group 3, MOL treatment for 4days after I/R; group 4, MOL treatment for 1 day before I/R and 3days after I/R. Retinal I/R was produced by elevating the intraocular pressure to 150mm Hg for 60min. Seven days after I/R, the eyes were enucleated. Retinal changes were examined using histochemistry. The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) also were measured. We found a significant increase in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer of group 3 compared to the other groups. In groups 3 and 4, caspase-3 stained cells in the ganglion cell layer were decreased compared to group 2. We found a significant increase in caspase-3 stained cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) of group 2 compared to the other groups. We found a significant increase in caspase-3 stained cells in group 3 compared to group 4 in the INL. The MDA level in group 2 was significantly higher than group 1 and MOL significantly decreased MDA levels in groups 3 and 4. We found that MOL protected the retina from I/R injury by enhancing antioxidative effects and inhibiting apoptosis of retinal cells

    The Effect of Sildenafil on Recuperation from Sciatic Nerve Injury in Rats

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    Background: Severe functional and anatomical defects can be detected after the peripheral nerve injury. Pharmacological approaches are preferred rather than surgical treatment in the treatment of nerve injuries. Aims: The aim of this study is to perform histopathological, functional and bone densitometry examinations of the effects of sildenafil on nerve regeneration in a rat model of peripheral nerve crush injury. Study Design: Animal experiment. Methods: The study included a total of thirty adult Sprague-Dawley rats that were divided into three groups of ten rats each. In all rats, a crush injury was created by clamping the right sciatic nerve for one minute. One day before the procedure, rats in group 1 were started on a 28-day treatment consisting of a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight sildenafil citrate given orally via a nasogastric tube, while the rats in group 2 were started on an every-other-day dose of 10 mg/kg body weight sildenafil citrate. Rats from group 3 were not administered any drugs. Forty-two days after the nerve damage was created, functional and histopathological examination of both sciatic nerves and bone densitometric evaluation of the extremities were conducted. Results: During the rotarod test, rats from group 3 spent the least amount of time on the rod compared to the drug treatment groups at speeds of 20 rpm, 30 rpm and 40 rpm. In addition, the duration for which each animal could stay on the rod throughout the accelerod test significantly reduced in rats from group 3 compared to rats from groups 1 and 2 in the 4-min test. For the hot-plate latency time, there were no differences among the groups in either the basal level or after sciatic nerve injury. Moreover, there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of the static sciatic index (SSI) on the 42nd day (p=0.147). The amplitude was better evaluated in group 1 compared to the other two groups (p<0.05). Under microscopic evaluation, we observed the greatest amount of nerve regeneration in group 1 and the lowest in group 3. However, this difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the bone mineral density (BMD) levels among the groups. Conclusion: We believe that a daily single dose of sildenafil plays an important role in the treatment of sciatic nerve damage and bone healing and thus can be used as supportive clinical treatment