429 research outputs found

    Akademiler Üniversiteye Dönüşürken

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    Türkiye'de Akademiler, gerek yasal statüleri ve gerekse programları açısından farklılıklar göstermektedirler. Bazı Akademilerin eğitim-öğretim ve kapasite açısından gösterdikleri gelişim ve büyüme yasalarla desteklenmediği için bu kurumlar güçlüklerle karşılaşmaktadır. Başka bir ifadeyle, bu Akademilerin yasalarındaki gelişim, eğitsel ve fiziki açıdan gelişimlerine yanıt verememiştir. Bir kısım Akademiler de, yeterli öğretim elamanı ve uygun eğitim ortamı hazırlamadan öğretime başladıkları, yasalarında boşluklar oluşu ve bu yasaların günün koşullarına uygun olmayışı nedeniyle fonksiyonlarını yeterince gerçekleştirememişlerdir

    Atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte primer orbita osteoması: olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Osteoma yüzün orta bölümündeki kavite ve kemiklerden oluşan paranasal sinüslerin en sık görülen iyi huylu yavaş büyüyen bir tümörüdür (3). Nadir olarak orbitadan primer olarak köken alır. Bu lezyonlar çoğunlukla hayatın dört ve beşinci dekadlarında gelişir ve özellikle erkeklerde görülür. İngilizce literatürde günümüze kadar sfenoid kemikten orijin alan üç tane primer orbita osteoması bildirilmiştir. Biz atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte olan diğer bir primer orbita osteomasını sunup literatür eşliğinde tartışıyoruz.Osteoma is a benign, slowly growing tumor that mainly occurs in the bones and cavities of the middle third of the face, representing the most frequent benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses (3). It rarely originates primarily from the orbit. Most of these lesions develop in the fourth to fifth decades of life, and are more commonly encountered in males. In the English literature, there are so far three reported cases of primary osteoma of the orbit that originated from the sphenoid bone. Here we present another case of a primary osteoma of the orbit presenting with atypical facial pain and discuss the relevant literature


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    Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant chemical used asa bleach in the textile industry and it is important to remove it from water before being released to the environment. The oxidizing substrate of peroxidase (HRP) enzyme is hydrogen peroxide. In this study, cross-linked aggregates (CLEA) of HRP enzyme were used to remove hydrogen peroxide and glutaraldehyde (GA) was used as a crosslinking agent.When the kinetic constants of the free peroxidase enzyme were calculated, saturation constant was 0,06965 mmol H2O2/L and maximum specific rate constant was found as 0.0232mmol H2O2/L.sec. Average saturation constant, Kmof HRP-CLEA was found as 0,00625 mmol H2O2/L, and average maximum specific rate constant value, Vm, was calculated as 0.0699x10-3 mmol H2O2/L.sec in wastewater without dye. More then 90 % H2O2removal was achieved in 15 minutes with HRP-CLEA. The removal of the wastewater containing H2O2(0.02M) was completed in five minutes.In the scale-up approach, the data was evaluated using the Euler solution algorithm and the H2O2removal in the efficiency factor range where the kinetic constants change was calculated. Assuming the reaction rate changes linearly, the activity variations that will occur during scaling up with the enzyme in aggregate form were determined in the range of 125% -50%, and the industrial-scale design was modelled by taking into account the activity factors. In scaling up, concentrations that will occur in the increased reaction volume have been simulated. The results obtained showed that HRP-CLEAs are more advantageous than free enzyme in terms of time and cost


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    In accordance with the advances in technology, displacement calculation techniquesare ever developing. Photogrammetry has become preferable in some newdisciplines with the advances in the image processing methods. In this study, theauthors have used two different measurement techniques to determine the angles ofrotation in beam-column connections that are subjected to reversible cyclic loading.The first of these is the method that is widely used, the conventional method instructural mechanics experiments, where Linear Variable Differential Transformers(LVDTs) are utilized; and the second is the photogrammetric measurementtechnique. The rotation angles were determined using these techniques in a total often steel beam-column connection experiments. After discussing the test proceduresof the aforementioned methods, the results were presented. It was observed that therotation angles measured by each method were very close to each other. It wasconcluded that the photogrammetric measurement technique could be used as analternative to conventional methods, where electronic LVDTs are used

    Vulvar Pyogenic Granuloma in a Postmenopausal Woman: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction. Although pyogenic granulomas (PG) are common and benign vascular proliferations of the skin and mucous membranes, they are relatively rare on the vulva. Case Presentation. A 57-year-old G7P7 postmenopausal woman presented with a 3-year history of a foul smell and bleeding lesions in the genital region. A gynecologic examination revealed multiple large papillomatous, pedunculated, and lobulated lesions that were cherry-red and infective in appearance. There was a 2-cm lesion at the upper intersection of the labia majora, a 2-cm lesion on the right labium majus, and a 4-cm lesion on the clitoris. The patient complained of itching, and the lesions were asymptomatic, except for occasional bleeding. All lesions were excised and sent for histopathological examination, which revealed an ulcerated polypoidal structure with extensive proliferation of vascular channels lined by a single layer of endothelium. The histopathological features were consistent with PG. Conclusion. The present case is the first case of multiple pyogenic granulomas on the vulva in a postmenopausal woman

    Düzce İli Akçakoca İlçesinin Taşkın ve Rusubat Zararlarından Korunması İçin Kompozit Araç Köprüsü Tasarımı

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    Ulaşım, insanoğlunun geçmişten günümüze en önemli faaliyetlerinin başında gelmektedir. Ulaşım denildiğinde genel olarak mal, insan ve fikirlerin bir yerden diğerine taşınması anlaşılmaktadır. Ulaşım unsurlarının başında da köprüler gelmektedir. Karayolu köprüleri ülkemizde pek araştırılmamış olmakla birlikte literatür sıkıntısı bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Düzce ili Akçakoca ilçesinde yapılan betonarme-çelik (kompozit) araç köprüsü tasarımı ve hesapları yapılmıştır. Hesaplarda AISC ve AASHTO [6] dikkate alınmıştır. Türkiye’deki tüm köprüler değerlendirildiğinde Türkiye’de 2013 yılı itibari ile toplamda 7144 köprüden 6833 tanesi betonarme, 261 tanesi çelik ve 50 tanesi taş köprüdür. Yani 2013 yılı itibari ile ülkemizdeki köprülerin %95.65’i betonarme, %3.65’i çelik ve %0.69’u taş köprüdür. Köprü ayakları istinat duvarı şeklinde betonarme olarak tasarlanmıştır. C20 betonu kullanılmıştır. Köprü taşıyıcı kirişleri çelik profil HE500B ve HE400B olarak tasarlanmıştır. Deprem ve araç yükleri dikkate alınarak SAP2000 yazılımında hesaplar yapılmıştır [7]. Hesaplar sonrasında elemanlarının uygun olduğu, değerleri sağladığı tespit edilerek yerinde uygulanmıştır. Hesaplar detaylı olarak sunulmuştur

    Application of vascular endothelial growth factor at different phases of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion: what are its effects on oxidative stress, inflammation and telomerase activity?

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    Background. Intestinal ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI) represents a great challenge in clinical practice, with high morbidity and mortality. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), asasignal protein, contributes tovasculogenesis and angiogenesis.Objectives. To evaluate the local effectiveness of VEGF following intestinal IRI and its relation with application time.Material and methods. Thirty Wistar albino rats were allocated to5 groups and underwent laparotomy. Thesuperior mesenteric arteries (SMA) were dissected in4 groups, while thecontrol group (GrC) underwent aresection ofsmall and large intestines. The VEGF group (Gr V) received VEGF following SMA dissection, with no further intervention, and theremaining 3 groups were subjected toischemia for 90min through occlusion ofSMA and reperfusion for 4h. Ischemic reperfusion group (Gr I/R) received no additional medication, while theremaining 2 groups received VEGF just before ischemia (Gr V+I/R) and during reperfusion (Gr I/R+V).Results. Both applications of VEGF caused decreases inplasma levels of interleukin6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor ? (TNF-?), intestinal malondialdehyde (MDA), oxidized glutathione, protein carbonyl levels, and increases inintestinal total glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels. Telomerase activity, which disappeared for Gr I/R, was found to be elevated following both treatment groups. Similarly, the histopathological scores were found better for both treatment groups, but Gr V-I/R represented best outcomes.Conclusions. The findings of our study revealed that VEGF, applied either before ischemia or during reperfusion, iseffective onlocal damage following intestinal IRI. Byinterpreting thebiochemical analysis and histopathological findings, we conclude either treatment option to be considered according to the reason of intestinal IRI