578 research outputs found

    The Adverse Impact of Tumor Microenvironment on NK-Cell

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    NK cells are considered an important component of innate immunity, which is the first line of defensing against tumors and viral infections in the absence of prior sensitization. NK cells express an array of germline-encoded receptors, which allow them to eliminate abnormal cells and were previously considered a homogenous population of innate lymphocytes, with limited phenotypic and functional diversity. Although their characteristics are related to their developmental origins, other factors, such as tumors and viral infections, can influence their phenotype. Here, we provide an overview of NK cells in the context of the tumor microenvironment, with a primary focus on their phenotypes, functions, and roles in tumor micro-environment. A comprehensive understanding of NK cells in the tumor microenvironment will provide a theoretical basis for the development of NK cell immunotherapy

    Rho GTPase CDC42 regulates directionality and random movement via distinct MAPK pathways in neutrophils

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    Neutrophil transmigration into tissue is a multiple-step process that results from a coordinated rearrangement of the cytoskeleton and adhesion complexes. Assembly and disassembly of actin and adhesion structures dictate motility behavior, while polarity and gradient sensing provide directionality to the cell movement. Here, using mice deficient in the CDC42 regulator CDC42 GTPase-activating protein (CDC42GAP), we demonstrate that CDC42 activity separately regulates neutrophil motility and directionality. CDC42GAP–/– neutrophils showed increased motility, while directed migration was defective. Podosome-like structures present at the leading edge in wild-type neutrophils were significantly reduced in CDC42GAP–/– cells. CDC42GAP–/– neutrophils also showed increased lateral and tail filopodia-like formation, and excess membrane protrusions. We further suggest that CDC42GAP-mediated extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) activity regulates motility associated with podosome-like structures at the cell leading edge, while CDC42GAP-induced p38MAPK phosphorylation regulates directed migration by antagonizing filopodia assembly. Overall, this study reveals that CDC42 activity regulates both motility and directionality in neutrophils, but via distinct mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways

    Flow cytometric analysis of CK19 expression in the peripheral blood of breast carcinoma patients: relevance for circulating tumor cell detection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR have been widely used for the detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with breast cancer but their specificity is limited. Our purpose is to utilize a convenient and specific technology to detect circulating tumor cells in breast cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine the sensitivity and specificity of our method, A431 cells were serially diluted with human peripheral blood leukocytes and stained with CK19. A total of 73 blood specimens including 25 healthy volunteers and 48 patients with breast carcinoma and benign tumor were tested by flow cytometry to quantify the expression of CK19.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The detectable upper limit of A431 cells was 1 cancer cell among 10<sup>4 </sup>human white blood cells. CK19 was detected in 27% of breast cancer patients but none control gives positive result. The number of cancer cells increased gradually along with the disease stages for it was the least in stage I (0%) and the most in stage IV (1.29%). Fifteen patients were observed during three month chemotherapy after surgery, and most of their CK19 expression levels declined after treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our research convinces that the detection of CK19 in peripheral blood by flow cytometry is also a specific and feasible method to monitor circulating tumor cells in breast cancer.</p

    N-terminus of pro-EMAP II regulates its binding with C-terminus, Arginyl-tRNA Synthetase, and Neurofilament light protein

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    Pro-EMAP II, one component of the Multi-Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase (MSC) Complex, plays multiple roles in physiological and pathological processes of protein translation, signal transduction, immunity, lung development and tumor growth. Recent studies determined that pro-EMAP II has an essential role in maintaining axon integrity in central and peripheral neural systems where deletion of pro-EMAP IIs C-terminus was reported in a consanguineous Israeli Bedouin kindred suffering from Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease. We hypothesized that pro-EMAP IIs N-terminus had an important role in the regulation of protein-protein interactions. Using a GFP reporter system, we defined a putative leucine-zipper in the N-terminus of human pro-EMAP II protein (amino acid residues 1-70), which can form specific strip-like punctate structures. Through GFP punctate analysis, we uncovered that pro-EMAP IIs C-terminus (147-312 amino acid residues) can repress the GFP punctate formation. Pull-down assays confirmed the binding between pro-EMAP II N-terminus and its C-terminus is mediated by a putative leucine-zipper. Furthermore, the pro-EMAP II 1-70 aa region was identified as the binding partner of the arginyl-tRNA synthetase (RARS), a polypeptide of MSC complex. We also determined that the punctate GFP pro-EMAP II 1-70aa aggregate co-localizes and binds to the neurofilament light (NFL) subunit protein that is associated with pathologic neurofilament network disorganization and degeneration of motor neurons. These findings indicate the structure and binding interaction of Pro-EMAP II protein and suggest a role of this protein in the pathological neurodegenerative diseases

    Belowground Bud Bank of Smooth Brome in Response to Mowing Treatments

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    Cell Proliferation and Migration Are Modulated by Cdk-1-Phosphorylated Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II

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    Background: Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide (EMAP II) is a secreted protein with well-established antiangiogenic activities. Intracellular EMAP II expression is increased during fetal development at epithelial/mesenchymal boundaries and in pathophysiologic fibroproliferative cells of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, emphysema, and scar fibroblast tissue following myocardial ischemia. Precise function and regulation of intracellular EMAP II, however, has not been explored to date. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that high intracellular EMAP II suppresses cellular proliferation by slowing progression through the G2M cell cycle transition in epithelium and fibroblast. Furthermore, EMAP II binds to and is phosphorylated by Cdk1, and exhibits nuclear/cytoplasmic partitioning, with only nuclear EMAP II being phosphorylated. We observed that extracellular secreted EMAP II induces endothelial cell apoptosis, where as excess intracellular EMAP II facilitates epithelial and fibroblast cells migration. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings suggest that EMAP II has specific intracellular effects, and that this intracellular function appears to antagonize its extracellular anti-angiogenic effects during fetal development and pulmonary diseas

    Endothelial-monocyte activating polypeptide II disrupts alveolar epithelial type II to type I cell transdifferentiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Distal alveolar morphogenesis is marked by differentiation of alveolar type (AT)-II to AT-I cells that give rise to the primary site of gas exchange, the alveolar/vascular interface. Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide (EMAP) II, an endogenous protein with anti-angiogenic properties, profoundly disrupts distal lung neovascularization and alveolar formation during lung morphogenesis, and is robustly expressed in the dysplastic alveolar regions of infants with Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Determination as to whether EMAP II has a direct or indirect affect on ATII→ATI trans-differentiation has not been explored.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>In a controlled nonvascular environment, an <it>in vitro </it>model of ATII→ATI cell trans-differentiation was utilized to demonstrate the contribution that one vascular mediator has on distal epithelial cell differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we show that EMAP II significantly blocked ATII→ATI cell transdifferentiation by increasing cellular apoptosis and inhibiting expression of ATI markers. Moreover, EMAP II-treated ATII cells displayed myofibroblast characteristics, including elevated cellular proliferation, increased actin cytoskeleton stress fibers and Rho-GTPase activity, and increased nuclear:cytoplasmic volume. However, EMAP II-treated cells did not express the myofibroblast markers desmin or αSMA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate that EMAP II interferes with ATII → ATI transdifferentiation resulting in a proliferating non-myofibroblast cell. These data identify the transdifferentiating alveolar cell as a possible target for EMAP II's induction of alveolar dysplasia.</p

    The CCAAT box-binding transcription factor NF-Y regulates basal expression of human proteasome genes

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    AbstractProtein degradation by the proteasome plays an important role in all major cellular pathways. Aberrant proteasome activity is associated with numerous human diseases including cancer and neurological disorders, but the underlying mechanism is virtually unclear. At least part of the reason for this is due to lack of understanding of the regulation of human proteasome genes. In this study, we found that a large set of human proteasome genes carry the CCAAT box in their promoters. We further demonstrated that the basal expression of these CCAAT box-containing proteasome genes is regulated by the transcription factor NF-Y. Knockdown of NF-YA, an essential subunit of NF-Y, reduced proteasome gene expression and compromised the cellular proteasome activity. In addition, we showed that knockdown of NF-YA sensitized breast cancer cells to the proteasome inhibitor MG132. This study unveils a new role for NF-Y in the regulation of human proteasome genes and suggests that NF-Y may be a potential target for cancer therapy