769 research outputs found

    In Vivo Delivery of Lenti-Cre or Adeno-Cre into Mice Using Intranasal Instillation

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    Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths among both men and women, with a lower rate of survival than both breast and prostate cancer. Development of the Cre/lox system and improved mouse models have allowed researchers to gain a better understanding of human disease, including lung cancer. Through the viral delivery of Cre, gene function in adult mice can be precisely studied at a specific developmental stage or in a specific cell/tissue type of choice. This protocol describes how to produce adenovirus-Cre precipitate. Using this adeno-Cre (or lentivirus-Cre), Cre can be expressed in mouse lungs. The virus is delivered by intranasal instillation

    Strategies to Achieve Conditional Gene Mutation in Mice

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    The laboratory mouse is an ideal model organism for studying disease because it is physiologically similar to human and also because its genome is readily manipulated. Genetic engineering allows researchers to introduce specific loss-of-function or gain-of-function mutations into genes and then to study the resulting phenotypes in an in vivo context. One drawback of using traditional transgenic and knockout mice to study human diseases is that many mutations passed through the germline can profoundly affect development, thus impeding the study of disease phenotypes in adults. New technology has made it possible to generate conditional mutations that can be introduced in a spatially and/ or temporally restricted manner. Mouse strains carrying conditional mutations represent valuable experimental models for the study of human diseases and they can be used to develop strategies for prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this article, we will describe the most widely used DNA recombinase systems used to achieve conditional gene mutation in mouse models and discuss how these systems can be employed in vivo

    Whole-Mount X-Gal Staining of Mouse Tissues

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    Although the development of improved mouse models, including conditional deletions, marks an exciting time in mouse genetics, it is important to characterize and validate these models. Cre reporter strains allow researchers to assess the recombinase expression profile and function in individual Cre mouse lines. These strains are engineered to express a reporter gene (usually LacZ) following the removal of a floxed STOP cassette, thus marking cell lineages that can be targeted with a given Cre line. This protocol provides a detailed method for the histochemical detection of β-galactosidase activity in Cre mouse strains

    Producing and Concentrating Lenti-Cre for Mouse Infections

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    Lentiviral vectors offer versatility as vehicles for gene delivery. They can transduce a wide range of cell types and integrate into the host genome, which results in long-term expression of the transgene (Cre) both in vitro and in vivo. This protocol describes how lentiviral particles are produced, purified, and concentrated

    Computational translation of genomic responses from experimental model systems to humans

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    The high failure rate of therapeutics showing promise in mouse models to translate to patients is a pressing challenge in biomedical science. Though retrospective studies have examined the fidelity of mouse models to their respective human conditions, approaches for prospective translation of insights from mouse models to patients remain relatively unexplored. Here, we develop a semi-supervised learning approach for inference of disease-associated human differentially expressed genes and pathways from mouse model experiments. We examined 36 transcriptomic case studies where comparable phenotypes were available for mouse and human inflammatory diseases and assessed multiple computational approaches for inferring human biology from mouse datasets. We found that semi-supervised training of a neural network identified significantly more true human biological associations than interpreting mouse experiments directly. Evaluating the experimental design of mouse experiments where our model was most successful revealed principles of experimental design that may improve translational performance. Our study shows that when prospectively evaluating biological associations in mouse studies, semi-supervised learning approaches, combining mouse and human data for biological inference, provide the most accurate assessment of human in vivo disease processes. Finally, we proffer a delineation of four categories of model system-to-human "Translation Problems" defined by the resolution and coverage of the datasets available for molecular insight translation and suggest that the task of translating insights from model systems to human disease contexts may be better accomplished by a combination of translation-minded experimental design and computational approaches.Boehringer Ingelheim PharmaceuticalsInstitute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (Grant W911NF-09-0001

    In Vivo Systems Analysis Identifies Spatial and Temporal Aspects of the Modulation of TNF-α-Induced Apoptosis and Proliferation by MAPKs

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    Cellular responses to external stimuli depend on dynamic features of multipathway network signaling; thus, cell behavior is influenced in a complex manner by the environment and by intrinsic properties. Methods of multivariate systems analysis have provided an understanding of these convoluted effects, but only for relatively simplified examples in vitro. To determine whether such approaches could be successfully used in vivo, we analyzed the signaling network that determines the response of intestinal epithelial cells to tumor necrosis factor–α (TNF-α). We built data-driven, partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) models based on signaling, apoptotic, and proliferative responses in the mouse small intestinal epithelium after systemic exposure to TNF-α. The extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) signaling axis was a critical modulator of the temporal variation in apoptosis at different doses of TNF-α and of the spatial variation in proliferation in distinct intestinal regions. Inhibition of MEK, a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase upstream of ERK, altered the signaling network and changed the temporal and spatial phenotypes consistent with model predictions. Our results demonstrate the dynamic, adaptive nature of in vivo signaling networks and identify natural, tissue-level variation in responses that can be deconvoluted only with quantitative, multivariate computational modeling. This study lays a foundation for the use of systems-based approaches to understand how dysregulation of the cellular network state underlies complex diseases.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM088827)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant U54-CA112967

    Comparison of Habitual and Maximal Gait Speed and their Impact on Sarcopenia Quantification in German Nursing Home Residents.

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    OBJECTIVES Sarcopenia is characterized by loss of muscle strength and muscle mass. The EWGSOP2 specifications include physical functioning determination for quantification of the sarcopenia severity. However, there is a lack in the use of habitual and maximal gait speed and their influence on sarcopenia quantification. We hypothesize differences in sarcopenia quantification using habitual and maximal gait speed. METHODS Sixty-six residents from five nursing homes were examined. Habitual and maximal gait speed were measured by 4-meter-walking-Test. McNemar-Test and χ2-test were used to identify quantification differences. Effect sizes of both gait speeds were calculated with Spearman's rank-correlation-coefficient. RESULTS Significant difference was identified for twenty-two residents in physical functioning classification by McNemar-Test (p<.001). χ2-Test identified a significant frequency distribution for sarcopenia categories between both gait speeds (χ2 (df2)=11.215, p=.004; Cramer's V=.412). Significant correlations (p<.05) were only shown for maximal gait speed in variables falls in the last three months (|rs|=.326), Barthel-Index (|rs|=.415), and SARC-F (|rs|=.335). CONCLUSIONS The use of habitual and maximal gait speed has a significant impact on sarcopenia quantification in nursing home residents. An adapted standardization in the EWGSOP2 specifications should follow

    Network analysis of differential Ras isoform mutation effects on intestinal epithelial responses to TNF-α

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is an inflammatory cytokine that can elicit distinct cellular behaviors under different molecular contexts. Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, especially the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) pathway, help to integrate influences from the environmental context, and therefore modulate the phenotypic effect of TNF-α exposure. To test how variations in flux through the Erk pathway modulate TNF-α-elicited phenotypes in a complex physiological environment, we exposed mice with different Ras mutations (K-Ras activation, N-Ras activation, and N-Ras ablation) to TNF-α and observed phenotypic and signaling changes in the intestinal epithelium. Hyperactivation of Mek1, an Erk kinase, was observed in the intestine of mice with K-Ras activation and, surprisingly, in N-Ras null mice. Nevertheless, these similar Mek1 outputs did not give rise to the same phenotype, as N-Ras null intestine was hypersensitive to TNF-α-induced intestinal cell death while K-Ras mutant intestine was not. A systems biology approach applied to sample the network state revealed that the signaling contexts presented by these two Ras isoform mutations were different. Consistent with our experimental data, N-Ras ablation induced a signaling network state that was mathematically predicted to be pro-death, while K-Ras activation did not. Further modeling by constrained Fuzzy Logic (cFL) revealed that N-Ras and K-Ras activate the signaling network with different downstream distributions and dynamics, with N-Ras effects being more transient and diverted more towards PI3K-Akt signaling and K-Ras effects being more sustained and broadly activating many pathways. Our study highlights the necessity to consider both environmental and genomic contexts of signaling pathway activation in dictating phenotypic responses, and demonstrates how modeling can provide insight into complex in vivo biological mechanisms, such as the complex interplay between K-Ras and N-Ras in their downstream effects.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM088827)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (U54-CA112967)United States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies Grant W911NF-09-D-000
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